Kompas Gramedia Visibility Public
5 days ago
Kompas Gramedia, through its more than 50 years of history, is striving for one goal: enlightening and empowering Indonesia. To ensure that we are able to serve the nation for another 50 years, we are undergoing a digital transformation; strengthening and expanding our solid business pillars by developing new digital business initiatives.
Our vision is to enlight all the people in Indonesia with all the knowledge we have.
Melakukan pemilihan shot dalam produksi video.
Menyunting atau mengumpulkan video yang sudah diambil maupun direkam.
Menyusun ulang potongan rekaman video sesuai dengan naskah atau skenario.
Memotong video sesuai dengan durasi.
Menyusun ulang potongan video yang telah disesuaikan dengan durasi.
Terbuka untuk Fresh Graduate S1 (Journalism/ Komunikasi/ DKV/ Multimedia)
Mampu mengoperasikan software editing video (Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effect, dan Photoshop)
Mahir adalam pengoperasian alat kamera serta studio
Tertarik bekerja di bidang jurnalistik
Penempatan di Palmerah, Jakarta Pusat
Kompas Gramedia Visibility Public
5 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeKompas Gramedia, through its more than 50 years of history, is striving for one goal: enlightening and empowering Indonesia. To ensure that we are able to serve the nation for another 50 years, we are undergoing a digital transformation; strengthening and expanding our solid business pillars by developing new digital business initiatives. Our vision is to...
Kompas Gramedia Visibility Public
3 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeKompas Gramedia, through its more than 50 years of history, is striving for one goal: enlightening and empowering Indonesia. To ensure that we are able to serve the nation for another 50 years, we are undergoing a digital transformation; strengthening and expanding our solid business pillars by developing new digital business initiatives. Our vision is to...
Kompas Gramedia Visibility Public
3 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeKompas Gramedia, through its more than 50 years of history, is striving for one goal: enlightening and empowering Indonesia. To ensure that we are able to serve the nation for another 50 years, we are undergoing a digital transformation; strengthening and expanding our solid business pillars by developing new digital business initiatives. Our vision is to...
Kompas Gramedia Visibility Public
3 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeKompas Gramedia, through its more than 50 years of history, is striving for one goal: enlightening and empowering Indonesia. To ensure that we are able to serve the nation for another 50 years, we are undergoing a digital transformation; strengthening and expanding our solid business pillars by developing new digital business initiatives. Our vision is to...
Kompas Gramedia Visibility Public
3 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeKompas Gramedia, through its more than 50 years of history, is striving for one goal: enlightening and empowering Indonesia. To ensure that we are able to serve the nation for another 50 years, we are undergoing a digital transformation; strengthening and expanding our solid business pillars by developing new digital business initiatives. Our vision is to...
Kompas Gramedia Visibility Public
3 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeKompas Gramedia, through its more than 50 years of history, is striving for one goal: enlightening and empowering Indonesia. To ensure that we are able to serve the nation for another 50 years, we are undergoing a digital transformation; strengthening and expanding our solid business pillars by developing new digital business initiatives. Our vision is to...
Kompas Gramedia Visibility Public
3 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeKompas Gramedia, through its more than 50 years of history, is striving for one goal: enlightening and empowering Indonesia. To ensure that we are able to serve the nation for another 50 years, we are undergoing a digital transformation; strengthening and expanding our solid business pillars by developing new digital business initiatives. Our vision is to...
Discovery Analyst at Chr Kompas Gramedia
3 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeKompas Gramedia, through its more than 50 years of history, is striving for one goal: enlightening and empowering Indonesia. To ensure that we are able to serve the nation for another 50 years, we are undergoing a digital transformation; strengthening and expanding our solid business pillars by developing new digital business initiatives. Our vision is to...
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeCollaborate with other team members to create the best visual/graphic design that is most suitable for stakeholder's needs. - Responsible for creating creative visual for planned content in Kognisi/Growth Center. - Responsible for creating visual/graphic design that will be assigned by Project Coordinator - Minimum Qualifications: Any kind of degree is...
Secretary Gramedia X Kadokawa
3 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeKompas Gramedia, through its more than 50 years of history, is striving for one goal: enlightening and empowering Indonesia. To ensure that we are able to serve the nation for another 50 years, we are undergoing a digital transformation; strengthening and expanding our solid business pillars by developing new digital business initiatives. Our vision is to...
Store Superintendent Gramedia Pejaten
4 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeKompas Gramedia, through its more than 50 years of history, is striving for one goal: enlightening and empowering Indonesia. To ensure that we are able to serve the nation for another 50 years, we are undergoing a digital transformation; strengthening and expanding our solid business pillars by developing new digital business initiatives. Our vision is to...
Senior Product
2 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeResponsible for analyzing Kompas assets, develop programs and events owned by Kompas, conduct forecasting and gap analysis, as well as providing recommendations regarding market trends for revenue business models. Developing Kompas products to make always in line with market needs and able to achieve Kompas revenue targets. **Responsibilities**: Development...
Store Superintendent Gramedia Gandaria City
3 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeMendorong penjualan dan meningkatkan produktivitas ruang jual melalui active selling dan B2B - Melakukan kegiatan dan aktivitas penjualan digital - Memastikan operasional toko berjalan dengan lancar, antara lain mengatur jadwal karyawan, memastikan kesiapan sistem operasional, mengontrol ketersediaan produk dan kerapihan display, melakukan perubahan display...
Public Relation Gorp
3 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeMerencanakan, mengembangkan, dan menerapkan strategi komunikasi perusahaan - Memelihara hubungan dengan wakil-wakil komunitas, konsumen kunci, dan kelompok kepentingan umum yang dianggap penting untuk menjaga jalur komunikasi untuk tujuan citra positif perusahaan - Membuat engagement event atau activity, seperti partnership, community relation, media...
Graphic Designer Phoenix Gramedia Indonesia
3 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeIllustrating concepts by creating rough drafts of illustrations and copy text - Combining elements of art, visuals, and language in a design to convey a message - Optimizing the use of design elements, layout, and technical processes - Preparing image assets for motion (animation) purposes - Keeping up with current trends of comic and anime to support...
Comic Editor Phoenix Gramedia Indonesia
3 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeReview komik/light novel Jepang untuk diterbitkan, - Memeriksa kesesuaian cerita dengan target pembaca dan genre komik - Mengoreksi kesalahan tata bahasa, ejaan, dan tanda baca - Memberikan masukan konstruktif untuk memperbaiki alur cerita, karakter, dan dialog - Koordinasi dengan penerjemah - Minimum Qualifications: Lulusan S1, diutamaka Satra Jepang -...
Social Media Youtube Officer at Kompas.id
2 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeMelakukan monitoring terhadap operasional Youtube channel Harian Kompas - Mengoptimalkan SEO Youtube channel mulai dari judul video, deskripsi, tag, serta thumbnails untuk meningkatkan visibility - Secara aktif melakukan monitoring dan merespon komen, pertanyaan, hingga feedback untuk membangun engagement dengan subscribers - Mengembangkan strategi dalam...
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeKompas Gramedia, through its more than 50 years of history, is striving for one goal: enlightening and empowering Indonesia. To ensure that we are able to serve the nation for another 50 years, we are undergoing a digital transformation; strengthening and expanding our solid business pillars by developing new digital business initiatives. Our vision is to...
Learning & Development Analyst
3 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeLearning & Development Analyst will be working for Kognisi (Kompas Gramedia Learning & Insights) part of Growth Center Kompas Gramedia, focusing on helping people to grow to be the best version of themselves. The responsibilities are: Creating relevant learning solution model to KG employees and any external stakeholders. Designing learning journey to...
Store Superintendent Gramedia Emporium Pluit
4 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeMendorong penjualan dan meningkatkan produktivitas ruang jual melalui active selling dan B2B - Melakukan kegiatan dan aktivitas penjualan digital - Memastikan operasional toko berjalan dengan lancar, antara lain mengatur jadwal karyawan, memastikan kesiapan sistem operasional, mengontrol ketersediaan produk dan kerapihan display, melakukan perubahan display...