Staff Research

7 days ago

Bandung, Indonesia B erl Cosmetics Full time

Membuat dokumen produk
- Membuat produk kosmetik
- Melakukan pengecekan produk dan laporan hasil
- Melakukan survei uji produk dan laporan hasil
- Lulusan analisis kimia/farmasi
- Mampu menganalisa produk kosmetik
- Menguasai sistematis pengolahan kosmetik (nilai tambah)
- Pernah bekerja di perusahaan kosmetik (nilai tambah)
- Mampu mendokumentasi file dengan baik
- Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik (team dan personal)
- Memiliki tanggung jawab dan attitude yang baik
- Berpengalaman di bidang skincare dan kosmetik mínimal 1 tahun
- Memiliki surat tanda registrasi apoteker (STRA)/Surat Tanda Registrasi Tenaga Teknis Kefarmasian (STRTTK) yang masih berlaku (lebih diutamakan)
- Memiliki Surat Izin Praktek Apoteker (SIPA)/Surat Izin Praktek Tenaga Teknis Kefarmasian (SIPTTK) lebih diutamakan

"Waspada terhadap Modus Penipuan pada saat proses interview. Perusahaan tidak akan memungut biaya apapun dalam melakukan proses interview. Mohon segera melaporkan ke kami, jika pada saat Anda diundang untuk interview dan diminta untuk melakukan pembayaran dengan sejumlah uang."

"Please be aware of the Fraud Company. The company will never be collecting any payment in the process of interview. Please immediately report to us if there's any companies that collecting payment to the Jobseekers."

  • Purchasing Clerk

    4 days ago

    Bandung, Indonesia Dinasty Catering Full time

    Kualifikasi: - Pria/Wanita - Usia Max 35 Tahun - Pendidikan min D3 Akuntansi/Manajemen/Teknik - Memiliki pengalaman kerja di bidang purchasing FnB, Catering/Resto/Hotel min 4 Tahun - Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi, koordinasi dan negosiasi yang baik - Menguasai komputer, terutama Microsoft Office (Excel), Internet - Mampu melakukan research vendor Terbiasa...

  • Bandung, Indonesia Jabil Circuit Full time

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  • Bandung, Indonesia Navitas Full time

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  • Bandung, Indonesia PT. Aera Indonesian Projects Full time

    Evaluate and optimize marketing, sales, advertising, and pricing strategies - Analyze market trends, prepare forecasts, reports, and manage/develop budgets - Create & implement annual marketing/sales strategies for online, social, paid ads, newsletter, etc. - Generate new business leads, increase brand awareness and market share - Coordinate and implement...

  • Bandung, Indonesia PT. AGUNG KEMUNINGWIJAYA Full time

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  • Recruitment Assistant

    3 weeks ago

    Bandung, Indonesia Sales Pond Pty Ltd Full time

    **About the Job**: You will be working from our Bandung office from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm WIB. **Requirements**: - **Excellent English communication skills**: - Diploma or Bachelor’s degree, any major preferably Business or Management major - At least 1 year working experience in a recruitment or HR role - Great organisational and prioritisation skills -...

  • Recruitment Assistant

    2 weeks ago

    Bandung, Indonesia Sales Pond Pty Ltd Full time

    **About the Job**: You will be working from our Bandung office from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm WIB. **Requirements**: - **Excellent English communication skills**: - Diploma or Bachelor’s degree, any major preferably Business or Management major - At least 1 year working experience in a recruitment or HR role - Great organisational and prioritisation skills -...

  • Bandung, Indonesia Nailcare Company Full time

    Our company is a online beauty store. Our current position is described as follows: **General Description**: * - Knowledge of the fashion and beauty industry; will work with beauty products and models. - Proven experience as an Art or Creative Director - Must have artistic vision and the ability to come up with creative direction/ideas for fashion/product...

  • Bandung, Indonesia Sales Pond Pty Ltd Full time

    **About the Job**: You will be working from our Bandung office from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm WIB. **Requirements**: - **Excellent English communication skills**: - Diploma or Bachelor’s degree, any major preferably Business or Management major - At least 1 year working experience in a recruitment or HR role - Great organisational and prioritisation skills -...

  • Recruitment Assistant

    12 hours ago

    Bandung, Indonesia Sales Pond Pty Ltd Full time

    **About the Job**: You will be working from our Bandung office from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm WIB. **Requirements**: - Diploma or Bachelor’s degree, any major preferably Business or Management major - At least 1 year working experience in a recruitment or HR role - **Excellent English communication skills**: - Great organisational and prioritisation skills -...

  • Bandung, Indonesia EF EFEKTA English for Adults Full time

    EF EFEKTA English for Adults EF - EXCELLENCE IN ENGLISH TRAINING EF was founded in Sweden in 1965 with just one teacher and a big dream of "breaking down the barriers in language learning both regionally and culturally". Today, EF has become the world's best and largest provider of English language courses by offering language learning and certified...