Outbound Team Leader

2 days ago

Jakarta, Indonesia Tokopedia Full time

Job Desc:

- Hold and lead the course of the briefing at the beginning of the shift
- Fill in the operator attendance list and follow up if there are operators who are absent without reason / information
- Oversee the course of the process in the field so that it is in accordance with SOPs and Work Instructions in force at the time
- Overseeing the operation and escalating / following up on the supervisor if an issue / case / problem occurs in the field
- Supervise the accuracy of the work of his subordinates / team and make corrections if something goes wrong
- Record every usage / take of consumable items from the shelf on the consumable gdoc that has been made by the GA team
- Supervise, follow-up and give a warning to the operator underneath who committed violations or disciplinary action
- Assist supervisors in conducting investigations if issues / special cases occur in the field
- Helping the work of operators to process goods when workloads are high
- Make reports and monitor consistency in the implementation of 5S activities in the work environment
- Make a report: Outbound daily output along with the individual output of each operator..


- Min 2 years of experience in Warehouse Industry (Especially in Outbound/Dispatch)
- Knowledgeable about the overall warehouse processes & flow
- Proficient in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, & Power point)
- Highly motivated & energized - Great team orientation & leadership skills"


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