Current jobs related to Customer Care - Yogyakarta - PT. Mitracomm Ekasarana

  • Customer Care

    3 weeks ago

    Yogyakarta, Indonesia Spilla Jewelry Full time

    **Perkenalan Singkat** Spilla Jewelry adalah brand perhiasan yang lahir di Yogyakarta pada tahun 2010. Kami berkonsentrasi pada produk wedding ring dengan material dasar Silver, Gold, Palladium dan Platinum. Kami sangat menjunjung tinggi nilai growth-mindset yang kami wajibkan ada pada setiap individu agar perusahaan bisa terus berkembang ditengah era...

  • Customer Care

    4 weeks ago

    Yogyakarta, Indonesia JOGJACAMP Full time

    Melayani customer secara online maupun offline - Menjawab pertanyaan customer dengan cepat dan tepat - Membuat laporan harian dan bulanan kepada atasan - Bekerja sama dengan team - Bekerja secara individu dengan baik Jenis Pekerjaan: Kontrak Panjang kontrak: 12 bulan Gaji: Rp2.000.000 - Rp2.200.000 per bulan Pertimbangan COVID-19: Minimal vaksin...

  • Yogyakarta, Indonesia Grha Eklin Group Full time

    Customer Care Officer - Perempuan, maksimal 30 tahun - Pendidikan minimum S1/D3 Farmasi - Berpengalaman di bidang klinik aesthetic - Fresh graduate dipersilakan - Dapat membaca resep dan melakukan peracikan obat dengan baik - Berpenampilan menarik dan berkomunikasi dengan baik

  • Customer Care Officer

    3 weeks ago

    Yogyakarta, Indonesia Integritas Berkah Berlimpah Ruah (Integritas Berkah Berlimpah Ruah) PT Full time

    Follow up calon customer hingga pasien yang sudah melakukan reservasi datang dan melakukan perawatan - Bertanggung jawab sebagai pusat informasi bagi pasien maupun calon pasien - Bertanggung jawab untuk melayani pembayaran (Kasir) - Bertanggung jawab untuk menerima telepon dan menghubungi pasien - Bertanggung jawab untuk membantu reservasi bagi pasien yang...

  • Customer Care

    4 weeks ago

    Yogyakarta, Indonesia PT. Mitracomm Ekasarana Full time

    Kualifikasi Pekerjaan = - Laki-laki - Usia maksimal 29 tahun Pendidikan min D3/S1 jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, Management, Sastra Inggris, Ilmu Komunikasi, Hubungan Internasional - Memiliki pengalaman di Customer Service Telco/ Digital sosmed/ call center mínimal 1 thn - Kemampuan bahasa inggris menjadi nilai tambah - Berpengalaman dibidang layanan pelanggan...

  • Customer Care

    2 weeks ago

    Yogyakarta, Indonesia PT. Mitracomm Ekasarana Full time

    Pria & Wanita - Usia maks 28 th - Pendidikan min S1 IPK 3.00 - Memiliki pengalaman di bidang contact center mínimal 6 bulan - Bisa berbahasa inggris menjadi nilai plus - Berkepribadian baik, dan customer oriented - Mempunyai kemampuan komunikasi, persuasive, negosiasi, dan inisiatif Jenis Pekerjaan: Kontrak Gaji: Rp2.324.776 - Rp2.700.000 per bulan

  • Customer Care

    3 weeks ago

    Yogyakarta, Indonesia PT. Mitracomm Ekasarana Full time

    Laki-laki/ perempuan - usia max 28 th - Pend S1 ipk 3.00 - Memiliki pengalaman di bidang contact center 6 bln - Bisa b.ingg menjadi nilai plus - Berkepribadian baik, customer oriented - Menyukai kemampuan komunkasi Jenis Pekerjaan: Kontrak Gaji: Rp2.324.776 - Rp2.800.000 per bulan

  • Customer Service

    2 weeks ago

    Yogyakarta, Indonesia Agent&Co Full time

    Requirement: 1. Have a minimum D3 Education and experience as a customer service min 1 year; 2. Fluent in English, strong customer care skills, excellent communication and presentation skills. 3. Familiar with CRM systems and practices; 4. Willing to work shifting hour.

  • Customer Care

    4 weeks ago

    Yogyakarta, Indonesia PT JC Indonesia Full time

    Syarat & Keahlian Pria/wanita Usia maks 25 tahun Pendidikan Min. SMA/ SMK Shift 24 jam Paham Domain, Hosting, Wordpress (diutamakan) Komunikatif dan kreatif Mampu bernegosiasi (diutamakan) Mampu Berbahasa Inggris (diutamakan) Penempatan Yogyakarta Pengalaman Memiliki pengalaman di domain, hosting, wordpress lebih diutamakan

  • Customer Service

    3 weeks ago

    Yogyakarta, Indonesia Agent&Co Full time

    Have a minimum D3/ S1 - Experience as a customer support min 1 year - Strong customer care skills and active listening - Familiar with CRM systems and practices - Customer orientation and ability to adapt/respond to different types of characters - Excellent communication and presentation skills - Ability to multi-task, prioritize and manage time...

  • Yogyakarta, Indonesia PT. Global Alih Daya Full time

    Requirement: 1. Have a minimum D3 Education and experience as a customer service min 1 year; 2. Fluent in English, strong customer care skills, excellent communication and presentation skills. 3. Familiar with CRM systems and practices; 4. Willing to work shifting hour. Jenis Pekerjaan: Penuh Waktu Bahasa: - English (Diutamakan)

  • Yogyakarta, Indonesia Agent&Co Full time

    Have a minimum D3/ S1 - Experience as a customer support min 1 year - willing to work shifting - Strong customer care skills and active listening - Customer orientation and ability to adapt/respond to different types of characters - Excellent communication and presentation skills - Ability to multi-task, prioritize and manage time effectively - Good Command...

  • Yogyakarta, Indonesia Agent&Co Full time

    Have a minimum D3/ S1 - Experience as a customer support live chat min 1 year - willing to work shifting - Strong customer care skills and active listening - Customer orientation and ability to adapt/respond to different types of characters - Excellent communication and presentation skills - Ability to multi-task, prioritize and manage time effectively -...

  • Yogyakarta, Indonesia Agent&Co Full time

    1. Have a minimum D3 2. Fluent in English 2. Experience as a customer service min 1 year will be a plus 3. Strong customer care skills and active listening 4. Familiar with CRM systems and practices. 5. Customer orientation and ability to adapt/respond to different types of characters. 6. Excellent communication and presentation skills. 7. Ability to...

  • Yogyakarta, Indonesia Agent&Co Full time

    1. Have a minimum D3 2. Fluent in English 2. Experience as a customer service min 1 year will be a plus 3. Strong customer care skills and active listening 4. Familiar with CRM systems and practices. 5. Customer orientation and ability to adapt/respond to different types of characters. 6. Excellent communication and presentation skills. 7. Ability to...

  • Yogyakarta, Indonesia Convergence Full time

    What You Will Do a) Manage Customer-Business Communications and Solve Customer Issues. b) Monitor Customer Care Strategies and Collaborate to Ensure Customer Satisfaction. c) Coordinate with other marketing team members for campaigns and creative development. d) Expand customer base and Monitoring business competitors. e) Evaluate the CRM program. f)...

  • Yogyakarta, Indonesia Agent&Co Full time

    Have a minimum D3/ S1 - Experience as a customer support min 1 year - willing to work shifting - Strong customer care skills and active listening - Customer orientation and ability to adapt/respond to different types of characters - Excellent communication and presentation skills - Ability to multi-task, prioritize and manage time effectively - Fast...

  • Yogyakarta, Indonesia Agent&Co Full time

    Requirement: - Minimal Bachelor Degree from any major - Experience as a Customer Services Team Leader min 1 year - Strong customer care skills and active listening - Familiar with CRM systems and practices - Customer orientation and ability to adapt/respond to different types of characters - Excellent communication and observation - Ability to multi-task,...

  • Customer Service

    4 weeks ago

    Yogyakarta, Indonesia Agent&Co Full time

    1. Have a minimum Bachelor's Degree of any field. 2. Experience in working at a Financial Service or E-Commerce Industry as a customer support min 1 year. 3. Strong customer care skills and active listening 4. Familiar with CRM systems and practices. 5. Customer orientation and ability to adapt/respond to different types of characters. 6. Excellent...

  • Yogyakarta, Indonesia IGT Malaysia Full time

    **Responsibilities** - Handle User complaints which manifest as incoming Ticket in Resolution Tools - Maintaining a positive, empathetic, and professional attitude toward customers at all times. - To exceed customers' expectations in terms of customer service & accurate information. - Work in a team to achieve the required KPI elements and SLA. -...

Customer Care

1 month ago

Yogyakarta, Indonesia PT. Mitracomm Ekasarana Full time


- Laki laki & Perempuan
- Usia maksimal 29 tahun Pendidkan min D3/S1 jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, Management, Satra Inggris, ilmu komunikasi
- Memiliki Pengalaman di Customer Service Telco/digital sosmed/ call center mínimal 1 tahun
- Kemampuan komunikasi yang baik dalam bahasa Indonesia.
- Kemampuan berbahasa Inggris akan menjadi nilai tambah.
- Berpengalaman di bidang layanan pelanggan atau call center diutamakan

Job Description:

- Handle complain from customer

Salary Rp 3.300.000 - Rp 3.500.000 per month

Jenis Pekerjaan: Paruh Waktu

Upah: Rp3.300.000 - Rp4.000.000 per bulan

Jumlah jam yang diharapkan: 40 per minggu