Comic Editor Phoenix Gramedia Indonesia
1 week ago
Review komik/light novel Jepang untuk diterbitkan,
- Memeriksa kesesuaian cerita dengan target pembaca dan genre komik
- Mengoreksi kesalahan tata bahasa, ejaan, dan tanda baca
- Memberikan masukan konstruktif untuk memperbaiki alur cerita, karakter, dan dialog
- Koordinasi dengan penerjemah
- Minimum Qualifications: Lulusan S1, diutamaka Satra Jepang
- Menguasai EYD, teknik penulisan dan tata bahasa Indonesia (kemampuan mengedit naskah sesuai Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan)
- Suka membaca novel dan memiliki pengalaman sebagai editor
- Bersedia bekerja dalam tim dan deadline yang ketat
- Kemampuan JLPT (uji kemampuan Bahasa Jepang) mínimal N3
Kompas Gramedia, through its more than 50 years of history, is striving for one goal: enlightening and empowering Indonesia. To ensure that we are able to serve the nation for another 50 years, we are undergoing a digital transformation; strengthening and expanding our solid business pillars by developing new digital business initiatives. Our vision is to enlight all the people in Indonesia with all the knowledge we have.
Graphic Designer Phoenix Gramedia Indonesia
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeIllustrating concepts by creating rough drafts of illustrations and copy text - Combining elements of art, visuals, and language in a design to convey a message - Optimizing the use of design elements, layout, and technical processes - Preparing image assets for motion (animation) purposes - Keeping up with current trends of comic and anime to support...
Kol Officer Phoenix Gramedia Indonesia
3 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeIdentifying KOLs: Find and categorize influential individuals in various industries or communities - Building Relationships: Reach out to KOLs, foster connections, and understand their interests - Negotiation: Negotiate partnership agreements, compensation terms, and deliverables with KOLs to ensure mutual benefit - Partnership Development: Collaborate with...
Gramedia Pustaka Utama Copy Editor Non Fiksi
3 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeMembantu para penulis mengembangkan ide naskah buku hingga buku siap terbit - Menjalin relasi dan berkomunikasi dengan berbagai pihak - Membantu proses promosi baik secara offline dan online (melalui berbagai media sosial) - Minimum Qualifications: Lulusan S1, IPK Min. 3,00 - Menguasai EYD V - Berpengalaman sebagai editor buku dan suka membaca buku...
E Commerce Specialist Phoenix Gramedia Indonesia
3 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeThe E-Commerce Manager is responsible for developing, implementing, and managing the company's online sales strategies to achieve business goals. This role involves overseeing website operations, optimizing online marketing campaigns, driving traffic, and ensuring a seamless customer experience. - Minimum Qualifications: Bachelor degree from any major - Has...
Assistant Editor Gramedia Edukasi
4 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeMelakukan pencarian dan riset naskah berdasarkan analisis tren pasar dan data penjualan buku di Indonesia. - Mengedit naskah agar sesuai dengan isi, Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan (EYD), dan gaya bahasa yang relevan. - Mengembangkan ide cerita atau konten dengan mempertahankan daya tarik bagi pembaca tanpa menghilangkan esensi asli naskah. - Bekerjasama dengan tim...
Assistant Editor Nasional
4 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeAs Assistant Editor you will help the Editor to: - Developing and editing news related to law, politics, policy trends and/or issues. - Edit news articles for grammar, clarity, accuracy, and style. - Responsible for reporters' assignments. - Provide feedback and suggestions to reporters on their articles. - Minimum Qualifications: Have minimum of 5 years...
Pgi Finance
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeRecord and prepare accurate financial reports. Record and prepare tax reports in compliance with current regulations. Handle daily accounting tasks and maintain accurate financial records. Manage banking transactions and reconciliations. Ensure all financial activities comply with local laws and internal policies. Minimum Qualifications: Bachelor’s...
Ecommerce QA Specialist Pgi
4 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeDefine and prioritize the product roadmap, features, and backlog based on business needs and customer feedback. Identify website issues/bugs that needs maintenance in Indonesia ECommerce website and coordinate with Product Owner to resolve issues Receive issues from customer service team, and coordinate with Product Owner to resolve any issues (including...
Store Supervisor
3 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeBertanggungjawab terhadap pengelolaan operasional toko Gramedia, serta melakukan analisa pasar dan strategi pemasaran produk untuk mencapai target penjualan dan laba bagi toko Pendidikan mínimal Sarjana (semua jurusan) Menjadi nilai tambah jika memiliki pengalaman kerja di dunia retail Memiliki kemampuan digital selling Memiliki komunikasi yang baik, dan...
Freelance Copy Editor Novel
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeKompas Gramedia, through its more than 50 years of history, is striving for one goal: enlightening and empowering Indonesia. To ensure that we are able to serve the nation for another 50 years, we are undergoing a digital transformation; strengthening and expanding our solid business pillars by developing new digital business initiatives. Our vision is to...
Digital Video Editor at Kompastv
3 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeEdit video-on-demand (VOD) for digital KompasTV, including breaking news, feature stories, and special segments. - Edit video-on-demand (VOD) original content digital KompasTV. - Work closely with producers and other team members to understand the vision and requirements. - Ensure that all edited content meets the company's standards for quality and...
Graphic Designer Gramedia Edukasi
4 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeMelakukan rancangan panduan layout dan tipografi untuk konten dalam buku. - Melakukan pengeditan atau retouch pada gambar. - Menyiapkan dokumen untuk permohonan nomor ISBN. - Mendesain cover buku. - Melakukan pembuatan iklan sebagai tambahan dalam isi buku. - Mengunggah file ke dalam Sistem Informasi Penerbitan (PIS) dan menyimpannya di Arsip. - Minimum...
Secretary Gramedia X Kadokawa
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeKompas Gramedia, through its more than 50 years of history, is striving for one goal: enlightening and empowering Indonesia. To ensure that we are able to serve the nation for another 50 years, we are undergoing a digital transformation; strengthening and expanding our solid business pillars by developing new digital business initiatives. Our vision is to...
Kompas Gramedia Visibility Public
3 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeKompas Gramedia, through its more than 50 years of history, is striving for one goal: enlightening and empowering Indonesia. To ensure that we are able to serve the nation for another 50 years, we are undergoing a digital transformation; strengthening and expanding our solid business pillars by developing new digital business initiatives. Our vision is to...
Discovery Analyst at Chr Kompas Gramedia
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeKompas Gramedia, through its more than 50 years of history, is striving for one goal: enlightening and empowering Indonesia. To ensure that we are able to serve the nation for another 50 years, we are undergoing a digital transformation; strengthening and expanding our solid business pillars by developing new digital business initiatives. Our vision is to...
Store Superintendent Gramedia Gandaria City
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeMendorong penjualan dan meningkatkan produktivitas ruang jual melalui active selling dan B2B - Melakukan kegiatan dan aktivitas penjualan digital - Memastikan operasional toko berjalan dengan lancar, antara lain mengatur jadwal karyawan, memastikan kesiapan sistem operasional, mengontrol ketersediaan produk dan kerapihan display, melakukan perubahan display...
Reporter Money
4 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full time**Job Descriptions**: - Conduct interviews, attend events, and gather information to develop story ideas. - Writing & reporting news related to economic trends and/or issues. - Collaborate with editors to refine and improve content before publication. **Minimum Qualifications: Job Requirements**: - Having 1 years as money reporter is a plus, fresh...
Store Superintendent Gramedia Matraman
3 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeMemantau kegiatan operasional toko, mengendalikan persediaan produk, serta mengusahakan pencapaian target penjualan dan target laba bagi toko - Mendorong penjualan dan meningkatkan produktivitas ruang jual melalui active selling dan B2B Melakukan kegiatan dan aktivitas penjualan digital - Menjalankan fungsi SPI (Sistem Pengendalian Internal) - Memberikan...
Kompas Gramedia Visibility Public
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeKompas Gramedia, through its more than 50 years of history, is striving for one goal: enlightening and empowering Indonesia. To ensure that we are able to serve the nation for another 50 years, we are undergoing a digital transformation; strengthening and expanding our solid business pillars by developing new digital business initiatives. Our vision is to...
Kompas Gramedia Visibility Public
4 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeKompas Gramedia, through its more than 50 years of history, is striving for one goal: enlightening and empowering Indonesia. To ensure that we are able to serve the nation for another 50 years, we are undergoing a digital transformation; strengthening and expanding our solid business pillars by developing new digital business initiatives. Our vision is to...