
1 week ago

Tangerang, Indonesia Makmur Jaya Full time

**Perusahaan kami mencari Staff AR (Piutang) dengan kualifikasi sbb**:

- Wanita
- Pendidikan Min. SMA
- Pengalaman Min. 2 Tahun di bidang yang sama
- Dapat Mengoperasikan MS. Office
- Dapat Mengoperasikan system Accurate
- Jujur, ulet, teliti, rajin, disiplin dan berprilaku baik
- Mampu bekerja baik di dalam tim atau secara individual
- Dapat Segera Bekerja

**Deskripsi pekerjaan**:

- Melakukann penginputan semua transaksi keuangan ke dalam program accurate
- Melakukan transaksi keuangan perusahaan
- Berhubungan dengan pihak internal ataupun eksternal yang berkaitan dengan keuangan perusahaan
- Follow up pelanggan untuk memastikan dokumen penagihan sudah diterima dan memastikan pelunasan tagihan tepat waktu.
- Membuat laporan AR dan AP
- Mengirim dokumen dokumen yang berkaitan secara tepat waktu
- Melakukan verifikasi pada keabsahan dokumen
- Melakukan semua kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan keuangan perusahaan

Jenis Pekerjaan: Penuh Waktu

Gaji: Rp4.000.000 - Rp5.000.000 per bulan

Kemampuan Bekerja Jauh dari Rumah/Pindah Rumah:

- Tangerang: Melakukan pulang-pergi kerja dengan jarak yang jauh tanpa mengganggu kinerja atau berencana pindah tempat tinggal sebelum mulai bekerja (Diwajibkan)

Pertanyaan Lamaran:

- Bersedia Masuk Senin - Sabtu dan Jam Kerja 07.30 - 17.00
- Vaksin yang sudah dijalanin berapa kali?
- Berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk bergabung jika anda diterima?

  • Tangerang, Indonesia PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk Full time

    Melakukan identifikasi, follow up, dan memonitor project finance yang sedang berjalan supaya dapat diimpelentasikan sesuai dengan timeline yang ada Membuat dan mengembangkan dashboard yang digunakan untuk kepentingan finance Melakukan User Acceptance Testing (UAT) pada setiap project yang akan diimplementasikan Melakukan proses administrasi surat menyurat...

  • Credit Manager

    1 week ago

    Tangerang, Indonesia PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk Full time

    Conducting financing review for Invoice Financing, B2B review, and Project Financing. Developing credit policy and procedure. Monitoring and controlling portfolio quality for retail and corporate financing. Conducting presentation to credit committee and other division to create synergy. Conducting covenant, disbursement, and approval...

  • South Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia PT BCA Finance Full time

    Perusahaan: PT BCA Finance adalah salah satu perusahaan pembiayaan terkemuka di Indonesia.Fungsi: Melakukan analisis kelayakan kredit konsumen untuk meningkatkan penjualan dan memperluas pasar.Tujuan: Membantu mencapai target penjualan dari BCA Finance dengan menjalin relasi baik dengan rekanan.Kualifikasi: D3/D4/S1 dengan IPK minimal 2.50 dan berdomisili di...

  • Tangerang, Indonesia PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk Full time

    PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk (BFI Finance) was established in 1982 as PT Manufacturers Hanover Leasing Indonesia, a joint venture between Manufacturers Hanover Leasing Corporation from the United States and local partners. It is one of long-established multifinance companies in Indonesia as well as the first multifinance company to be listed on the Jakarta...

  • Tangerang, Indonesia PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk Full time

    PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk (BFI Finance) was established in 1982 as PT Manufacturers Hanover Leasing Indonesia, a joint venture between Manufacturers Hanover Leasing Corporation from the United States and local partners. It is one of long-established multifinance companies in Indonesia as well as the first multifinance company to be listed on the Jakarta...

  • Tangerang, Indonesia PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk Full time

    PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk (BFI Finance) is one of the long-established pioneers in the financing sector in Indonesia. Founded in 1982, BFI Finance is recognized as a company with a wide network, supported by more than 200 financing outlets across provinces. In 1990, the Company became one of the first multifinance companies to list its shares on the...

  • Tangerang, Indonesia PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk Full time

    PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk (BFI Finance) was established in 1982 as PT Manufacturers Hanover Leasing Indonesia, a joint venture between Manufacturers Hanover Leasing Corporation from the United States and local partners. It is one of long-established multifinance companies in Indonesia as well as the first multifinance company to be listed on the Jakarta...

  • Tangerang, Indonesia PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk Full time

    PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk (BFI Finance) was established in 1982 as PT Manufacturers Hanover Leasing Indonesia, a joint venture between Manufacturers Hanover Leasing Corporation from the United States and local partners. It is one of long-established multifinance companies in Indonesia as well as the first multifinance company to be listed on the Jakarta...

  • Tangerang, Indonesia PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk Full time

    PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk (BFI Finance) was established in 1982 as PT Manufacturers Hanover Leasing Indonesia, a joint venture between Manufacturers Hanover Leasing Corporation from the United States and local partners. It is one of long-established multifinance companies in Indonesia as well as the first multifinance company to be listed on the Jakarta...

  • Tangerang, Indonesia PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk Full time

    PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk (BFI Finance) was established in 1982 as PT Manufacturers Hanover Leasing Indonesia, a joint venture between Manufacturers Hanover Leasing Corporation from the United States and local partners. It is one of long-established multifinance companies in Indonesia as well as the first multifinance company to be listed on the Jakarta...

  • Tangerang, Indonesia PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk Full time

    PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk (BFI Finance) was established in 1982 as PT Manufacturers Hanover Leasing Indonesia, a joint venture between Manufacturers Hanover Leasing Corporation from the United States and local partners. It is one of long-established multifinance companies in Indonesia as well as the first multifinance company to be listed on the Jakarta...

  • Tangerang, Indonesia PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk Full time

    PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk (BFI Finance) was established in 1982 as PT Manufacturers Hanover Leasing Indonesia, a joint venture between Manufacturers Hanover Leasing Corporation from the United States and local partners. It is one of long-established multifinance companies in Indonesia as well as the first multifinance company to be listed on the Jakarta...

  • Tangerang, Indonesia PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk Full time

    PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk (BFI Finance) was established in 1982 as PT Manufacturers Hanover Leasing Indonesia, a joint venture between Manufacturers Hanover Leasing Corporation from the United States and local partners. It is one of long-established multifinance companies in Indonesia as well as the first multifinance company to be listed on the Jakarta...

  • Tangerang, Indonesia PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk Full time

    Designing Data Architecture, Data Model, Data Pipe Line and Data Warehouse Performing a technical review of the data process to ensure that it is efficient and has a good SLA Supplying data demands and data security solutions in accordance with SOPs Ensure that data-related documentation is accurate Bachelor or Master degree in Computer Science or...

  • Internship Finance

    1 week ago

    Tangerang, Indonesia PT Universal Traktor Indonesia Full time

    **Company Description** is a leading provider of Lifting Equipment business solutions in Indonesia. Founded in 2018, we value our team's experience and strive to provide high-quality services and products to our customers. Our goal is to be the ultimate lifting solution provider in Indonesia. **Role Description** This is a full-time on-site role...

  • Vp of Finance

    7 days ago

    Tangerang, Indonesia SIRCLO Full time

    **Responsibilities**: - Responsible for overall finance activities within the company including budgeting, reporting, tax, accounting, and projection - Analyzing company's financial results and issue regular status and ad hoc reports to senior management. - Providing strategic guidance on capital financing options to support company growth needs. -...

  • Finance Staff

    2 weeks ago

    Tangerang, Indonesia Sekolah Insan Cendekia Madani Full time

    **QUALIFICATIONS**: - **Male, Aged around 25 - 35 Years Old** - **Minimum of three years experience as a Finance Staff or equivalent** - **Computer literate (Esp. Microsoft Excel)** - **Familiar for using Accounting software such as Accurate, Zahir, SAP Business One, MASERP etc.** - **Holding Brevet A & B Certificate is more likely** - **Attention to...

  • Tangerang, Indonesia Hino Finance Indonesia Full time

    Minimum Qualifications: Bachelor's degree in Economics of Engineering - Fresh graduate or max 2 years experience - Strong analytical thinking - Have interest working with numbers, financial statments or other financial data - Good communication and presentation skills - Excellent problem-solving skills PT Hino Finance Indonesia ("HFI/Company") was...

  • Tangerang, Indonesia PT JYD Innovation Jaya Full time

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  • Finance Leader

    3 days ago

    Tangerang, Indonesia PT. Selectro Indonesia Full time

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