Asisten Teknik

1 week ago

Jakarta, Indonesia SMART Agribusiness and Food Full time


1. Creates a budget based on the field conditions and the estimated treatment plan for the following year.

2. Creates a monthly work plan and necessary materials based on the workshop work program.

3. Creates a daily work plan based on the monthly work plan and the current condition and needs.

4. Submits a plan of necessary operational workshop fund every month.

5. Creates an machine maintenance schedule (SPM) based on the working hours of the machine so that it can operate normally.


1. Coordinate all foreman, mechanics, and clerks to ensure the daily work plan (RKH) is implemented in accordance with set targets.

2. Coordinates and ensures all the needed labors and tools are available for all activities.

3. Coordinates and organizes the distribution of manpower, heavy equipment and vehicle based on needs in order to maximize the work of repairing the vehicles/machine/heavy equipment.

4. Requests for the needed materials for workshops and ensures they are available on time and they are appropriate.

5. Monitors all repairs done by the third party technicians that cannot be repaired by the first party and ensures the repaired vehicles/heavy equipment/machine are operable.

6. Ensures the accuracy of the spare parts repaired by a third party and the returns of the replaced spare parts (used) in accordance with company policy.


1. Checks the operational reports made by the clerks to ensure compliance with the set work plan.

2. Creates a request for the purchase of materials for the needs of the workshop and monitors their use based on the request reports.

3. Checks employees’ overtime, leave of absences, and payroll based on their attendance list made by the clerks for wage purposes.

4. Makes payment of wages directly to all employees in accordance with the set schedule and returns the remaining wages that have not been received by the employee to the office on the same day.

Supervising, Monitoring, and Coaching

1. Supervises and ensures all employees work in accordance with the set procedures.

2. Supervises and ensures the use of all labors and materials have been distributed, recorded, and reported correctly.

3. Monitors and ensures the operational of all vehicles/ heavy equipment/machines are operating normally and can be used optimally.

4. Monitors and ensures the maintenance of the vehicles/ heavy equipment /machines are implemented based on schedule to ensure the machines can operate normally and they are well-maintained.

5. Monitors and ensures the maintenance of the electrical installations, building water, and other infrastructure are done and scheduled well to ensure the operations of the plantations are not disrupted.

6. Supervises and ensures all the work are done according to the specifications, measured properly, and completed by the agreed time.

7. Monitors the work of his/her subordinates and provides inputs and feedbacks on their performances to his/her superior.

8. Consistently provides guidance and directions to the subordinates through a process of discussion and/or internal meetings

9. Implements Healthy and Safety Occupation ( K3 ) in the workplace.

10. Performs other duties as instructed by his/her supervisors.

"Our company has never levied any fees for the recruitment process nor has it required to order tickets and accommodation through a certain travel agent or certain person"

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