Reels Creator

4 days ago

Jakarta, Indonesia TemanMu Full time

Menyusun script konten kesehatan mental untuk reels intagram TemanMu
- Merealisasikan konsep konten reel instagram TemanMu
- Mengembangkan strategi dan konsep konten yang sesuai dengan nilai-nilai TemanMu
- Perempuan/laki-laki berusia 18-27 tahun
- Up to date dengan tren di media sosial
- Tertarik dengan isu kesehatan mental dan passionate dalam belajar
- serta meningkatkan mental health awareness anak muda Indonesia
- Memiliki motivasi, inisiatif dan kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
- Bersedia meluangkan waktu dan sanggup komitmen selama 4 bulan
- Nyaman bekerja, baik secara individu maupun dalam tim
- Melampirkan CV terbaru

Kriteria Khusus
- Kreatif dan ekspresif, terbiasa tampil di depan kamera
- Tertarik dan terbiasa mengeksplorasi fitur dan tren reels di Instagram
- Tech-savvy dan mampu melakukan editing video sederhana
- Wajib melampirkan portofolio videoTikTok/Reels yang sudah pernah dibuat

(dalam bentuk link)
"Waspada terhadap Modus Penipuan pada saat proses interview. Perusahaan tidak akan memungut biaya apapun dalam melakukan proses interview. Mohon segera melaporkan ke kami, jika pada saat Anda diundang untuk interview dan diminta untuk melakukan pembayaran dengan sejumlah uang."

""Please be aware of the Fraud Company. The company will never be collecting any payment in the process of interview. Please immediately report to us if there's any companies that collecting payment to the Jobseekers."

  • Jakarta, Indonesia Mirage Jeweler Full time

    Job Desc: - Responsible to planning & strategy for Tiktok and Reels posts. - Create content including planning, execution, editing, & reporting - Research and up to date with latest trend on social media & align brand identity with target market. - Stitch content from KOL / content creators to make Tiktok and Reels content. - Support marketing team for live...

  • Instagram Reels

    2 weeks ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia Cetta Online Class Full time

    Create creative Reels and Tiktok content related to Scholarship or ElevaU Handle editing issues or changes if there is any feedback. Work independently & collaborate with the content-marketing team. Bachelor's degree in any major (preferred Journalistic, Communications, English Literature or others) Has great knowledge about IELTS, scholarship and ElevaU...

  • Instagram Reels

    6 days ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia Cetta Online Class Full time

    Create creative Reels and Tiktok content related to Ceta Mandarin. Handle editing issues or changes if there is any feedback. Work independently & collaborate with the content-marketing team. Bachelor's degree in any major (preferred Chinese Literature / Communication / Relevance). Has great knowledge about Chinese culture, and trends is a must. Own a...

  • Instagram Reels

    5 days ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia Cetta Online Class Full time

    Create creative Reels and Tiktok content related to Mandarin for Kids. Handle editing issues or changes if there is any feedback. Work independently & collaborate with the content-marketing team. Bachelor's degree in any major (preferred Chinese Literature / Communication / Relevance). Has great knowledge about Scholarship or Mandarin is a must. Own a...

  • Instagram Reels

    1 week ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia Cetta Online Class Full time

    Responsibilities Create creative Reels and Tiktok content. Handle editing issues or changes if there is any feedback. Work independently & collaborate with the content-marketing team. **Qualifications**: Bachelor's degree in any major (preferred French Literature). Has great knowledge about French culture, and trends is a must. Own a TikTok account and...

  • Jakarta, Indonesia Street Sushi Full time

    Hi, apakah kamu orang yang sangat kreatif, suka eksis dan juga senang dengan trend Gen Z masa kini dan ingin punya uang tambahan? Yuk gabung jadi content creator Street Sushi Deskripsi Pekerjaan - Mengunjungi outlet-outlet Street Sushi dan membuat video menarik - Membuat konten-konten sesuai tema yang ditentukan - Membantu ide dan skenario konten -...

  • Content Creator

    5 days ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia Senikersku Full time

    Brandstorming dengan divisi kreatif terkait ide atau konsep konten apa yang akan diproduksi - Handle produksi, editing hingga upload konten untuk story dan reels IG Senikersku, serta TikTok Senikersku - Bertanggungjawab dalam pembuatan bank konten selama 1 minggu kedepan - Mencari referensi terkait konten yang sedang viral, kemudian dituangkan dalam ide...

  • Content Creator

    2 weeks ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia PT. Laku Keras Indonesia Full time

    Kualifikasi: 1. Perempuan 2. Pendidikan mínimal Diploma semua jurusan 3. Memiliki pengalaman sebagai content creator mínimal 1 tahun 4. Aktif menggunakan sosial media (diutamakan Instagram dan Tiktok) 5. Mampu menggunakan tools editing di handphone 6. Aktif berbicara, percaya diri dan kreatif 7. Mengikuti trend content di sosial media Deskripsi...

  • Content Creator

    1 week ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia PT VPlus Platinum 8 Indonesia Full time

    Content Creator (Intern) Jika kamu memiliki kualifikasi berikut - Mahasiswa jurusan Komunikasi, Marketing, Public Relation, atau sejenis - Kandidat terbiasa membuat konten diberbagai platform media seperti Instagram Reels, Tiktok, dll - Kandidt bersedia melaksanakan pemagangan selama mínimal 3 bulan (Unpaid Internship) - kandidat bersedia penempatan di...

  • Content Creator

    5 days ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia Ririsuin Full time

    Job Vacancy: Content Creator Job description: - Deliver creative content timely, on schedule everyday - Handling Socmed IG (Feed, Reels, Story), Tiktok, Threads - Handling Ads management including weekly & monthly report - Finding traffic leads for sales - Prepare montly Report (Performance) - Audio/Video Editing Skills Join if you are: - A person who...

  • Content Creator

    2 weeks ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia Ririsuin Full time

    Job Vacancy: Content Creator Intern Job description: - Deliver creative content timely, on schedule everyday - Handling Socmed IG (Feed, Reels, Story), Tiktok, Threads - Handling Ads management including weekly & monthly report - Finding traffic leads for sales - Prepare montly Report (Performance) - Audio/Video Editing Skills Join if you are: - A person...

  • Jakarta, Indonesia DECA Group Full time

    Social Media Content Creator - Jakarta Utara, DKI Jakarta - February, 28 2023 **Compulsary Requirement**: - Female - Bachelor (S1) - Min. GPA 3.25 - Max age 32 years - Min experience 1 year(s) **Job Requirement**: **Responsibilities**: - Membuat konten video Tiktok/Reels dari proses shooting sampai editing - Berkolaborasi dengan tim campaign untuk...

  • Jakarta, Indonesia PT Bangun Abadi Teknologi Indonesia (Mybati) Full time

    Content Creator Internship - Make the creative content strategy to enrich the company's marketing channels - Make the marketing strategy for promotional and education content - Conduct in-depth market, product, and competitor research to be able to produce content ideas that are relevant and in-line with target audience of our company - Up to date with...

  • Jakarta, Indonesia PT.Tritunggal Multi Cemerlang Full time

    TMC is open internship for Content Creator positions, which will be responsible to help us with our branding social media accounts. You'll be a perfect match person if you're: 1. Feel energize by meet and talk with people 2. Willing to hybrid working in Pantai Indah Kapuk, North Jakarta 3. Think creative and give innovative solutions 4. Enthusiastic...

  • Content Creator

    2 weeks ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia Lee Vierra Full time

    Create original content to be published either live or offline on various social media such as Instagram stories, reels and tik tok Creating meaningful content about active living, sports tips and activewear & swimwear product reviews Help create and strengthen brand identity through corporate social media content. Manage and develop the company's social...

  • Content Creator

    4 days ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia PT Granolab Muesli Indonesia Full time

    Job Description: - Membuat dan mendesign content di social media perusahaan (Instagram post, reels & Tiktok), dan diplatform online perusahaan (Shopee, Tokopedia, Tiktok, dll) - Membuat dan memperbaharui materi di media sosial perusahaan maupun materi promosi di media lainnya. - Maintain timeline content dari KOL - Merespon komentar dan direct message -...

  • Content Creator

    6 days ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia Good Durian Full time

    **Dibutuhkan Segera !!!** **LOKER Content Creator & Graphic Design Toko** **(Content, Host Live, dan design)** **Deskripsi Pekerjaan**: - Handle kebutuhan design dan konten social media & marketplace good durian - Membuat design banner, foto, dan video reels untuk kebutuhan store - Dapat meningkatkan viewers di semua social media & marketplace good...

  • Jakarta, Indonesia Cetta Online Class Full time

    Cetta is an online language academy run by young Indonesians with an interactive and inclusive learning system. We are on a mission to make Indonesian as an actual World Citizen. Cetta provides a synchronous online language Academy since 2020. Currently offers 6 language courses including English, Japanese, Mandarin, Korean, French, and German with more...

  • Jakarta, Indonesia Cetta Online Class Full time

    Create creative Reels and TikTok content related to Cetta German. - Handle editing issues or changes if there is any feedback. - Work independently & collaborate with the content-marketing team. - Create and prepare the script for content. - Minimum Qualifications: Bachelor's degree in any major (preferred German Literature / Communication / Relevance). -...

  • Jakarta, Indonesia Cetta Online Class Full time

    Cetta is an online language academy run by young Indonesians with an interactive and inclusive learning system. We are on a mission to make Indonesian as an actual World Citizen. Cetta provides a synchronous online language Academy since 2020. Currently offers 6 language courses including English, Japanese, Mandarin, Korean, French, and German with more...