Current jobs related to Driver Tangki Cpo - Jakarta - PT PP London Sumatera Indonesia Tbk
Driver Estate
5 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Binakarya Properindo Group Full time**Deskripsi Pekerjaan**: 1. Mengemudikan Truk Tangki Air (penyiram tanaman) Komplek 2. Siram taman seluruh kawasan Palm City, Cengkareng 3. Merawat kendaraan 4. Mengangkut puing renovasi seluruh kawasan Palm City 5. Menyediakan air bersih untuk kantor Estate **Kualifikasi**: 1. Mampu mengendarai truk dan memiliki SIM yang masih berlaku 2. Memiliki...
General Services Staff
7 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT PP London Sumatera Indonesia Tbk Full time**Informasi Lowongan** **Tipe Pekerjaan** **Remote/On-site** **Fungsi Pekerjaan** Bagian Umum **Jenjang Karir** Pemula / Staf **Job Deskripsi** - Manage the purchasing of office operational needs and ticket for business trip - Give advice and recommendation of vendor including prices, quantities, and qualities for operational needs - Create a...
Customer Success Partner Id
3 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Brankas Pte Ltd Full time**About Us** Brankas is solving the "last mile" for Open Finance in emerging economies. Since launching in Indonesia in 2017, Brankas is now the leading Open Banking technology provider in Southeast Asia. Brankas’ technology empowers banks, fintech partners and users to build and activate real-time and secure APIs for payments, identity, transaction data,...
Senior Customer Success Partner
2 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Brankas Full time**About Us** Brankas is solving the "last mile" for Open Finance in emerging economies. Since launching in Indonesia in 2017, Brankas is now the leading Open Banking technology provider in Southeast Asia. Brankas’ technology empowers banks, fintech partners and users to build and activate real-time and secure APIs for payments, identity, transaction data,...
Driver Tangki Cpo
1 month ago
**Informasi Lowongan**
**Tipe Pekerjaan**
**Fungsi Pekerjaan**
**Jenjang Karir**
Pemula / Staf
**Job Deskripsi**
- Memastikan Pengangkutan CPO dari Palm Oil Mill (POM) ke Bulking Station terangkut keseluruhan
- Memastikan keselamatan dan keamanan CPO selama perjalanan menuju Bulking Station
- Mampu memberikan rekomendasi jalan yang efektif dan efisien menuju Bulking Station jika terdapat halangan secara mendadak
- Mampu melakukan perbaikan kecil pada kendaraan Truk Tangki jika dibutuhkan tiba-tiba
- Mengidentifikasi dan melaporkan kerusakan alat berat kepada atasan untuk ditindaklanjuti dengan perawatan dan perbaikan untuk mendukung kelangsungan operasional Perusahaan
**Tingkat Pendidikan**
**Jurusan Pendidikan**
**Minimal Pengalaman**
2 tahun
**Deskripsi Persyaratan**
- Pendidikan SMA/SMK/Sederajat
- Memiliki SIM A dan SIM B2
- Memiliki Pengalaman dalam mngoperasikan Truk Tangki
- Memiliki kemampuan yang baik dalam komunikasi
- Perhatian terhadap detail dan kepatuhan terhadap peraturan keselamatan
- Memiliki Ketahanan fisik yang baik
- Kesiapan untuk bekerja lembur sesuai kompensasi
**Skill yang Dibutuhkan**
- Jakarta Selatan
- Gedung ArioBimo Sentral Kav 5 Lt 12.JI.HR Rasuna Said X-2, Kuningan Jakarta Selatan
**Tentang Perusahaan**
**PT PP London Sumatera Indonesia Tbk**
- Agribisnis
**Deskripsi Perusahaan**
PT PP London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk, also known as Lonsum, is a plantation company in Indonesia founded in 1906 when Harrisons & Crosfield Plc, a general trading and plantation management services firm based in London, UK, started its first plantation in Indonesia near the city of Medan in North Sumatra. Lonsum’s principal activities are plant breeding, planting, harvesting, processing and the selling of palm products, rubber, oil palm seeds, cocoa and tea. In its early years, Lonsum’s diversified crops were rubber, tea and cocoa. Lonsum commenced oil palm plantations in 1980’s and since then oil palm has grown and become primary crop and major growth contributor to the company. Lonsum listed its shares on Jakarta and Surabaya Stock Exchanges (now Indonesia Stock Exchange) in 1996. In 2007, Indofood Agri Resources Ltd. (IndoAgri) through its subsidiary, PT Salim Ivomas Pratama Tbk (SIMP) acquired and became Lonsum’s majority shareholder. Since the acquisition, Lonsum is part of PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk’s (Indofood) Group and synergising with other companies under Indofood Group. Lonsum’s estates are located in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java and Sulawesi. As of December 31, 2023, total nucleus planted area was 111,940 hectares comprising 91,759 hectares of oil palm, followed by 16,238 hectares of rubber and 3,943 hectares of other crops mainly cocoa and tea. Oil palm and rubber plasma partnership was 35,417 hectares. Lonsum operates 12 palm oil mills in Sumatra and Kalimantan, with a total annual Fresh Fruit Bunch (FFB) processing capacity of 2.7 million tonnes. Lonsum also operates 3 crumb rubber processing facilities, 2 sheet rubber processing facilities, a cocoa factory and a tea factory. The Research and Development Centre, Sumatra Bioscience or SumBio, in Bah Lias, North Sumatra, plays a central role in improving Lonsum’s productivity and crop quality. SumBio is also known in industry as the producer of superior oil palm seed. The Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) certifications started since 2013, following the first certification of sustainable palm oil in North Sumatra. At the end of 2023, Lonsum has achieved 258,000 tonnes of ISPO-certified CPO or 100% of total nucleus CPO production.