Current jobs related to Sales Advisor - Denpasar - PT Elabram Systems
Beauty Advisor
1 week ago
Denpasar, Indonesia Sinergi Performa Cipta Full time**Bersedia mobile di 4 tempat ini**: - Watson Seminyak Bali - Watson Discovery Shopping Mall - Watson Level 21 Bali - Watson Trans Studio Bali **Kualifikasi**: - Perempuan - Usia 18 - 28 tahun - Penampilan rapi - Pendidikan SLTA Sederajat / Diploma / Sarjana - Dapat berkomunikasi secara baik dan lancar - Mempunyai pengalaman sebagai Beauty Advisor / Sales...
Sales Advisor Denpasar
2 weeks ago
Denpasar, Indonesia PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk Full timeMelakukan aktivitas branding, selling, promosi, dan _campaign _untuk menarik konsumen baru melalui sosial media - Melakukan pelayanan kepada konsumen yang datang ke cabang untuk pengajuan pembiayaan - Melakukan penawaran produk pembiayaan kepada konsumen yang datang ke cabang - Memproses pemberkasan dan penginputan data konsumen yang mengajukan...
Beauty Advisor
7 days ago
Denpasar, Indonesia Sinergi Performa Cipta Full timeGaji: 3.500.000 dipotong BPJS BPJS Insentif **Bersedia mobile di 4 tempat ini**: - Watson Seminyak Bali - Watson Discovery Shopping Mall - Watson Level 21 Bali - Watson Trans Studio Bali **Kualifikasi**: - Perempuan - Usia 18 - 28 tahun - Penampilan rapi - Pendidikan SLTA Sederajat / Diploma / Sarjana - Dapat berkomunikasi secara baik dan lancar -...
Beauty Advisor
4 weeks ago
Denpasar, Indonesia PT Sant Group Indonesia Full timeMemperkenalkan, menawarkan dan menjual produk parfum kepada customer. - Mencapai target penjualan individu dan store. - Melakukan transaksi pembelian pelanggan (kasir) dan bertanggung jawab terhadap seluruh transaksi yang dilakukan. - Mencatat stok barang yang masuk dan keluar. - Menata dan merapikan stok ke display dan rak. - Melakukan stock opname. -...
Quality Control Advisor
3 weeks ago
Denpasar, Indonesia Marriott Vacations Worldwide Full time**JOB SUMMARY** Contribute to the success of the organization and site by effectively using Quality Control Advisor processes. The role is to use their experience to provide recommendations based on individual needs and preferences of each potential owner and follow through with the Quality Control Advisor contract process to ensure that all required...
Quality Control Advisor Ii Idn
4 weeks ago
Denpasar, Indonesia Marriott Vacations Worldwide Full timeJOB SUMMARY The Quality Control Advisor II’s responsibilities include ensuring the Gallery Sales Team attains defined sales targets; financial and fiscal management; recruitment, development and retention of Sales Gallery Associates; external and internal customer satisfaction; and maintaining a positive community relationship. The key management...
Sales Advisor
4 weeks ago
Denpasar, Indonesia PT Swapro International Malang Full time**Kualifikasi** - Wanita maksimal 35 Tahun - Pendidikan mínimal SMA/SMK - Berpenampilan menarik, komunikatif dan persuasif - Berpengalaman di dunia otomotif menjadi nilai plus **JOBDESK** - Mencari prospek customer yang akan membeli produk perusahaan (Mobil) - Menawarkan produk (Mobil) kepada Customer - Melakukan Negosiasi - Membangun relasi dengan pihak...
Sales Advisor
2 weeks ago
Denpasar, Indonesia OLXmobbi Full timeMencapai target penjualan - Mencari prospek customer yang melakukan pembelian mobil - Follow up prospek dengan benar di sistem - Melakukan negosiasi dengan customer - Membantu proses delivery ke customer - Handling complaint - Memberikan infromasi yang benar dan akurat secara cepat kepada customer berkaitan dengan proses penjualan - Merespon chat dari...
Sales Executive
3 weeks ago
Denpasar, Indonesia Marriott Vacations Worldwide Full time**Building and Maintaining Customer Base** - Answer owner questions regarding use of properties and location amenities; make recommendations given the background information obtained on the owner through discovery. - Follow up on referrals/leads from owners. - Fulfill requests from owners or prospects regarding pricing, property maps, property descriptions,...
Vacation Advisor Idn
3 weeks ago
Denpasar, Indonesia Marriott Vacations Worldwide Full timeAssisting 'live' verification for bookings submitted from Package/Day Teams. - Responsible for slot allocations and schedules. - Perform Quality Assurance checks during verification calls to eliminate incident reports. - Daily duties include handling customer service hotline for hotel reservations or enquiries for non-members and assist to resolve any...
Vacation Advisor Idn
2 weeks ago
Denpasar, Indonesia Marriott Vacations Worldwide Full timeAssisting 'live' verification for bookings submitted from Package/Day Teams. - Responsible for slot allocations and schedules. - Perform Quality Assurance checks during verification calls to eliminate incident reports. - Daily duties include handling customer service hotline for hotel reservations or enquiries for non-members and assist to resolve any...
International Sales Executive
2 weeks ago
Denpasar, Indonesia Marriott Vacations Worldwide Full time**Job Description Summary** - Contribute to the success of the organization and sales distribution site by effectively using sales techniques and processes to convert prospective owners into purchasers as well as reload Owners. Develop relationships with prospective owners by soliciting and following up on referrals and leads. Cater the sales experience to...
Strategic Network Advisor
2 days ago
Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia INSEMACO Recruiting & Executive Search Full timeJoin Our Dynamic Team at INSECOGOWe are a global network of professionals who are passionate about delivering high-quality results in partnership with our clients.As a Global Network Partner, you will have the opportunity to work with our team to develop new business opportunities and contribute to the growth and development of our organization.Your Key...
Financial Advisor Bank Swasta Terkenal
2 weeks ago
Denpasar, Indonesia PT SAPTA SINERGI SOURCINDO Full timeBANK MAS!!! Penempatan di Denpasar Kualifikasi: - Pendidikan mínimal SMA/K/D3/S1 - Pengalaman Marketing/ Sales mikro/Account officer/Banking leasing - Wanita/ Pria Maksimal umur 35 tahun mempunyai kendaraan bermotor - Jujur & berintegritas - BI Checking/Slik lancar - Bisa memenuhi target kunjungan nasabah & monitoring terhadap kredit nasabah Minat kirim...
Vacation Planner
3 weeks ago
Denpasar, Indonesia Marriott Vacations Worldwide Full time**Building and Maintaining Customer Base** - Answers owner questions regarding use of properties and location amenities; make recommendations given the background information obtained on the owner through discovery. - Fulfills requests from owners or prospective owner regarding pricing, property maps, property descriptions, room locations, and...
Vacation Planner
2 weeks ago
Denpasar, Indonesia Marriott Vacations Worldwide Full time**Building and Maintaining Customer Base** - Answers owner questions regarding use of properties and location amenities; make recommendations given the background information obtained on the owner through discovery. - Fulfills requests from owners or prospective owner regarding pricing, property maps, property descriptions, room locations, and...
Account Officer Bali
1 week ago
Denpasar, Indonesia Trimegah Sekuritas Indonesia Full timeIdentify potential new clients and market our services to them. - Manage a portfolio of clients and build strong relationships with them. - Manage a portfolio of clients and build strong relationships with them. - Assist in processing client transactions, including buying and selling securities and other investment products. - Ensure accuracy and...
Sales Advisor
4 weeks ago
Melakukan Penjualan Unit Ke Customer
- Melakukan Negosiasi Dengan Customer
- Menjaga Hubungan Baik Dengan Customer
- Membuat Laporan Untuk Diserahkan Ke Manager
- Menjaga Area Kerja Agar Tetap Bersih
- Pengalaman Min 2 Tahun Di Bagian Sales
- Mempunyai Negosiasi Yang Baik
- Ramah Dengan Customer
- Tech Savvy (Bisa Mengoperasikan Smart Phone)
- Mengerti Tentang Otomotif (Khususnya Mobil)
Jenis Pekerjaan: Kontrak
Panjang kontrak: 3 bulan