Operation Store

3 weeks ago

Yogyakarta, Indonesia PT ANUGERAH SENTOSA AGUNG Full time

Maksimal 30 tahun
- Pendidikan mininum SMA/SMK sederajat
- Memiliki pengalaman kerja sebagai mínimal 1 tahun
- Menguasai MS-Office (Ms.Word, Excel)
- Mampu bekerja dalam team maupun individu
- Memiliki niat kerja
- Jujur, rajin, bertanggung jawab, dan disiplin
- Tekun, ulet dan teliti
- Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan dan deadline
- Penempatan di jln Prambanan, Piyungan

  • Head Store

    6 days ago

    Yogyakarta, Indonesia Salad Nyoo Full time

    Operational within national stores/outlet Develop and implements operational policies and procedures - Develop the overall operational strategy - Create and implement operational strategies to drive the productivity, profitability, and customer satisfaction of all stores - Planning and monitoring the day-to-day running of business to ensure smooth progress -...

  • Store Supervisor

    2 weeks ago

    Yogyakarta, Indonesia Kawan Lama Group Full time

    Gambaran Pekerjaan Sebagai Store Supervisor, Anda akan menyusun strategi penjualan dan mensosialisasikan kepada tim. Tujuan utama pekerjaan Anda adalah memastikan tim mencapai target penjualan dan mencari solusi terkait kendala yang ada dilapangan. Anda juga akan menyusun dan menganalisa laporan penjualan - Minimal D3/S1 segala jurusan - Memiliki pengalaman...

  • Operational Manager

    1 week ago

    Yogyakarta, Indonesia PT. PEOPLE SEARCH INTERNATIONAL Full time

    Our client is a nationwide F&B company, headquartered in Yogyakarta. Presently, they are hiring Operational Manager, who reports directly to General Manager. Work Description: - In general, he/she will supervise the branch operation and logistic operation of the company. - This role will ensure the company’s SOPs are fully applied in every branch/store,...

  • Yogyakarta, Indonesia PT Visi Kreatif Digital Full time

    We are very enthusiastic looking for Creative & Communicative person to share their idea & creating an impactful brief& solution throughout our team. We are looking a team member who shines bright in the midst of the night. A person who passioanate about Fashion industry ,social media, building a tribe and work collaboratively with us **What Is Vherkudara...

  • Store Specialist

    2 weeks ago

    Yogyakarta, Indonesia Sigma Solusi Servis Full time

    PT Sigma Solusi Servis Membutuhkan Store Specialist Operator / Jaringan Internet Kualifikasi - Wanita - Max 29 Tahun - Min D3/S1 IPK 3,00 - Seragam Lengan Pendek - Aktif, cekatan, teliti - Komunikatif - Pengalaman Customer Service atau Administrasi Benefit - Gaji Pokok - Tunjangan Jenis Pekerjaan: Penuh Waktu Kemampuan Bekerja Jauh dari Rumah/Pindah...

  • Yogyakarta, Indonesia Pands Muslim Department Store Yogyakarta Full time

    Operator (Event Ramadhan 2025) - Laki-laki/Perempuan, Usia Maks 26 tahun - Tinggi min 157cm - Berjiwa Marketing, Good Looking, Inisiatif tinggi, Teliti, Cekatan dan memiliki kemampuan Public Speaking yang baik Syarat Umum - Muslim - Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani - Pendidikan Minimal SMA/SMK, kecuali Kasir dan Staff Inventory mínimal D3/S1 - Berpengalaman di...

  • Manager Operational

    2 weeks ago

    Yogyakarta, Indonesia PT. GOS INDORAYA Full time

    .Kualifikasi: 1. Laki-laki mínimal 3 tahun pengalaman dalam bidang F&B dengan multiple store. 2. S1 semua jurusan (Teknik Industri nilai plus). 3. Kemampuan adaptasi yang cepat terhadap bisnis yang dinamis. Tanggung Jawab: 1. Mengelola Supervisor Area dan SDM di dalamnya dengan membawahi multiple store. 2. Membimbing dan memastikan SPV Area menjalankan...

  • Yogyakarta, Indonesia Pands Muslim Department Store Yogyakarta Full time

    Operator (Temporary Event Ramadhan 2025) - Muslim - Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani - Pendidikan Minimal SMA/SMK, kecuali Kasir dan Staff Inventory mínimal D3/S1 - Berpengalaman di bidang yang sama mínimal 1 tahun, Fresh Graduate (Dipertimbangkan) - Dapat bekerja tim, jujur, komunikatif, loyalitas tinggi, supel dan bermotivasi tinggi - Bersedia bekerja shift -...

  • City Manager

    2 weeks ago

    Yogyakarta, Indonesia Kanmo Retail Group Full time

    **Responsibility** - Create sales strategy and work plan in order to achieve sales targets in the predetermined areas - Implement and monitor SOP compliance of recruitment, training development, promotional, finance, stock, operation to ensure the store comply with the policy - Analyze needs and provide support in order to improve store effective & efficient...

  • Yogyakarta, Indonesia PT Kurnia Ciptamoda Gemilang Full time

    Serve customer in buying process at store. - Operate Cashier Program/Point of Sales, handling cash in and cash out at Store. - Helping out to maintain finance matter such as, counting sales and all finance administration matter. - Protects employees and customers by providing a safe and clean store environment. - Responsible on the day to day operation of...

  • Retail Store Manager

    2 weeks ago

    Yogyakarta, Indonesia OLX Full time

    WELCOME TO OLX AUTOS & OLX GROUP Over 300M monthly active users; US $1.6 billion in revenue and 18% revenue growth (FY 2021; 36% growth in FY2020); Part of Naspers’ Prosus, one of the biggest technology investors in the world (An early investor in Tencent and the owner of StackOverFlow). +30 countries. +20 Brands. Powered by +10,000 employees representing...

  • Yogyakarta, Indonesia kaiyiee Information Technology Co., Ltd. Full time

    Job Responsibilities: 1. Store Manager Responsibility System: The store manager is fully responsible for the daily operation and management of the store. 2. Responsible for the personnel management of the store, including shift scheduling, attendance, management of office behavior norms, discipline, and compliance with regulations. 3. Coordinate and handle...

  • Yogyakarta, Indonesia PT SPC Full time

    **Key Responsibilities**: - **Store Visits**: Perform routine visits to a minimum of 14 offline stores and 40 online stores daily, following the established call plan. - **Effective Call Management**: Ensure that effectiveness targets are met by visiting at least 14 offline stores and 25 online stores per day, as outlined in the performance plan. - **New...

  • Full Time Barista

    2 weeks ago

    Yogyakarta, Indonesia ANKA Coffee Full time

    Hi, we are looking for a passionate Barista and working together to give the best coffee experience for everyone! 1. Love coffee and people 2. Want to grow in coffee industry 3. 1 year experience in coffee 4. Confident w/ great interpersonal skill 5. Team player FULL TIME BARISTA This job will require you to do an all-rounder cafe operation duty such...

  • Full Time Cook

    2 weeks ago

    Yogyakarta, Indonesia ANKA Coffee Full time

    Hi, we are looking for a passionate Cook and working together to give the best experience for everyone! 1. Max 35 years old 2. Experience at least 1 year in similar position 3. Love F&B Industry 4. Want to grow in F&B Industry 5. Confident with great interpersonal skill 6. Able to work under pressure 7. Team...

  • General Affair

    6 days ago

    Yogyakarta, Indonesia Salad Nyoo Full time

    Bertanggung jawab terhadap pengelolaan pengadaan fasilitas yang di butuhkan oleh semua karyawan dan perusahaan - Bertanggung jawab terhadap pengelolaan budgeting dan pembelian barang yang dibutuhkan - Mendata barang-barang yang dibutuhkan oleh masing-masing store dan Head Office - Bertanggung jawab dalam menyiapkan dan mengirimkan barang-barang yang...

  • General Affair

    6 days ago

    Yogyakarta, Indonesia PT. SaladNyoo Indonesia Full time

    **-GENERAL AFFAIR-** **JOB DESCRIPTION** - Bertanggung jawab terhadap pengelolaan pengadaan fasilitas yang di butuhkan oleh semua karyawan dan perusahaan - Bertanggung jawab terhadap pengelolaan budgeting dan pembelian barang yang dibutuhkan - Mendata barang-barang yang dibutuhkan oleh masing-masing store dan Head Office - Memiliki kewajiban dalam menulis...

  • Spg Event

    4 days ago

    Yogyakarta, Indonesia PT. Sinar Jernih Suksesindo Full time

    **PT Sinar Jernih Suksesindo (SJS) **bekerja sama dengan Perusahaan retail,fashion mengisi posisi: **SPG Event** **Kualifikasi**: 1. Usia 18 - 25 tahun. 2. Pendidikan mínimal SMA/K. 3. Memiliki Pengalaman di bidang Retail Fashion. 4. Berpenampilan menarik, rapi, enerjik dan komunikatif. 5. Siap bekerja dengan sistem shift. **Job Desk**: **1....

  • Yogyakarta, Indonesia Moladin Full time

    **Responsibilities** - Coordinate with various PIC such as surveyor, credit analyst, branch manager and marketing to support the operation. - To ensure all loan documents are put in the safekeeping properly as per SOP and can provide the document request fast in case needed for any audit purpose. - To ensure collateral document are safely keep temporary in...

  • Spv Area

    5 days ago

    Yogyakarta, Indonesia PT. SaladNyoo Indonesia Full time

    **-SPV AREA YOGYAKARTA-** **JOB DESCRIPTION** - Bertanggung jawab pada seluruh kegiatan operational untuk masing-masing area - Bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan segala program operasional/SOP berjalan dengan baik di area tanggung jawabnya - Menjaga pencapaian target penjualan pada tiap outlet yang menjadi area tanggung jawabnya - Mengerti dan memahami...