Warehouse Finish Goods Officer

2 weeks ago

Bekasi, Indonesia SMART Agribusiness and Food Full time

1. Ensure the provision of materials and packaging required for the production process in each shift 2. Control the stock of the entire warehouse 3. Ensure the administration process in the warehouse runs according to the procedures that apply and run on the system 4. Ensure the supply of FG goods on demand (DO)

  • Bekasi, Indonesia SMART Agribusiness and Food Full time

    Job Description Summary: Responsible to run safety regulation smoothly and safely Job Description: - Coordinate and ensure activities related to the receipt, storage and expenditure of branded finished products including the administration run smoothly and safely. - Ensure the feasibility of the function of facilities and infrastructure (infrastructure)...

  • Purchasing Officer

    2 weeks ago

    Bekasi, Indonesia PT Mitra Logistik Kreasindo Full time

    **Job Overview**: Our Logistics department is in search of a Warehouse Operator to join us on a full-time basis. You should be able to coordinate and report your daily operations to the Warehouse Manager. You should be able to track shipments and examine them upon receipt. Besides, you should review the shipments and report any damages to the Warehouse...

  • Bekasi, Indonesia PT SWAKARYA INSAN MANDIRI Full time

    Kualifikasi - PRIA - PENDIDIKAN D3 - MENGERTI DAN MENGENAL LOGISTIC DAN WAREHOUSE - MENGUASAI MS. OFFICE Jenis Pekerjaan: Kontrak Panjang kontrak: 6 bulan Gaji: Dari Rp5.000.000 per bulan Pertanyaan Lamaran: - PENEMPATAN CIBITUNG! Pendidikan: - D1-D4 (Diwajibkan) Pengalaman: - BAGIAN GUDANG ATAU LOGISTIC: 1 tahun (Diwajibkan) Lisensi/Sertifikasi: -...

  • Operator Warehouse

    1 week ago

    Bekasi, Indonesia PT Matsuo Precision Indonesia Full time

    Melakukan kaizen warehouse - Melaksanakan standart kerja di genba dengan baik - Melakukan koordinasi dengan atasan dan tim warehouse - Usia max 25 tahun - Pend Min. SMA/SMK - Terbiasa bekerja dengan komputer (Wajib) - Mahir menggunakan MS Office (Excel & Powerpoint) - Dapat mengoperasikan Forklift & memiliki SIO aktif - Memiliki pengalaman di warehouse...

  • Bekasi, Indonesia PT. SINOTRANS CSC INDONESIA Full time

    Maintaining work flows, keeping work areas organized, ensuring that items are distributed on time, keeping inventories updated, and improving customer satisfaction Ensuring the daily operation of warehouse run smoothly Project operation duty working according to PIC ‘s instructions Communicating both to customer & vendors, which for project duty...

  • Head Warehouse

    2 weeks ago

    Bekasi, Indonesia CV Pancar Prima Agung Full time

    Head Warehouse (Bekasi) - Pria/Wanita maksimal umur 35 tahun - Pendidikan S1 semua Jurusan - Pengalaman bekerja Di Bidang Kepala Gudang Minimal 6 Tahun - Memiliki Interpersonal Yang Baik, Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan yang tinggi dan bisa berkomunikasi dengan baik dalam Teamwork - Menguasai Microsoft Office & Powerpoint - Mengerti dan paham Warehouse Manajemen...

  • Bekasi, Indonesia PT Indonesia Premium Goods Full time

    Persyaratan Maximum Age 36 years old Masterdegree of Business administration/Business Have experience as Finance Business Partner at least 5 Years Good understand about finance and fund Good Command in English Willing to work WFO Tanggung Jawab Day to day activity as finance strategy at CEO office side Translator between Finance and...

  • Bekasi, Indonesia PT. Stainless steel Primavalve Majubersama Full time

    Sales Admin/ Admin Officer - Kawasan GIIC, Cikarang Pusat Kab. Bekasi Description: - Make a quotation/unit offer requested by sales/ marketing - Make quotations/offers for Unit and Spare Parts requested by Technical Support (TS)/ ERP and AX (systems) - Check stock of Unit and Spare Parts in Warehouses - Monitor Min max stock of parts and units - Make PR...

  • QA Warehouse Staff

    1 week ago

    Bekasi, Indonesia PT Foodex Inti Ingredients Full time

    QA Warehouse Staff - Having a minimum Vocational High School (SMK) degree majoring in Chemical/Agriculture/Food Technology - Able to operate Ms. Office - Having knowledge of GMP, HACCP, and Allergen Management scheme - Having knowledge about FIFO - A precise & accurate person - Placement will be in Cikarang "Waspada terhadap Modus Penipuan pada saat proses...

  • Staff Warehouse

    2 weeks ago

    Bekasi, Indonesia CV Pancar Prima Agung Full time

    Staff Warehouse - Wanita/Pria maksimal umur 30 tahun - Pendidikan S1 Semua Jurusan, di utamakan Jurusan Logistik - Berpengalaman dalam bidangnya Min 3 tahun (Kandidat yang di proses yang berpengalaman) - Memiliki Interpersonal Yang Baik, Cekatan, Teliti, Inisiatif, Disiplin, Jujur, Bertanggung jawab, dan bisa berkomunikasi dengan baik dalam - Mampu membuat...

  • Warehouse Supervisor

    2 weeks ago

    Bekasi, Indonesia PT. SINOTRANS CSC INDONESIA Full time

    Maintaining work flows, keeping work areas organized, ensuring that items are shipped on time, keeping inventories updated, and improving customer satisfaction Project operation duty working according to PIC ‘s instructions Putting project FICO data into system accordingly Communicating both to customer & vendors, which for project duty working Doing...

  • Bekasi, Indonesia PT Riung Mitra Lestari Full time

    Group Leader Warehouse - Pendidikan Min. D3 Akuntansi, Manajemen, Logistik, Teknik Industri, atau jurusan yang berkaitan, - Memiliki pengalaman Min. 3 Tahun di bidang yang sama, - Memiliki kemampuan yang baik dalam mengoperasikan Microsoft Office, dan SAP, - Memiliki pengetahuan dasar tentang operasional gudang yang baik, - Memiliki pengetahuan dasar tentang...

  • Staff Warehouse

    2 weeks ago

    Bekasi, Indonesia CV Pancar Prima Agung Full time

    Staff Warehouse (Bekasi) - Pria/Wanita maksimal umur 35 tahun - Pendidikan S1 semua jurusan - Pengalaman bekeija Di Bidang staff Gudang Minimal 3 Tahun - Memiliki Interpersonal Yang Baik, Cekatan, Teliti, Inisiatif, Disiplin, Jujur. Bertanggung jawab, dan bisa berkomunikasi dengan baik dalam Teamwork - Menguasai Microsoft Office & Powerpoint - Rapih dan...

  • Leader Warehouse

    2 weeks ago

    Bekasi, Indonesia PT Pintarnya Solusi Teknologi Full time

    Kualifikasi: - Laki-Laki - Usia 35 - 38 Tahun - Pengalaman sebagai leader warehouse di Perusahaan otomotif mínimal 2 tahun - Pendidikan mínimal D3 semua jurusan - Mampu mengoperasikan microsoft office dengan baik - Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan dan mampu berkoordinasi dengan Dept. lain - Mampu bekerja sesuai target dan dibawah tekanan - Bersedia bekerja...

  • Bekasi, Indonesia PT Grahaprima Suksesmandiri Full time

    Memanage team Gudang agar dapat bekerja sesuai Fungsi-nya - Monitorin Daily & Controlling operasional Gudang terutama mobilitas Stock Inventory - Menganalisa permintaan atas kebutuhan Sparepart sesuai kerusakan pada Kendaraan - Memastikan kondisi Gudang rapih, bersih dan fisik barang sesuai data Inventory Sparepart - Melakukan monitorin KPI Subordinatenya...

  • Bekasi, Indonesia SMART Agribusiness and Food Full time

    Coordinate and ensure that all unit functions under the regional coverage of logistics head are going well - Responsible for the workflow from incoming and outgoing products made according to SOP and or guidance principal - Controlling the delivery of goods with respect to fleet utilization, the feasibility of the fleet in use and the efficiency of...

  • Purchasing Manager

    1 week ago


    Requirement: - Male 40 years old Maximum. - Advanced computer skills: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint - Have min 8 years experiance handling purchasing in **Manufacturing industries.** - SAP SYSTEM experience min 2 years - Fluent in english. - Willing to work at Cikarang - EJIP. Jobs Qualification: - Ability of forecasting and order based on procurement...

  • Head Warehouse

    7 days ago

    Bekasi, Indonesia PT Pintarnya Solusi Teknologi Full time

    Job description: - Membuat perencanaan pengadaan barang dan distribusinya. - Mengawasi dan mengontrol operasional gudang. - Melakukan order barang sesuai kebutuhan. - Mengawasi dan mengontrol semua barang yang masuk dan keluar sesuai dengan SOP. - Melakukan pengecekan pada barang yang diterima sesuai SOP. Kualifikasi: - Pria/Wanita maksimal umur 35...

  • Purchasing Manager

    2 weeks ago


    Requirement: - Male 40 years old Maximum. - Advanced computer skills: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint - Have min 8 years experiance handaling purchasing in **Manufacturing industries.** - SAP SYSTEM experiance min 2 years - Fluent in english. - Willing to work at Cikarang - EJIP. Jobs Qualification: - Ability of forecasting and order based on...

  • Bekasi, Indonesia PT Indonesia Premium Goods Full time

    Learning And Development Specialist - Bachelors Degree in any field - Professional experience at least 2 years in related field (training, learning & development) - Proficient in design and develop training module - Preferably have a background in financial institutions - Strong communication and analytical thinking skills - Proficient in using Microsoft...