Manager Purchasing Mep
3 days ago
1. Memiliki pengetahuan tentang material MEP.
2. Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan.
3. Menguasai program Microsoft Office (terutama Excel).
4. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan negosiasi yang baik.
5. Memikili jiwa Leadership dan Management Skills.
6. Memiliki Interpersonal Yang Baik, Cekatan, Teliti, Inisiatif, Disiplin, Jujur, Bertanggung jawab, dan bisa berkomunikasi dengan baik dalam Teamwork. Tanggung Jawab
1. Memastikan bahan, barang, perlengkapan dan semua pesanan yang diminta sesuai dengan permintaan dan dikirim berdasarkan waktu yang telah disepakati.
2. Berkoordinasi dengan pihak supplier, vendor, dan gudang untuk memastikan ketersediaan stock.
3. Melakukan follow up terhadap Purchase Order (PO) yang telah diterbitkan, sampai dengan barang atau tersebut datang dan dapat digunakan oleh user.
4. Melakukan perbandingan ke supplier, meminta penawaran harga ke supplier.
5. Melakukan negosiasi dengan vendor untuk mencari dan memenuhi kebutuhan proyek dengan kualitas dan harga terbaik.
Mep Inspector
10 hours ago
Tangerang, Indonesia Sinarmas Land Full time**Job Descriptions**: - Finish and check all MEP installation based on shop drawing, material approval, quality plan and master schedule before execution on site. - Manage the number of MEP defect in joint survey. - Manage timeliness of work on tenants for damages to total tenant complaints. - Manage the number of complaints. **Job Requirements**: -...
Mep Purchasing
3 days ago
Tangerang, Indonesia PT Maxon Prime Technology Full timePersyaratan 1. Memiliki skill negosiasi yang baik. 2. Memiliki pengetahuan tentang material konstruksi. 3. Dapat menggunakan Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, dll). 4. Mampu berkomunikasi & menjalin hubungan baik dengan Vendor/Supplier. 5. Memiliki kepribadian kerja yang baik, teliti, jujur dan disiplin. Tanggung Jawab 1. Menyusun list pembelian barang /...
Purchasing Manager
2 days ago
Tangerang, Indonesia PT Inti Surya Laboratorium Full time**JOBDESC**: - Develops a purchasing strategy. - Reviews and processes purchase orders. - Manages other members of the purchasing team. - Maintains records of goods ordered and received. - Negotiates prices and contracts with suppliers. - Builds and maintains relationships with vendors. **REQUIREMENTS**: - Bachelor’s degree in Accounting - At least 2...
Purchasing Manager
5 days ago
Tangerang, Indonesia PT Inti Surya Laboratorium Full time**JOBDESC**: - Develops a purchasing strategy. - Reviews and processes purchase orders. - Manages other members of the purchasing team. - Maintains records of goods ordered and received. - Negotiates prices and contracts with suppliers. - Builds and maintains relationships with vendors. **REQUIREMENTS**: - Female - Bachelor’s degree in Accounting - At...
1 week ago
Tangerang, Indonesia Hong Kong Bay Full time#HIRING! Hong Kong Bay membuka kesempatan untuk lulusan SMK (Diutamakan Akuntansi) untuk mengisi bagian #Purchasing. Job Desc - Melakukan Pembelian End-to-end. - Mereview dan membandingkan kualitas produk pembelian. - Membuat order detail. - Memantau dan melakukan aktivitas Pembelian menggunakan ERP. - Membuat report pembelian. Kualifikasi - Wanita...
Purchasing Executive
1 day ago
Tangerang, Indonesia Siegwerk Indonesia Full time**Job Summary** Responsible for Purchase & Procurement of Direct and Indirect Materials and handling of import formalities. **Responsibilities and Duties** **Main Accountabilities**: 1. Handling of Purchase Requests, review and approval process. 2. Responsible to assist half of Raw Material purchase transactions and purchase of indirect materials based on...
Purchasing Staff
3 days ago
Tangerang, Indonesia PT. Aulia Cosmetic Indonesia Full timeJob Description: - Make plans for procurement of materials based on plans and stock conditions (forecast). - Monitor all inventory both for the production process, stock in the warehouse and imported so that the implementation of the process and market revenues continue to run smoothly and balanced. - Make evaluation of usage results and inventory...
Purchasing Staff
3 days ago
Tangerang, Indonesia Kendalindo Intan Kencana PT Full timeWe are looking for a generalist Purchasing Staff that are able to work under pressure - willing to go on-field and understand the production processes, and has relatively high interest in understanding the mechanics and electrical complexity of machine parts. **General Responsibility**: - Conduct purchasing: searching for items, price comparison &...
Purchasing Supervisor
4 weeks ago
Tangerang, Indonesia Passion Jewelry Full timeResponsible for goods purchased from suppliers; local and import - Price negotiation with the supplier - Review, compare, analyst, and decide on the product or service from the supplier - Creating purchase orders, tracking PO and supplier delivery schedule - Checking purchase invoices and arranging payment schedules with the finance - Handle import documents...
1 week ago
Tangerang, Indonesia PT KEVIN PERSADA MANDIRI Full timePria / wanita - Usia 20 - 35 th - Pengalaman mínimal 3 tahun di perusahaan TRAY PLASTIK. - Mengerti Baik tentang Pembelian Sparepart & Bahan Baku utk Mesin Vacum & Thermo LID. - Siap bekerja keras - Tahan terhadap tekanan kerja - Pendidikan Min. SMA atau D3 Management - Mengatur pembelian semua keperluan operasional perusahaan. - Memastikan pembelian barang...
Purchasing Staff
1 day ago
Tangerang, Indonesia PT Amtra Electric Full time1. Male/Female, max 30 yo 2. Have experience as Purchasing at least 2 years 3. Ms. Office literature, writing and speaking English is a must 4. Minimum Diploma from any background 5. Good communication, negotiation, interpersonal and influencing skills 6. Analytical, numerically astute with strong demonstrated problem-solving abilities 7. Able to...
Purchasing Supervisor
2 weeks ago
Tangerang, Indonesia PT PASSION ABADI KORPORA (Passion Jewelry, Passion Prive, Diamond n Co) Full timeResponsibilities - Handle procurement of non-product items such as marketing tools, office supplies, promotional materials, and other operational necessities. - Ensure the selection of reliable suppliers to meet the company’s quality, cost, and delivery requirements. - Handle import processes, ensuring all necessary documentation and regulatory...
Storekeeper Staff
4 weeks ago
Tangerang, Indonesia Sinarmas Land Full time**Job Descriptions**: - Record the circulation of ME, Chemical, Stationery, operational team materials as agreed in the housekeeping SPK (Letter of Agreement). - Coordinate with purchasing team regarding the availability of Civil, MEP, stationery and other materials so that they are always at the minimum stock that has been determined. - Keep all materials...
Kepala Bagian Mep
3 weeks ago
Tangerang, Indonesia PT. Senyum Pesona Timur Full time**Kualifikasi** - Pria, Max Usia 40 Tahun - Pendidikan mínimal SMA, S1 sederajat lebih diutamakan khususnya S1 Electrik dan S1 Teknik Sipil (atau yang relevan lainnya) - Memiliki pengalaman mínimal 3 tahun sebagai Manager MEP pada pengelolaan gedung - Memiliki pengalaman mengelola gedung perkantoran maupun komersial - **Memiliki sertifikasi Ahli K3 menjadi...
Senior Purchasing Mep
2 days ago
Tangerang, Indonesia Maxon Prime Technology Full timePersyaratan 1. Memiliki skill negosiasi yang baik. 2. Memiliki pengetahuan tentang material konstruksi. 3. Dapat menggunakan Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, dll). 4. Mampu berkomunikasi & menjalin hubungan baik dengan Vendor/Supplier. 5. Memiliki kepribadian kerja yang baik, teliti, jujur dan disiplin. Tanggung Jawab 1. Menyusun list pembelian barang /...
Building Manager Apartment
1 day ago
Tangerang, Indonesia PT RGF Human Resources Agent Indonesia Full timePersyaratan Hold min. Bachelor's degree in Mechanical/Electrical Engineering, or any other relevant fields. Has minimum 5-7 years of working experience in Property Management Service for Middle to High Rise Residential/Hotels and minimum 3 years experience as Manager/Coordinator. Strong MEP Engineering knowledge OR good knowledge in building finance...
Project Manager
4 weeks ago
Tangerang, Indonesia PT Refcor Daya Teknologi Full timeJob Description: - Melakukan Manajerial dan koordinasi terhadap semua kegiatan proyek, mulai dari proyek dimulai, sampai dengan serah terima. - Koordinasi dan management untuk tim koordinator lapangan - Menjaga kualitas pekerjaan proyek - Melakukan koordinasi dan komunikasi dengan customer di level manajerial - Melakukan laporan berkala terhadap kegiatan...
Purchasing Staff
10 hours ago
Tangerang, Indonesia SF Group Services Enterprise Full timeSF Group is a full service agency backed by various big-name and multinational brands. We work with passion and unlimited creativity to deliver golden creative works worth our pride. We are a start-up E-commerce company registered in the US and have been established since 2015. Although we are the US registered, we have several base-camps in several...
Procurement Staff
5 days ago
Tangerang, Indonesia Graha Sumber Prima Elektronik PT Full timeManage and check every purchasing document. - Manage the procurement through a systematic and controlled planning. - Seacrh and Analyze potential suppliers according to the items needed and company's. - Manage cost and quality requirements of the goods purchased to not exceed budget. - Negotiate, bargain and establish term with the suppliers to secure...
Assistant Chief Engineer
3 weeks ago
Tangerang, Indonesia Dexa Group Full timeJob Description : Bertanggung jawab atas perawatan, pemeliharaan dan operasional peralatan MEP (Mechanical, Electical, Plumbing dan Civil) yang ada di Gedung. Responsibilities: - Membuat jadwal perawatan secara berkala dan operasional terhadap peralatan MEP, Elektronik dan Sipil yang ada di Gedung. - Mengevaluasi system maintenance & operasional yang...