Junior Contract Engineer
2 days ago
a) Bachelor’s degree in engineering
b) Min. 1 years of Oil and Gas Industry experience
Junior Data Engineer
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT. Orang-IT.id Full timeHello, candiates! One of our client is looking for Junior Data Engineer who's familiar with ETL framework and had an experiences using SSIS. Curious about the requirements? Let's check this out! - Min. Bachelor Degree in Informatics System, Computer Science, or any related major. - Min. 1 years experiences as Data Engineer. - Having skill in **ETL **and...
Junior Hadoop Engineer
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT. Orang-IT.id Full timeHello, one of our client is looking for Junior Hadoop Engineer. Curious about the requirements? Let's check this out! **Requirements**: - Min. 2-3 tahun sebagai Hadoop Engineer. - Pengalaman menggunakan platform apache Hadoop dan komponen nya seperti Hive, HDFS, Spark, Impala, Oozie minimum 3 tahun. - Pengalaman menggunakan platform Hadoop seperti...
Junior Devsecops Engineer
6 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Inixindo Technology Full timeINIXINDO Jakarta Selatan **Job Title**: Junior DevSecOps Engineer **Job Type**: Full Time APPLY NOW! —————— - Nama Lengkap * Nomor Handphone * Posisi * — Pengajar/Instructor IT Junior Data Scientist Customer Service Sales Support Junior DevSecOps Engineer Upload Resume/CV * Promosikan diri anda * **Requirements**: - Male / Female, max...
Contract Engineer
6 hours ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT. Gunanusa Utama Fabricators Full time2. More than 5 years of experience in upstream Oil & Gas Company and has at least one (1) similar upstream offshore project as Contract Engineer. 3. Has a good knowledge of contract law principles and practices. 4. Able to manage and control the entire contract administration process and change order. 5. Fluent in English both oral and written. 6. Detail...
Engineer - Contract
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Amman Mineral Internasional Full timeAssist the supervisor to ensure successful procurement of goods and services through effective contracting in terms of costs, quality, quantity, services and availability - Assist to develop contract plans and strategies based on user department contracting requirements and provide regular progress status reports of all contracting activities - Use, monitor...
Ml Engineer
6 hours ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT Salva Teknologi Digital Full timeML Engineer (Junior) - Applicants should have sufficient qualification and relevant experiences in the respective fields "Waspada terhadap Modus Penipuan pada saat proses interview. Perusahaan tidak akan memungut biaya apapun dalam melakukan proses interview. Mohon segera melaporkan ke kami, jika pada saat Anda diundang untuk interview dan diminta untuk...
Data Engineer
6 hours ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT Salva Teknologi Digital Full timeData Engineer (Junior) - Applicants should have sufficient qualification and relevant experiences in the respective fields "Waspada terhadap Modus Penipuan pada saat proses interview. Perusahaan tidak akan memungut biaya apapun dalam melakukan proses interview. Mohon segera melaporkan ke kami, jika pada saat Anda diundang untuk interview dan diminta untuk...
Junior Quality Assurance Katalon
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT. Orang-IT.id Full timeOne of our client is looking for Junior Quality Assurance and have a skill using Katalon (Automation). Curious about the requirements? Let's check this out! - Min. Bachelor Degree in Informatics System, Computer Science, or any related major. - Min. 1 years experiences as Quality Assurance. - Have a skill in **Katalon (Automation)** is a **must**. -...
Junior Quantity Engineer
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT Decorient Partaya Indonesia Full timeJunior Quantity Engineer - Great team player and good communication skill - Willing to work under pressure and deal with dateline - Open to be placed in outside Java "Waspada terhadap Modus Penipuan pada saat proses interview. Perusahaan tidak akan memungut biaya apapun dalam melakukan proses interview. Mohon segera melaporkan ke kami, jika pada saat Anda...
Junior Engineer
6 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT Sudi Jaya Globalindo Full timeJunior Engineer - Pendidikan mínimal STM atau D3 Electrical/Mechanical - Berusia maksimal 28 tahun - Pengalaman di bidang yang sama mínimal 1 (satu) tahun atau fresh graduate - Memiliki basic electrical atau mechanical - Dapat menggunakan alat ukur (mínimal Multimeter) - Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik - Mampu bekerjasama di dalam tim maupun...
Junior Quality Control
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT. Orang-IT.id Full timeOne of our client is looking for Junior Quality Control. Curious about the requirements? Let's check this out! JOB DESCRIPTION: - Review and analyze system specifications. - Create test cases. - Execute test cases and analyze results. - Create logs to document testing phases and defects. - Report bugs and errors to development teams or product team. - Help...
Junior Engineer Construction
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT Indonesia Weda Bay Industrial Park Full timeJUNIOR ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION - Pendidikan D3-S1 Teknik Sipil - Jenis Kelamin: Laki-laki - Usia 25 - 35 Tahun - Pengalaman -/+ 2 tahun - Kategori Pelamar: Maluku Utara - Nasional Persyaratan - CV - KTP - Kartu Keluarga - Ijazah Terakhir - Surat Lamaran - Sertifikat Vaksin Ke-2 "Waspada terhadap Modus Penipuan pada saat proses interview. Perusahaan tidak...
Site Reliability Engineer
6 hours ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT Salva Teknologi Digital Full timeSite Reliability Engineer (Junior) - Applicants should have sufficient qualification and relevant experiences in the respective fields "Waspada terhadap Modus Penipuan pada saat proses interview. Perusahaan tidak akan memungut biaya apapun dalam melakukan proses interview. Mohon segera melaporkan ke kami, jika pada saat Anda diundang untuk interview dan...
Junior Java Programmer
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT. Orang-IT.id Full timeOne of our client is looking for Junior Java Programmer. Curious about the requirements? Let's check this out! JOB DESCRIPTION: - Bertanggung jawab dalam pengembangan product yang terkait dengan Frontend Application. - Bertanggung jawab dalam mempelajari fungsi bisnis, mengumpulkan informasi dan mengevaluasi kebutuhan bisnis dan menterjemahkannya secara...
Junior Product Engineer
4 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia IlmuOne Data Full timeAs a Junior Product Engineer (Web), you will be responsible for developing and enhancing web-based product features. You will collaborate with developers, designers, and product managers to create innovative and efficient solutions. **Responsibilities**: - Develop, test, and optimize features for web products - Collaborate with design and product teams to...
Junior Risk Consultant
4 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Marsh Full time**Junior Risk Consultant** A Junior Risk Consultant is a fresh graduate or 1-2 years experience to be involved in property risk consulting service. **We will count on you to**: - To conduct property risk evaluation survey and report to small and medium size risks - To provide adequate, suitable and effective risk recommendation to improve the risk - To...
Contract Engineer
4 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT RGF Human Resources Agent Indonesia Full timePersyaratan Hold Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering or Architectural major or other related major. Has 5-7 years of experience working for a Contractor and/or Consultant as a Contract Engineer/Administrator (preferably from the General Contractor). Must have Business English Level skill (need to read a lot of contract agreements in English). Solid...
Mine Engineer
6 hours ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Param Mitra Coal Resources Full timeMine Engineer / Junior Mine Plan Eng - Bachelor Degree in Mining Engineering. - Having min 3 years’ experience in the same position in Coal Mining Industry. - Mastering the Minescape program. - Preferably have POP certificate. "Waspada terhadap Modus Penipuan pada saat proses interview. Perusahaan tidak akan memungut biaya apapun dalam melakukan proses...
Junior Cook
6 hours ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Panggilin Full timeDibutuhkan Junior Cook untuk daerah Jakarta Utara, dengan kualifikasi: - Memiliki pengalaman sebagai junior cook mínimal 1 tahun - Berdomisili di Jakarta Utara atau Jakarta Barat - Memiliki pengalaman memasak western/local food - Pekerja keras dan disiplin - Bersedia bekerja di daerah Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara Jam kerja: Senin - Sabtu pukul 06.00 WIB -...
Junior Cooker
5 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Panggilin Full timeDibutuhkan Junior Cooker untuk daerah Jakarta Utara, dengan kualifikasi: - Memiliki pengalaman sebagai cook mínimal 1 tahun - Berdomisili di Jakarta Utara atau Jakarta Timur - Memiliki pengalaman memasak western/local food - Pekerja keras dan disiplin - Bersedia bekerja di daerah Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara Jam kerja: Senin - Sabtu pukul 06.00 WIB - 15.30...