Maintenance Inspector
2 weeks ago
Maintenance Inspector
- Pendidikan minimum SMA/SMK sederajat
- SErtifikat BNSP yang berlaku untuk Weder
- Usia maksimal 40 tahun non staff
- Memiliki pengalmaan diposisi yang sama mínimal 2 tahun diperusahaan kontraktor pertambangan Batubara dibuktikan denagn Kimper/Simper bagi Operator
- Telah di vaksin Booster Covid-19
- Penempatan site Sebokis
- nunukan
"Waspada terhadap Modus Penipuan pada saat proses interview. Perusahaan tidak akan memungut biaya apapun dalam melakukan proses interview. Mohon segera melaporkan ke kami, jika pada saat Anda diundang untuk interview dan diminta untuk melakukan pembayaran dengan sejumlah uang."
""Please be aware of the Fraud Company. The company will never be collecting any payment in the process of interview. Please immediately report to us if there's any companies that collecting payment to the Jobseekers."
7 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT Donggi-Senoro Full timeMemantau dan memfinalisasi pelaksanaan rencana inspeksi berbasis kondisi, berbasis risiko. - Mengelola pengukuran awal peralatan/sistem perpipaan. - Mengembangkan dan meninjau prosedur khusus yang terkait dengan rencana dan program inspeksi. - Memantau setiap kerusakan pabrik dan merekomendasikan revisi rencana inspeksi yang sesuai untuk memastikannya,...
Project Consultant
5 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Jaris & K Full timeMake a plan for project development / production Checking the work progress in the project Evaluate the success of the project Conduct material inspections and understand the work methods performed Implement daily maintenance programs of fire safety equipment and assets Full in charge for Project process make timelines, s-curves, working drawings,...
Building Maintenance Inspector
5 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Damai Putra Group Full timeJob Description - Melakukan pengawasan bangunan di lapangan baik dalam segi waktu maupun kualitas. - Memeriksa dan memonitor konstruksi untuk memastikan terhadap standar keamanan bangunan dan spesifikasi bangunan. - Check persiapan unit untuk Serah Terima Unit - Requirements - Usia maksimal 35 tahun - Pendidikan mínimal S1 Teknik Sipil - Pengalaman mínimal...
Project Administrator
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Copper Gold Mining Full timeProject Administration/assistan - A Bachelor degree in relevant engineering discipline; Technical/ Operation role must have Process Operations or Advanced Technology background with relevant academic and industry experience in managing hydro-metallurgical extraction of Gold, Silver and other precious materials and in working on pertinent software; - At least...
Sr. Specialist
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Copper Gold Mining Full timeSr. Specialist - Industrial Relation - A Bachelor degree in relevant engineering discipline; Technical/ Operation role must have Process Operations or Advanced Technology background with relevant academic and industry experience in managing hydro-metallurgical extraction of Gold, Silver and other precious materials and in working on pertinent software; - At...
Coordinator - Security
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Copper Gold Mining Full timeCoordinator - Security - A Bachelor degree in relevant engineering discipline; Technical/ Operation role must have Process Operations or Advanced Technology background with relevant academic and industry experience in managing hydro-metallurgical extraction of Gold, Silver and other precious materials and in working on pertinent software; - At least 7...
Deputy Manager- Instrumentation
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Copper Gold Mining Full timeDeputy Manager - Instrumentation - A Bachelor degree in relevant engineering discipline; Technical/ Operation role must have Process Operations or Advanced Technology background with relevant academic and industry experience in managing hydro-metallurgical extraction of Gold, Silver and other precious materials and in working on pertinent software; - At...
Manager- Mechanical
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Copper Gold Mining Full timeManager - Mechanical - A Bachelor degree in relevant engineering discipline; Technical/ Operation role must have Process Operations or Advanced Technology background with relevant academic and industry experience in managing hydro-metallurgical extraction of Gold, Silver and other precious materials and in working on pertinent software; - At least 7 years’...
Manager- Policy
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Copper Gold Mining Full timeManager - Policy & Permitting - A Bachelor degree in relevant engineering discipline; Technical/ Operation role must have Process Operations or Advanced Technology background with relevant academic and industry experience in managing hydro-metallurgical extraction of Gold, Silver and other precious materials and in working on pertinent software; - At least 7...
Deputy Manager- Slag
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Copper Gold Mining Full timeDeputy Manager - Slag - A Bachelor degree in relevant engineering discipline; Technical/ Operation role must have Process Operations or Advanced Technology background with relevant academic and industry experience in managing hydro-metallurgical extraction of Gold, Silver and other precious materials and in working on pertinent software; - At least 7...
Manager- External Relations
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Copper Gold Mining Full timeManager-External Relation - A Bachelor degree in relevant engineering discipline; Technical/ Operation role must have Process Operations or Advanced Technology background with relevant academic and industry experience in managing hydro-metallurgical extraction of Gold, Silver and other precious materials and in working on pertinent software; - At least 7...
Deputy Manager Anode Casting
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Copper Gold Mining Full timeDeput Manager Anode Casting - A Bachelor degree in relevant engineering discipline; Technical/ Operation role must have Process Operations or Advanced Technology background with relevant academic and industry experience in managing hydro-metallurgical extraction of Gold, Silver and other precious materials and in working on pertinent software; - At least 7...
Manger Desal- Demin Manager
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Copper Gold Mining Full timeManager Desal - Demin Manager - A Bachelor degree in relevant engineering discipline; Technical/ Operation role must have Process Operations or Advanced Technology background with relevant academic and industry experience in managing hydro-metallurgical extraction of Gold, Silver and other precious materials and in working on pertinent software; - At least 7...
Manager- Air Separation Unit
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Copper Gold Mining Full timeManager - Air Separation Unit - A Bachelor degree in relevant engineering discipline; Technical/ Operation role must have Process Operations or Advanced Technology background with relevant academic and industry experience in managing hydro-metallurgical extraction of Gold, Silver and other precious materials and in working on pertinent software; - At least 7...
Engineer - Cost
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Copper Gold Mining Full timeEngineer - Cost - A Bachelor degree in relevant engineering discipline; Technical/ Operation role must have Process Operations or Advanced Technology background with relevant academic and industry experience in managing hydro-metallurgical extraction of Gold, Silver and other precious materials and in working on pertinent software; - At least 7 years’...
Manager- Site Environmental
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Copper Gold Mining Full timeManager - Site Environmental - A Bachelor degree in relevant engineering discipline; Technical/ Operation role must have Process Operations or Advanced Technology background with relevant academic and industry experience in managing hydro-metallurgical extraction of Gold, Silver and other precious materials and in working on pertinent software; - At least 7...
Jakarta, Indonesia Copper Gold Mining Full timeSr. Specialist - Corporate Communication Affair - A Bachelor degree in relevant engineering discipline; Technical/ Operation role must have Process Operations or Advanced Technology background with relevant academic and industry experience in managing hydro-metallurgical extraction of Gold, Silver and other precious materials and in working on pertinent...
Sr. Metallurgist
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Copper Gold Mining Full timeSr. Metallurgist - Accountant - A Bachelor degree in relevant engineering discipline; Technical/ Operation role must have Process Operations or Advanced Technology background with relevant academic and industry experience in managing hydro-metallurgical extraction of Gold, Silver and other precious materials and in working on pertinent software; - At least 7...
Manager- Engineering
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Copper Gold Mining Full timeManager - Engineering - A Bachelor degree in relevant engineering discipline; Technical/ Operation role must have Process Operations or Advanced Technology background with relevant academic and industry experience in managing hydro-metallurgical extraction of Gold, Silver and other precious materials and in working on pertinent software; - At least 7...
Kepala Teknik Tambang
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Copper Gold Mining Full timeKepala Teknik Tambang - A Bachelor degree in relevant engineering discipline; Technical/ Operation role must have Process Operations or Advanced Technology background with relevant academic and industry experience in managing hydro-metallurgical extraction of Gold, Silver and other precious materials and in working on pertinent software; - At least 7...