Current jobs related to Rtfm (Contact Center) - Yogyakarta - PT. Infomedia Nusantara
Rtfm (Contact Center)
3 weeks ago
Yogyakarta, Indonesia PT. Infomedia Nusantara Full timePersyaratan: - Min D3 & min IPK 3.0 - Max 27 tahun - **Wajib** menguasai maintenance Service Level "**Call Center**" **(selain itu tidak akan di terima)**: - **Mengerti **system, excel, report **(selain itu tidak akan di terima)**: - **Wajib** pengalaman RTFM CALL CENTER **(selain itu tidak akan di terima)**: - Menguasai Microsoft Office - Good...
Desk Control/ Rtfm
3 weeks ago
Yogyakarta, Indonesia PT Infomedia Nusantara Full timePersyaratan & Ketentuan: a. Minimal pendidikan D3 b. Usia max. 30 tahun. c. IPK min. 2.75. d. Gender: laki - laki & perempuan e. Sehat jasmani dan rohani f. Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman bekerja di _Call Center, sebagai Desk Control Contact Center/ RTFM Voice mínimal 1 tahun atau sebagai agent/ SPV Contact Center mínimal 2 tahun._ g. Mampu berbahasa...
Operational Manager Contact Center
3 weeks ago
Yogyakarta, Indonesia PT. Infomedia Nusantara (Telkom Group) Full timePersyaratan: 1. Usia Max 38th 2. Pengalaman SPV Call Center Min 1th 3. Pengalaman Operational Manager Contact Center Minimal 1th 4. Min. S1 5. Min. IPK 3.00 6. Good Interpersonal & Motivasi Tinggi 7. Strong Leadership & Kritis 8. Mengerti workflow operational & bisnis Contact Center 9. Mampu melakukan evaluasi dan development Penempatan Kerja di...
Contact Center
20 hours ago
Yogyakarta, Indonesia convergence Full timeThe Contact Center consists of: - Customer Service - Desk Collection - Validation Officer - Telemarketing - Content Moderators **Requirements**: - Male/Female - Max 28th D3/S1 (Fresh Graduate Are Welcome) - SMA (Have 1 year experienced) - Willing to work shifting - Willing to be placed in Yogyakarta You can choose the position you want. Jenis...
Contact Center English
4 weeks ago
Yogyakarta, Indonesia PT. Infomedia Nusantara (Telkom Group) Full timeRequirements: 1. Min D3 all Major 2. Max 30yo 3. Experienced in service / contact center industry will a great advantage 4. Fluent in English ( in Conversation ) Benefits follow. **Job Type**: Contract Contract length: 12 months **Salary**: Rp2,977,920 - Rp4,890,258 per month **Education**: - D1-D4 (preferred) **Experience**: - Perbankan / Banking:...
Contact Center Asuransi Kesehatan Milik Negara
3 weeks ago
Yogyakarta, Indonesia PT. Infomedia Nusantara (Telkom Group) Full time**Requirements**: **-Diutamakan laki-laki** - Fresh Graduate silahkan mendaftar (Berpengalaman menjadi nilai tambah) - Min IPK 2.8 (Skala 4) - Max 30 Tahun - Min Pendidikan S1 (Sarjana) semua jurusan - Bahasa Inggris aktif ( menjadi nilai tambah ) / Bahasa Indonesia Silahkan mendaftar. - _**Inbound Contact Center**_ - Shifting **Job Types**: Full-time,...
Contact Center Banking
4 weeks ago
Yogyakarta, Indonesia Teleperformance Full timeRequirement: - Minimal pendidikan D3. - IPK mínimal 2.75. - Lulusan baru dipersilahkan melamar. - Tidak terlibat narkoba atau pelanggaran hukum lainnya. - Sehat jasmani (selain permintaan khusus seperti disable) dan rohani. - Bersedia bekerja dalam SHIFTING (termasuk hari libur dan hari raya). - Ramah dan mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik. - Bahasa Inggris...
Wfm Call Center
3 weeks ago
Yogyakarta, Indonesia PT Infomedia Nusantara Full timeWAJIB PENGALAMAN WFM/ ROSTER CALL CENTER 1. Mengolah data dari system untuk melakukan pemantauan dan analisa secara harian terhadap roster yang telah dibuat dengan berkoordinasi dengan Layanan QA Area, SPV (paraf/Approval) 2. Membuat schedule Agent sesuai instruksi atasan 3. Filling data Operasional Layanan 4. Analyzing data related to traffic call 5....
Contact Center Perbankan English
4 weeks ago
Yogyakarta, Indonesia PT. Infomedia Nusantara (Telkom Group) Full timePersyaratan: - Male/ Female - **English Active**: - Call Center & Service experienced - Fresh graduate May apply - Min GPA 2.8 (Scale 4) - Max 30 Years Old - Handling inquiry, complain and request from customer - Giving solution - Servicing with patient and pleasureJob - Ready Shifting **Job Types**: Full-time, Contract Contract length: 12...
Team Leader Contact Center
3 days ago
Yogyakarta, Indonesia PT. Swakarya Insan Mandiri (SIMGROUP) Full timeGraduate Minimum S1 any major, from reputable university GPA 3.0 - Minimum 2 years of experiences as Team Leader Data Entry with background industry on e-commerce/telecommunications/ride hailing - Understand manage floor / real time floor management,4. Prefer to understand Dynamic365, Salesforce tools - Understand of GS metrics - Understand troubleshooting...
Contact Center Perbankan
1 week ago
Yogyakarta, Indonesia PT. Mitracomm Ekasarana Full timeJob Description = - Laki-laki/ Perempuan - Maksimal usia 35 th - Minimal pendidikaan S1 - Pengalaman perbankan menjadi nilai tambah - Memiliki kemampuan bahasa inggris menjadi nilai tambah - Bersedia Shifting Penempatan = Yogyakarta job desc: - Handle compline dari customer Jenis Pekerjaan: Paruh Waktu Jumlah jam yang diharapkan: 40 per minggu
QA - Customer Services (English) - Yogyakarta
4 weeks ago
Yogyakarta, Indonesia Agent&Co Full timeRequirement: 1. Have minimum D3 Education and experience as QA/QC in contact center min 1 year; 2. Fluent in English, details oriented, initiative, have good analytical thinking and good communication skills; 3. Collaborative and target oriented. Jenis Pekerjaan: Penuh Waktu Pengalaman: - QA/QC in Contact Center: 1 tahun (Diutamakan) Bahasa: - English...
Agent Contact Center Priority
4 weeks ago
Yogyakarta, Indonesia Asia Outsourcing Services Full timeDeskripsi Pekerjaan: - Melayani serta menangani keluhan customer prioritas perbankan serta menjawab pertanyaan dengan efisien dan efektif. Kualifikasi yang di butuhkan: - Laki-laki / Perempuan - Usia maks. 30 tahun - Pendidikan mínimal D3 semua jurusan (IPK min. 2,75) - Pengalaman mínimal 2 Thn dibidang Customer Service - Bersedia bekerja shift 24 jam -...
Team Leader Contact Center
2 weeks ago
Yogyakarta, Indonesia PT. Swakarya Insan Mandiri Full timeGraduate Minimum S1 any major, from reputable university GPA 3.0 Minimum 2 years of experiences as Team Leader Data Entry with background industry on e-commerce/telecommunications/ride hailing Excellent GS Skills: - Understand manage floor / real time floor management, - Prefer to understand Dynamic365, Salesforce - Understand of GS metrics - Understand...
Customer Care
4 weeks ago
Yogyakarta, Indonesia PT. Mitracomm Ekasarana Full timeLaki-laki/ perempuan - usia max 28 th - Pend S1 ipk 3.00 - Memiliki pengalaman di bidang contact center 6 bln - Bisa b.ingg menjadi nilai plus - Berkepribadian baik, customer oriented - Menyukai kemampuan komunkasi Jenis Pekerjaan: Kontrak Gaji: Rp2.324.776 - Rp2.800.000 per bulan
Customer Service English
4 weeks ago
Yogyakarta, Indonesia convergence Full timeJob Description: - Providing customers with the organizations service and product information. - Excellent customer service, focused on all enquiries and provided services. - Coordinate to related departments for solving the issues. - Keep records and up-to-date logs of your conversations on our contact center database system. Job Requirements: - Fluent...
English Contact Center Maskapai Penerbangan
4 weeks ago
Yogyakarta, Indonesia PT Infomedia Nusantara Full timePernyaratan: 1. Max 30th ketika mendaftar 2. Min D3 semua Jurusan 3. Memiliki pengalaman dibidang pelayanan (Termasuk Freelance dan Parttime) & Marketing (Crosseling/ Upselling) 4. Bersedia Bergabung dalam waktu cepat (Jika dibutuhkan) 5. Penempatan di Jogja 6 **WAJIB BISA BAHASA INGGRIS (WRITEN & SPOKEN)** **Job Types**: Full-time, Contract Contract...
English Contact Center Banking
3 days ago
Yogyakarta, Indonesia Teleperformance Full timeMinimum Diploma (Completed studies, not currently in the process of studying) - Minimum GPA 2.75 for Diploma and Bachelor, not currently in the process of studying - Excellent written and verbal communication skills in ENGLISH is Must - Minimum EFSET Score B1 (will be tested on recruitment process) - Fresh graduate are welcome - Flexible for SHIFTING...
Customer Service English
4 weeks ago
Yogyakarta, Indonesia convergence Full timeJob Description: - Providing customers with the organizations service and product information. - Excellent customer service, focused on all enquiries and provided services. - Coordinate to related departments for solving the issues. - Keep records and up-to-date logs of your conversations on our contact center database system. Job Requirements: - Fluent...
Customer Care
4 weeks ago
Yogyakarta, Indonesia PT. Mitracomm Ekasarana Full timePria & Wanita - Usia maks 28 th - Pendidikan min S1 IPK 3.00 - Memiliki pengalaman di bidang contact center mínimal 6 bulan - Bisa berbahasa inggris menjadi nilai plus - Berkepribadian baik, dan customer oriented - Mempunyai kemampuan komunikasi, persuasive, negosiasi, dan inisiatif Jenis Pekerjaan: Kontrak Gaji: Rp2.324.776 - Rp2.700.000 per bulan

Rtfm (Contact Center)
1 month ago
Min D3 & min IPK 3.0
- Max 38 tahun
- **Wajib** menguasai maintenance Service Level "**Call Center**" **(selain itu tidak akan di terima)**:
- **Mengerti **system, excel, report **(selain itu tidak akan di terima)**:
- **Wajib** pengalaman RTFM CALL CENTER **(selain itu tidak akan di terima)**:
- Menguasai Microsoft Office
- Good attitude
- Good team work
- Kemampuan analisa yang kuat
- Penempatan Semarang atau Yogyakarta
Jenis Pekerjaan: Penuh Waktu, Kontrak
Panjang kontrak: 12 bulan
Gaji: Dari Rp4.012.005 per bulan
- RTFM: 1 tahun (Diwajibkan)