Marketing Asistant
1 month ago
Minimum Qualifications and Experience
- Experienced min 3-5 years in related field
- Innovative ideas and concepts for content/campaigns as per the requirements.
- Have a good understanding of digital marketing and the latest trends.
- Good communication in English oral & written
- Strong analytical and planning skills;
- Good communication and presentation skills;
- Excellent problem-solving skills;
- Assist Marketing in planning and supervising marketing operations to achieve revenue targets.
- Coordinate with Marketing Manager in developing a marketing plan and budget to achieve sales goals.
- Evaluate the current marketing program of its impact on sales and recommend improvements.
- Recommend creative and cost-effective promotional activities.
- Generate marketing & digital reports to the Marketing Manager.
Jenis Pekerjaan: Penuh Waktu
Gaji: Rp3.500.000 - Rp10.000.000 per bulan
Kemampuan Bekerja Jauh dari Rumah/Pindah Rumah:
- Surabaya: Melakukan pulang-pergi kerja dengan jarak yang jauh tanpa mengganggu kinerja atau berencana pindah tempat tinggal sebelum mulai bekerja (Diwajibkan)