M&e Staff

5 days ago

Jakarta, Indonesia Ismaya Group Full time

Needs to perform tasks as assigned by superiors within the time limit and given budget.
- Needs to perform a task from The Force at maximum efficiency and ensure that the reaction time to requests is acceptable.
- Needs to perform the process of effecting repairs and maintenance for the company efficiently, ensuring minimum repair and maximum maintenance along with the team that he is working with. He should also be able to do the repairs Needs to be able to perform the process of effecting repairs and M&E work for the company efficiently, ensuring minimum repair and maximum maintenance along with the team that he is working with. He should also be able to do the repairs physically.
- Ensure that spare parts are used properly and cost effectively when doing projects on-site or repairs.
- Needs to assist the project team as needed and step in if required due to contractor inefficiency or inability to meet defect deadlines based on Superiors' instruction.
- Minimum of one year in mechanical and electrical experience in the hospitality industry
- A University Degree/Diploma in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering or a combination of education and industry experience;
- Solid written and verbal communication skills;
- Strong computer skills with enthusiasm for innovation;
- Ideally trained Electrician

"Waspada terhadap Modus Penipuan pada saat proses interview. Perusahaan tidak akan memungut biaya apapun dalam melakukan proses interview. Mohon segera melaporkan ke kami, jika pada saat Anda diundang untuk interview dan diminta untuk melakukan pembayaran dengan sejumlah uang."

"Please be aware of the Fraud Company. The company will never be collecting any payment in the process of interview. Please immediately report to us if there's any companies that collecting payment to the Jobseekers."

  • M&e Staff

    2 days ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia Galeon Group Full time

    M&E Staff - Has a minimum of 1-2 years of experience in the same position, preferably with a background in food and beverage - Positive attitude, confident personality and humble in character - For kitchen, preferably experiences in Japanese, Asian & Western Cuisine - Willing to be placed at AGORA Mall, Central Jakarta

  • Coordinator, M&e

    5 days ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia ChildFund International Full time

    **JOB DESCRIPTION** - Title : Coordinator, Monitoring and Evaluation (Multi-Country) Division/Department : Program Location : YPSK Office in Lampung, Indonesia Reporting Relationship : Project Manager **Summary** The Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Coordinator will manage all aspects related to the measurement of progress and results of the project and will...

  • Coordinator, M&e

    2 weeks ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia ChildFund International Full time

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  • M&e Staff

    3 weeks ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia Ismaya Group Full time

    Needs to perform tasks as assigned by superiors within the time limit and given budget. - Needs to perform a task from The Force at maximum efficiency and ensure that the reaction time to requests is acceptable. - Needs to perform the process of effecting repairs and maintenance for the company efficiently, ensuring minimum repair and maximum maintenance...

  • Cme Senior Staff

    3 days ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia PT Rajawali Anugrah Resources Full time

    Persyaratan 1.CME Senior Staff ( Pengawas Pekerjaan Arsitekture/Finishing ) - Pria - Pendidikan Minimal DIII Teknik Arsirekture - Berpengalaman di proyek pembangunan perkantoran ( terutama Pekerjaan Finishing ) - Inovatif, kreatif, teliti, mandiri & pekerja keras - Bisa baca gambar kerja - Mampu mengoperasikan microsoft Office dan autocad - Disiplin dan...

  • Mer Specialist

    1 week ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia Plan International Full time

    The Organisation Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. In Indonesia, Plan International operates since 1969, and in 2017 Yayasan Plan International Indonesia (YPII/Plan Indonesia) was established as national entity of Plan International in Indonesia. YPII is...

  • Mer Specialist

    6 days ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia Plan International Full time

    The Organisation Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. In Indonesia, Plan International operates since 1969, and in 2017 Yayasan Plan International Indonesia (YPII/Plan Indonesia) was established as national entity of Plan International in Indonesia. YPII is...

  • Mer Specialist

    4 days ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia Plan International Full time

    The Organisation Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. In Indonesia, Plan International operates since 1969, and in 2017 Yayasan Plan International Indonesia (YPII/Plan Indonesia) was established as national entity of Plan International in Indonesia. YPII is...

  • Teknisi M/e

    2 days ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia Pppsrs Generali Tower Full time

    Pemeliharaan dan perbaikan seluruh instalasi, alat mesin, bangunan dsb - Menangani alat, mesin dan instalasi lainnya baik listrik, air, dsb - Melindungi investasi fisik bangunan fasilitas - Berperan dalam mendukung efisiensi operasional departemen lain - Melaksanakan pekerjaan pengoperasian, perbaikan dan perawatan alat dan fisik gedung - Melakukan inspeksi...

  • Jakarta, Indonesia Kawan Lama Full time

    Gambaran Pekerjaan - Sebagai Customer Service Staff E-Commerce, Anda akan menjadi penghubung antara perusahaan dan pelanggan untuk memberikan informasi terhadap permintaan maupun komplain/keluhan konsumen yang masuk agar dapat diselesaikan sesuai dengan prosedur dan memastikan adanya kepuasan pelanggan. Kualifikasi - Minimal D3 segala jurusan. - Minimal 3...

  • Jakarta, Indonesia PT Bringin Karya Sejahtera (BRIKS) Full time

    Staff E-Procurement Konstruksi (Penempatan Jakarta) - Pendidikan setidaknya D3 Teknik Elektro/Teknik Mesin/Teknik Sipil - Usia Maksimal 35 tahun - Memiliki Pengalaman dalam melakukan Tender dan E-Procurement Konstruksi Bangunan Gedung - Mampu merencanakan, melaksanakan dan melaporkan Pengadaan Sumber Daya - Mampu mengoperasikan aplikasi pengolahan data dan...

  • Jakarta, Indonesia Pace Synergic Full time

    Marketing: E-Commerce Staff - High School Graduates, and Diplomas are welcome to apply! - Understand the basic knowledge of respective desired position. - Able to work in a fast pace environment "Waspada terhadap Modus Penipuan pada saat proses interview. Perusahaan tidak akan memungut biaya apapun dalam melakukan proses interview. Mohon segera melaporkan...

  • E&s Assistant Manager

    4 weeks ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia ib vogt GmbH Full time

    **Company Description** ib vogt** is firmly committed to supporting the decarbonisation of the global electricity sector. The company focuses on the global development of turnkey PV plants and battery storage projects as well as the expansion of its IPP portfolio. In these areas, the company performs all integral services of the value chain from development,...

  • Jakarta, Indonesia Bali Staff Solutions Full time

    A company in **Bali **is looking for a talented and enthusiastic **Sales & Marketing (Full-time) **to work with them in **Jakarta** **Responsibilities**: - Drive sales by designing and implementing targeted marketing strategies - Actively seek out new sales opportunities through cold calling, networking and social media - Establish, develop and maintain...

  • Accounting Staff

    4 days ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia PT Hardaya Inti Plantation Full time

    Qualification: - Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) graduate majoring in Accounting, Finance or Management. - Min. 3 years experience in the field of Finance and Accounting, - Computer Literate (ERP System & M. office) - **Excellent written and spoken in English**: - Good competencies in end to end Finance and Accounting flow. - Willing to be located in Jakarta...

  • Staff Maintenance

    5 days ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia HOTEL DREAMTEL INTERNATIONAL Full time

    1.⁠ ⁠Melakukan perawatan dan perbaikan fasilitas seperti AC, Listrik, Telepon, Lift, Pompa Air, Genset. dan hal lain yang berhubungan dengan perawatan gedung. 2.⁠ ⁠Menindak lanjuti duty comment dan work order. 1.⁠ ⁠usia maksimal 33 tahun dan pernah bekerja di HOTEL/APARTMENT 2.⁠ ⁠Pendidikan mínimal STM jurusan teknik elektro / listrik,...

  • E-commerce Staff

    2 days ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia Mayindo Tritunggal PT Full time

    Mampu menjalin hubungan dengan brand dan seller dan melakukan negosiasi dengan seller - Membantu dalam menentukan produk baru yang dapat dijual baik di website maupun marketplace - Memberikan insight terkait tren dan industri terkait - Mengimplementasikan seasonal/monthly campaigns dan inisiatif - Memberikan cara dalam meningkatkan penjualan melalui analisis...

  • Jakarta, Indonesia PAC Consultant Full time

    **E- Commerce Manager Support** Perusahaan klien kami adalah perusahaan ritel produk bayi yang berkomitmen untuk membangun platform saluran ritel kelas menengah ke atas untuk wanita hamil, bayi, dan anak-anak.Perusahaan ini memberikan hasil berkualitas tinggi, memberikan layanan dan pengetahuan profesional terkait bayi dari seluruh dunia ke Indonesia....

  • Jakarta, Indonesia RTI International Full time

    Overview: Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning, Research, and Adaptation (MERLA) Manager, Accelerating TB Elimination in Indonesia **Responsibilities**: The MERLA Manager will have primary responsibility for the design, management, and implementation of systems to ensure quality monitoring and reporting of the project’s Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Plan....

  • Tax Staff

    4 days ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia PT Gunung Slamat Full time

    PT Gunung Slamat sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang produsen dan distribusi teh dengan beberapa brand seperti Teh Cap Botol, Teh Cap Sosro, dan Teh Cap Poci saat ini sedang mencari Tax Officer (Staff Pajak) dengan requirements dibawah ini: Tax Officer (Staff Pajak) - Min pendidikan D3 Perpajakan / Akuntansi dengan mínimal IPK 2,9. - Laki - Laki /...