Public Relation
4 days ago
Public Relation
- Able to communicate well
- Minimum 1 year experience in similar position
- Have positive attitude, ability to efective communication & interpersonal skills
"Waspada terhadap Modus Penipuan pada saat proses interview. Perusahaan tidak akan memungut biaya apapun dalam melakukan proses interview. Mohon segera melaporkan ke kami, jika pada saat Anda diundang untuk interview dan diminta untuk melakukan pembayaran dengan sejumlah uang."
"Please be aware of the Fraud Company. The company will never be collecting any payment in the process of interview. Please immediately report to us if there's any companies that collecting payment to the Jobseekers."
Public Relation
3 days ago
Tangerang, Indonesia PT. THERMO TECH SOLUTIONS Full timePublic Relation Kualifikasi: 1. Perempuan usia 22-30 thn 2. Lulusan S1 Ilmu komunikasi/ Public Relation/ Mass Communication atau jurusan apapun yang terkait 3. Memiliki kemampuan public speaking & good looking 4. Memiliki pengalaman social media management (diutamakan) 5. Memiliki pengalaman pengembangan produk & pemasaran produk (diutamakan) 6. Memiliki...
Public Relations
3 weeks ago
Tangerang, Indonesia PT Mahakarya Anak Muda Full timeAbout Us Mahakarya Anak Muda (MAM) started out as a digital company that works in media, e-commerce and technology in Tangerang from 2018. We named our company Mahakarya Anak Muda, because we believe in the power and influence from young lead generations for a brighter digital future. Up to now, through our subsidiary company, COMMO Creative, a digital...
Public Relations Staff
1 week ago
Tangerang, Indonesia Sekolah Insan Cendekia Madani Full time**INTRODUCTION**: Insan Cendekia Madani Boarding School Development is an Islamic school that has made various strategic steps to nurture talented graduates from noble characters in the teachings of Islam. Therefore, we are looking for a **Public Relations Staff **with the following qualifications. **QUALIFICATIONS**: - Female - Age around 25-35 years...
Public Relation
6 days ago
Tangerang, Indonesia Rumah Sakit Bethsaida Full timePublic Relation - Pria & Wanita - Usia max. 26 th - Pendidikan sesuai dengan yang dilamar - Berpengalaman sesuai dengan bidangnya - Jujur, disiplin & bertanggung jawab - Dapat bekerja baik tim maupun individu - Sudah vaksin min. dosis ke 2 Waspada terhadap Modus Penipuan pada saat proses interview. Perusahaan tidak akan memungut biaya apapun dalam melakukan...
Public Relations
18 hours ago
Tangerang, Indonesia PT Qerja Manfaat Bangsa (QMB) Full timePersyaratan - 2 to 4 years of PR experience - Excellent writing and editing skills; creative storyteller with unwavering attention to detail and a strong command of English - Carry yourself as a confident communicator with excellent organizational and planning skills - Bachelor’s degree in Public Relations or Marketing with a PR concentration - Double...
Marketing (Public Relations)
4 days ago
Tangerang, Indonesia RS Columbia Asia BSD Full timeMarketing (Public Relations) - Applicants should have sufficient qualification and relevant experiences in the respective fields "Waspada terhadap Modus Penipuan pada saat proses interview. Perusahaan tidak akan memungut biaya apapun dalam melakukan proses interview. Mohon segera melaporkan ke kami, jika pada saat Anda diundang untuk interview dan diminta...
Public Relation Officer
7 days ago
Tangerang, Indonesia Sprout Digital Full time**Job Description**: - Manage and maintain customer data in our customer database. - Help team to plan and execute product promotion campaigns to increase visibility and market awareness of the company's products. - Distribute product-related content, including press releases, articles, and promotional materials to various media platforms. - Monitor and...
Relation Officer
3 weeks ago
Tangerang, Indonesia Rakoes Indonesia Full timePerempuan, usia maksimum 27 tahun - Minimum pendidikan diploma / S1 (Diutamakan dari jurusan komunikasi / marketing / public relation), terbuka untuk fresh graduate - Minimum pengalaman 2 tahun sebagai relation officer - Berdomisili di Tangerang / Gading Serpong diutamakan - Berpenampilan menarik dan percaya diri - Terbiasa untuk menjaga hubungan dan...
Assistant Manager, Public Relations
5 days ago
Tangerang, Indonesia AirAsia Full timeJob Description **Job Objectives**: - Develop and implement Public Relations & Media strategy for the airasia Super App in Indonesia. - Build the airasia Super App’s reputation across Indonesia and ensure effective media coverage throughout the various regions of Indonesia. - Build and strengthen the profile for Country Head of Indonesia for airasia Super...
Public Relation
2 days ago
Tangerang, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timeProvide an explanation about the business incubator at Universitas Multimedia Nusantara to the general public Create and maintain business incubator social media so that people are more familiar with the business incubator Prepare and create promotional media for business incubator activities through flyers, banners, and other promotional...
Public Relations
2 weeks ago
Tangerang, Indonesia With Smile Dental Clinic Full timeBerpenampilan bersih, rapih dan sopan - Aktif dalam Sosial Media - Pendidikan mínimal SMA, lebih diutamakan S1 Marketing Communication - Usia maksimal 28 tahun - Diutamakan mempunyai basic secretary/asisten direksi - Pengalaman mínimal 1 tahun dibidang Strategy marketing Online - Menguasai Bahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan (Bisnis korespondensi) - Memiliki...
Public Relation Specialist
2 weeks ago
Tangerang, Indonesia PT Mganic Naturindo Cemerlang Full timeSeek opportunities for partnerships, collaboration and maintain good relationship with influencers and KOL. - Organize and prepare partnership proposal and agreements for campaign projects with influencers, KOL and other third-parties - Maintain a good brand image and relationships with influencers and KOL - Proposing options, making list, and executing for...
Ecosystem Strategy
2 weeks ago
Tangerang, Indonesia Sinarmas Land Full time**Job Descriptions**: - Develop and maintain good relationship with existing tenants and partners. - Actively search feedback from existing tenants to add more value to ecosystem. - Implement and support administrative needs for partner relations, marketing & event division. - Receive, process, and enter data into the system (example: SAP & E-workflow). -...
Marketing & Public Relation
2 weeks ago
Tangerang, Indonesia With Smile Dental Clinic Full timeMelaksanakan program dan kegiatan humas secara efektif untuk membanguncitra klinik dengan baik - Menjalin hubungan baik dengan pihak internal dan eksternal (instansi pemerintahan, media, dsb) - Merencanakan, Merancang, melaksanakan, mengkordinir event/ kegiatan baik internal maupun eksternal. - mendokumentasikan setiap event/ kegiatan yang dilakukan. -...
Tangerang, Indonesia PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk Full timePT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk (BFI Finance) was established in 1982 as PT Manufacturers Hanover Leasing Indonesia, a joint venture between Manufacturers Hanover Leasing Corporation from the United States and local partners. It is one of long-established multifinance companies in Indonesia as well as the first multifinance company to be listed on the Jakarta...
Office Administration Intern Role
7 days ago
Tangerang, Indonesia PT Asia Serv Indonesia Full timeOffice Administration Intern Role - Majoring in Management, Accounting, Communication, Economic, Law, Public Health, Informatics, Psychology and other administrative related major. - Majoring in Management, Accounting, Communication, Economic, Law, Public Health, Informatics, Psychology and other administrative related major.
Customer Relation Representative
6 days ago
Tangerang, Indonesia PT Mitra Karsa Utama Full time**Kualifikasi**: - Wanita/Pria, usia maksimal 27 tahun - Pendidikan mínimal D3 - Pengalaman di Customer Service - Berpenampilan menarik, good looking, clean, tidak bertatto - TB Male min 165cm with proporsional weight - TB Female 157cm with proporsional weight - Vaksin mínimal kedua - Pengalaman dibidang penjualan/marketing mínimal 1 tahun - Mampu...
Pr Officer
3 weeks ago
Tangerang, Indonesia Kompas Gramedia Full timePlanning, developing, and implementing PR Strategies for Skystar Ventures Managing media publications, media coverage, press conference, and press release (about program activities, tenant achievement, and coworking publication) Connecting Skystar Ventures team with internal/external potential partners Accommodating company visits and other inquiries to...
Kol Specialist
4 days ago
Tangerang, Indonesia TIGER WONG AGENCY Full time**QUALIFICATION** - Bachelor's degree in communication, public relation, or related major - Have at least 1 year of experience in managing KOL/Influencer - Strong communication and negotiation skills - Great time management skills, attention to detail, and a team player - Able to operate Ms. Office - Have a huge database KOL will be a plus Jenis Pekerjaan:...
Sales Marketing
2 weeks ago
Tangerang, Indonesia PT. AIKO SURYA INDONESIA Full timeDiutamakan lulusan mínimal SMA/K/D3/S1 jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, Pemasaran, Public Relation - Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman di bidang Sales Marketing mínimal 1 tahun - Memiliki kemampuan public speaking, negosiasi, dan penawaran yang baik - Memiliki kemampuan memotivasi dan mengedukasi - Mampu bekerja dengan target dan dibawah tekanan Benefit 1. Gaji...