Kurir Daily Malang
2 weeks ago
Jenis Pekerjaan: Penuh Waktu
Gaji: Rp100.000 - Rp500.000 per bulan
Pertanyaan Lamaran:
- Apakah anda memiliki kendaraan bermotor dan SIM C?
- Apakah anda berdomisili di area Malang kota?
- Apakah usia anda dibawah 36 tahun?
- SMA/SMU/SMK (Diwajibkan)
Bekerja dari Jauh:
- Tidak
Administration Support Specialist Malang
7 days ago
Malang, Indonesia PT. Valdo Sumber Daya Mandiri Full timeVisit merchants on daily basis, report daily activities and result on daily basis, solve issues related to merchants on daily operations qualification: 1. Diploma Degree or equivalent 2. Passionate and highly motivated person 3. Have experience to work on on-ground project 4. Ability on time management and handling multiple tasks 5. Good problem solving and...
Warehouse Sorter Freelance
3 weeks ago
Malang, Indonesia PT.Swakarya Insan Mandiri Full timeDibutuhkan karyawan sebagai **SORTER FREELANCE MALANG JAWA TIMUR** Jobdesk: Menjadi bagian dari team gudang yaitu mensortir barang yang akan dikirim oleh team kurir. Kualifikasi: - pria usia maksimal 35 tahun - pendidikan mínimal SMA / SMK Sederajad - Siap Bekerja dengan shift Malam ( Jam 1 Dini Hari) - Loyalitas tinggi, ulet dan teliti - Siap bekerja...
Sales Promoter
6 days ago
Malang, Indonesia PT Artha Dana Teknologi (Indodana) Full timeJob Description: - Melakukan pendekatan dengan konsumen untuk memberikan informasi mengenai Indodana Paylater - Melakukan penjualan produk Indodana Paylater - Memberikan pelayanan, menjelaskan produk, pengisian aplikasi serta keuntungan menggunakan Indodana Paylater - Mencapai target akuisisi - Melaporkan hasil penjualan (daily) - Follow Up (melengkapi)...
Sales Promoter
5 days ago
Malang, Indonesia PT Artha Dana Teknologi Full timePersyaratan Pendidikan mínimal SMA/SMK Usia maksimal 27 tahun Berpenampilan menarik Komunikatif serta memiliki inisiatif yang tinggi Memiliki pengalaman bekerja sebagai Sales Promoter menjadi nilai tambah Memiliki komitmen yang kuat untuk bekerja di bidang sales dan mencapai target penjualan yang telah ditetapkan perusahaan Penempatan di Malang...
Area Sales Manager
2 weeks ago
Malang, Indonesia Manuva (Formerly Tjetak) Full timeResponsible for all sales activities Liaise with warehouse team for inbound, outbound and payment verification Leading, mentoring, coaching the team Daily/weekly report to head of retail Build and maintain relationship with client Help the team to hit or exceed revenue forecasts At least 2 years experience as Area Sales Manager/Regional Manager Have...
Area Coordinator Malang
2 weeks ago
Malang, Indonesia PT. NIAGA ANEKA MODE Full time**Qualifications**: - Bachelor degree in business administration, management or related field. - 2 years experiences in similar role with track record of achieving sales, target and managing operations. - Strong understanding of business operational retail business fashion. - Excellent Interpersonal skills with the ability to build strong relationship with...
Ecf Operations Supervisor
5 days ago
Malang, Indonesia PT Eden Pangan Indonesia Full time**Responsibilities**: - Responsible for overall daily warehouse operation, which includes inbound, outbound, inventory processes - Conduct warehouse requirements planning and development efficiently, which includes manpower, equipment, logistic, etc. - Coordinate with external parties to make sure the operation runs smoothly - Develop and review SOP and...
Production Clerk and Translator
1 week ago
Malang, Indonesia PT Smoore Technology Indonesia Malang Full timeAssist the manager in daily communication - Plant and implement department activities - Attendance statistics and overtime reporting, personal entry and departure matters - Receiving external documents, delivering internal documents, binding and filling, binding and filling of interbal procedures of the department. - Budget, purchase and requisition for...
Supervisor Common Grounds Malang
3 weeks ago
Malang, Indonesia Common Grounds Malang Full time**JOB DESCRIPTIONS** - Coordinate daily Front of the House and Back of the House restaurant operations - Deliver superior service and maximize customer satisfaction - Respond efficiently and accurately to customer complaints - Regularly review product quality and research new vendors - Organize and supervise shifts - Appraise staff performance and provide...
In Process Quality Control Supervisor
1 week ago
Malang, Indonesia PT Smoore Technology Indonesia Malang Full timeRespons for daily management of QC tea, such as the allocation of tasks, 5S, QC recruitment, cross departement communication and so on - Follow up and deal with quality problem of producing process - Daily inspection and audit of production line, such as check work eficiency of QC and operation compliance - Complete and submit weekly and monthly QC quality...
Sales Agent
4 weeks ago
Malang, Indonesia PT Artha Dana Teknologi Full timePersyaratan Pendidikan mínimal SMA/SMK Usia maksimal 27 tahun Berpenampilan menarik Komunikatif serta memiliki inisiatif yang tinggi Memiliki pengalaman bekerja sebagai Sales Promoter menjadi nilai tambah Memiliki komitmen yang kuat untuk bekerja di bidang sales dan mencapai target penjualan yang telah ditetapkan perusahaan Penempatan di...
Field Collection
7 days ago
Malang, Indonesia PT Mandala Finance Tbk Full timeJobdesk: - Melakukan Penagihan konsumen yang sudah jatuh tempo - Melakukan cek kerumah konsumen yang sudah pencairan - Membuat laporan ke atasan hasil aktifitas Kualifikasi: - Pria Usia Max.35 Tahun - Pendidikan Min.SMA Segala jurusan - Pengalaman mínimal 1 tahun sebagai penagihan di perusahaan pembiayaan, koperasi dan kurir ekspedisi - Memiliki jiwa...
Equipment Operation Supervisor
1 week ago
Malang, Indonesia PT Smoore Technology Indonesia Malang Full timeAssist the equipment manager in the management and maintenance of plant equipment; - Responsible for the assignment, training, guidance, supervision, and assesment of maintenance personnel; - Manage the department staff to ensure that their daily work is carried out in an orderly manner - Establish equipment information record sheets and manage equipment...
Maintenance & Improvement Spv
1 week ago
Malang, Indonesia PT Smoore Technology Indonesia Malang Full timeAssist the equipment manager in the management and maintenance of plant equipment; - Responsible for the assignment, training guidance, supervision and assesment of maintenance personnel; - Participate in the preparation, updating and maintenance of the system document of the department; - Participate in the development and implementation arrangement of...
Remedial Officer
2 weeks ago
Malang, Indonesia PT Swakarya Insan Mandiri Full timeDeskrispsi Pekerjaan: Melakukan Kunjungan kerumah konsumen Menjalin hubungan baik dengan konsumen Melakukan penagihan angsuran kerumah konsumen yg sudah jatuh tempo keterlambatan 1 sd 60 hari. Kualifikasi: Usia maksimal 33 tahun Pendidikan mínimal D3 Memiliki Pengalaman Kerja diperusahaan pembiayaan / Kurir lebih disukai WAJIB Memiliki SIM C Aktif dan...
B2b Operations Executive
1 week ago
Malang, Indonesia SIRCLO Full time**Responsibilities**: - Membantu Warehouse Manager dalam menyelesaikan permasalah teknis sehari-hari di gudang - Memastikan semua sumber daya tersedia/mencukupi dalam memproses daily order - Mengawasi dan memastikan tim logistik, operator, dan administrasi menjalankan perannya masing-masing dengan sesuai - Menerapkan best practice dalam pengelolaan...
1 week ago
Malang, Indonesia PT. Finfleet Teknologi Indonesia Full time**Kualifikasi**: - Fresh Graduate diperbolehkan melamar - Memiliki kendaraan bermotor (STNK dan Pajak Kendaraan aktif) - Memiliki SIM C Aktif - Memiliki HP Android RAM Min. 3 GB - Memahami Area Malang dengan baik - Sehat jasmani dan rohani - Sopan, loyal dan bertanggung jawab - Penempatan Shopee Express - Cantumkan CV, KTP, SIM C, STNK Pajak Kendaraan...
Suplier Quality Engineer
1 week ago
Malang, Indonesia PT Smoore Technology Indonesia Malang Full timeFollow up current supplier transfer, qualification process; - New supplier development, coach and improvement; - Establish and optimize incoming inspection standard for lQC; - Daily non-conforming material follow up with internal team and supplier; - Bachelor degree major mechanical engineering/ electrical engineering - Familiar with plastic, metal,...
Captain - for Logistic
1 week ago
Malang, Indonesia PT Mitra Berkat Abadi Full time**Kualifikasi**: - Kandidat setidaknya mempunyai ijazah Diploma, atau Gelar Sarjana di bidang apapun. - Setidaknya memiliki 2 tahun pengalaman dalam bidang Logistik/Supply Chain atau setara. - Memahami planning, shipping, dan warehousing. - Memahami zona pengiriman barang & pembagian rute, serta menguasai perhitungan operasional (bensin, dll). - Penempatan...
Maintenance Engineer
1 week ago
Malang, Indonesia PT Smoore Technology Indonesia Malang Full timeOperation and maintenance of utilities in the factory - To be a role of leading the technician team to do a good job and complete the various task assigned by the superior leaders. - Solve any abnormal matters and restore them timely, which found during the daily inspection and patrol. - Analyze the causes of hidden dangers in the facility system and...