Outbound Team Leader
1 week ago
We are looking for a driven Outbound Team Leader to be part of Fulfillment Warehouse Team at ZALORA Indonesia. Reporting to Outbound Supervisor, based in Bekasi.
- Supervise and ensure the team follows the standard operating procedure (SOP)
- Plan the daily activities of the team and ensure the assigned tasks of the team are completed on time
- Keep track and take responsibility of team members' performance and KPIs
- Develop, train and motivate employees to achieve the defined goals
- Sustain and upkeep 5S Drive and implement process improvements, perform detailed problem-solving in case of services failures and work closely with other team members on Lean Management
Experience in leading a large team of at least 10 people
- Strong analytical, problem-solving and planning skills
- Excellent team player
- Ability to motivate, lead and drive the team to improve and deliver results
- Ability to work in shifts
- Good English communication and written skills
- At least 2 years of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
**The ZALORA Story**
ZALORA exists for the millions of fashion consumers in Asia seeking a shopping experience focused on their unique styles, trends and fit. As Asia’s leading online fashion destination, ZALORA was founded in 2012 and has a presence in Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia & Brunei, the Philippines, Hong Kong and Taiwan. ZALORA’s localised sites offer an extensive collection of top international and local brands as well as our own in-house labels across apparel, shoes and accessories for men and women. ZALORA is part of Global Fashion Group, the world's leader in online fashion for emerging markets.Iwwz6wpQaa
Team Leader
3 days ago
Bekasi, Indonesia Digiphoto Imaging Indonesia Full timeDigiphoto Entertainment Imaging currently looking for enthusiastic individuals to immediately fill positions at our operations in Bekasi as: **TEAM LEADER** Provide direction and ensure that the site works smoothly from one shift to another. Supports the Site Manager in managing the manpower and keeping track of their daily performance. They will be an...
Team Leader
4 days ago
Bekasi, Indonesia PT SUMBER DAYA INSANI SEJAHTERA Full timeLeader sales: - D3/S1/SMA - Dapat merekrut sales - Memiliki Tim sales Min 5 sales - Pria/wanita - Bisa menjual produk Indibiz - Pengalaman / non pengalaman - Usia 27-35 tahun - Memiliki kendaraan bermotor - Dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan Jobdesk : Mencari pelanggan untuk berlangganan internet indihome Benefit : Uang transport, Bonus pencapaian, dan...
Team Leader Internet Bnetfit
2 weeks ago
Bekasi, Indonesia PT FORTUNINDO BUANA SUKSES Full timeDI CARI TEAM LEADER INTERNET BNETFIT Area Harapan indah Bekasi Dan Sekitarnya - **KUALIFIKASI**:_ - Pria - Usia Max 40 Thn - Jujur, disiplin, berintegrasi tinggi. - memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan dan target oriented - Mampu bekerja di bawah Tekanan & Target - Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik - **BENEFIT **:_ - Gaji - Komisi - Jenjang karir Info Lebih Lanjut WA...
Team Leader Sales
1 week ago
Bekasi, Indonesia PT. ITC Auto Multifinance Full time**Deskripsi Pekerjaan** - Memonitor dan mengawasi pekerjaan tim - Bertanggung jawab dalam kordinasi kerjasama tim - Bertanggung jawab dalam pencapaian target promotor yang telah ditetapkan perusahaan - Mengkordinir seluruh aktivitas tim di lapangan - Mengontrol laporan tim dan membuat rekapan laporan penjualan - Melakukan kunjungan ke...
Team Leader Sales Wifi
7 days ago
Bekasi, Indonesia PT.Permata Indo Sejahtera Full timeKualifikasi Pekerjaan: 1. Pria/Wanita Maksimal 40 tahun 2. Memiliki pengalaman mínimal 1 tahun sebagai team leader provider (wajib) 3. Mampu membawa team mínimal 10 Sales 4. Mampu memenuhi target yang sudah di tentukan oleh manajemen Deskripsi Pekerjaan 1. Monitoring sales dan membantu sales agar mencapai target 2. Input data penjualan sales dan visit...
Production Team Leader
6 days ago
Bekasi, Indonesia PT. Mulia Boga Raya Tbk Full timeProduction Team Leader - Minimal S1 (MIPA, Teknologi Pangan, Teknologi Industri) - Pengalaman kerja mínimal 1 tahun di posisi yang sama (Industri Makanan) - Usia maksimal 30 tahun - Dapat mengoperasikan komputer - Memahami dan mampu membuat rencana kerja dengan baik - Memahami alur pemakaian bahan baku - Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan - Mampu berkomunikasi...
Team Leader Sales Motoris Bekasi
5 days ago
Bekasi, Indonesia Sinergi Performa Cipta Full timeBYR **Requirements**: - Minimal SMA/K sederajat - Usia maksimal 35 tahun - Pengalaman Sales (field sales) mínimal 2 thn - Memiliki kemampuan leadership - Pengalaman Leader/SPV Sales mínimal 1 tahun - Mampu mengendarai sepeda motor - Memiliki SIM C yang masih berlaku - Mempunyai kendaraan (sepeda motor) - Memahami mapping area, berorientasi pada target...
Team Leader Telecollection Penempatan Kranggan
3 weeks ago
Bekasi, Indonesia PT SWAKARYA INSAN MANDIRI SPESIALIS FINANCE Full timeDeskripsi Pekerjaan: - Memimpin, Memotivasi, Dan Mengarahkan Tim Desk Collection Untuk Mencapai Target Penagihan Yang Ditetapkan - Memantau Kinerja Anggota Tim Secara Berkala Dan Memberikan Evaluasi Terhadap Hasil Penagihan - Menyusun Laporan Kinerja Tim Secara Reguler Dan Melaporkan Hasil Penagihan Untuk Dilakukan Evaluasi Lebih Lanjut Kualifikasi: -...
Team Leader Sales Motoris
5 days ago
Bekasi, Indonesia PT Sinergi Performa Cipta Full timePersyaratan Minimal SMA/K sederajat Usia maksimal 35 tahun Pengalaman Sales (field sales) mínimal 2 thn Memiliki kemampuan leadership Pengalaman Leader/SPV Sales mínimal 1 tahun Mampu mengendarai sepeda motor Memiliki SIM C yang masih berlaku Mempunyai kendaraan (sepeda motor) Memahami mapping area, berorientasi pada target tim Tanggung...
Team Leader Sales Spreading
5 days ago
Bekasi, Indonesia PT Sinergi Performa Cipta Full timePersyaratan Minimal SMA/K sederajat Usia maksimal 35 tahun Pengalaman Sales (field sales) mínimal 2 thn Memiliki kemampuan leadership Pengalaman Leader/SPV Sales mínimal 1 tahun Mampu mengendarai sepeda motor Memiliki SIM C yang masih berlaku Mempunyai kendaraan (sepeda motor) Memahami mapping area, berorientasi pada target tim Tanggung...
Store Admin Team Leader
2 weeks ago
Bekasi, Indonesia Mitra10 Full timeKualifikasi: 1. Usia maksimal 35 tahun 2. Pendidikan mínimal SMA/K sederajat 3. Berpengalaman sebagai Leader Admin (berpengalaman di bidang retail diutamakan) 4. Memiliki jiwa leadership dan komunikasi yang baik 5. Bersedia di tempatkan di Mitra10 Kalimalang **Education**: - SMA/SMU/SMK (preferred)
Staff Operasional Warehouse
5 days ago
Bekasi, Indonesia Setra Praba Perkasa Full timeSpesifikasi dan fungsi: 1. Proses Inbound yang meliputi penurunan, penerimaaan, pengecekan barang (QC) dan penataan barang (Shelving) 2. Proses Outbound yang meliputi proses pesanan barang keluar mulai dari picking, packing, staging, dan Handover 3. Proses Storage yang meliputi perapihan barang yang ada di gudang 4. Menjalankan proses Indbound, Outbound...
Brand Leader
6 days ago
Bekasi, Indonesia PT Indonesia Premium Goods Full timePersyaratan Bachelor’s Degree / Master’s Degree at Marketing/Business field At least 1-2 years experiences as leader at Marketing Strategist or similar role in Marketing/Brand Have ability to develop brand and marketing strategies Excellent leadership skill, communication skill, and interpersonal skill Strong analytical skill, creative minded, and...
Kol Leader
2 weeks ago
Bekasi, Indonesia PT Indonesia Premium Goods Full timePersyaratan **Qualification**: Bachelor's Degree at Marketing/Business Management/Communication/Marketing Communication Strong Concepting and planning skills Well Known about end-to-end KOL Process Excellent communication skill andable Creative thinker Good negotiation skill Tanggung Jawab **Responsibilities**: Source and review for the right...
Store Leader Optik
2 weeks ago
Bekasi, Indonesia PT Kawan Lama Sejahtera Full timeSebagai Store Leader Optik, Anda akan bertanggung jawab terhadap operasional store, termasuk memastikan pelayanan yang excellence sehingga tercapai kepuasan pelanggan. Anda juga akan bertaggungjawab untuk pelatihan dan pengembangan team - Usia maks. 35 tahun - Minimal D3 Refraksi Optisi - Aktif menggunakan social media - Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman...
Leader Production Engineering
7 days ago
Bekasi, Indonesia PT Matsuo Precision Indonesia Full timeMengatur Daily job kerja team PE dilapangan - Membuat rekap laporan harian atau daily berdasar dari hasil kerja - Melakukan kontrol mingguan stock spare part mesin yang dibutuhkan - Menyelesaikan masalah atau trouble shooting dari segi mekanik ataupun elektrikal yang ada di lapangan - Memastikan tidak ada kesalahan proses atau trouble shooting mesin yang...
Leader Sales Mice
5 days ago
Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia Avenir Tour & Travel Full timeLeader MiceLead and supervise the sales team to achieve MICE sales targets.Provide guidance and strategies for the team in the sales process.Develop sales strategies to increase revenue from the MICE segment.Conduct market analysis and identify new business opportunities.Develop strong relationships with corporate clients, event organizers, and...
Customer Service and Sales Leader
1 week ago
Bekasi, Indonesia PT Indonesia Premium Goods Full timeCustomer Service and Sales Leader - Overseeing the CS-Sales teams - Training and managing CS-Sales Teams - Focus monitoring target online sales - Experience handle market place, order online and WhatsApp - Experience to handle CRM - Setting customer satisfaction targets and working with the team to meet targets consistently - Monitoring Interacting with...
Luxury Boutique Leader
7 days ago
Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia PT. PASSION ABADI KORPORA Full timeAbout the JobPT. PASSION ABADI KORPORA is seeking a dynamic and experienced leader to oversee the day-to-day management of our retail boutique.The ideal candidate will possess excellent leadership skills, a strong ability to motivate and inspire a team, and a deep understanding of luxury retail operations.Key Responsibilities:Lead a team of sales associates...
Production Team Member
4 weeks ago
Bekasi, Indonesia Jotun Group Full timeSUMMARY OF THE ROLE Receive, produce, and fill paints or powder according to the daily production schedule and ensure the products are made and filled according to HSEQ requirements. Responsibilities: - Receive RMs, packaging, and FG according to procedure- Produce paints to correct quality as stated in Work Instruction.- Fill approved paints according to...