Operator Excavator
1 week ago
Operator Excavator
- Usia 23-45 tahun
- Pendidikan min. SMA/Sederajat
- Memiliki pengalaman min. 1 tahun di posisi yang sama pada perusahaan pertambangan.
- Mempunyai komitmen untuk selalu mengutamakan keselamatan kerja dan memiliki motivasi yang tinggi.
- Memiliki track record safety yang baik.
- Memiliki sikap yang baik dan disiplin.
- Berbadan sehat.
- Bersedia bekerja dengan sistem roster dan shift (siang/malam).
- Minimal sudah Vaksin Dosis I.
- Penempatan Morowall, Site PT Hengjaya Mineralindo
"Waspada terhadap Modus Penipuan pada saat proses interview. Perusahaan tidak akan memungut biaya apapun dalam melakukan proses interview. Mohon segera melaporkan ke kami, jika pada saat Anda diundang untuk interview dan diminta untuk melakukan pembayaran dengan sejumlah uang."
"Please be aware of the Fraud Company. The company will never be collecting any payment in the process of interview. Please immediately report to us if there's any companies that collecting payment to the Jobseekers."
Operator Excavator
2 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT Santosa Asih Jaya Full timeOPERATOR EXCAVATOR - Melakukan daily check up - Memastikan alat di grease setiap hari - Bisa menjaga kesejahteraan alat - Bisa mengoperasikan alat dg kehati2an agar tidak cepat rusak - Memahami cara mencegah alat supaya tidak gampang rusak - Memahami cara kerja alat dan mampu melakukan perbaikan yang ringan2 seperti penggantian hose yang pecah dll. -...
Operator Excavator
6 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT. Marbun Konstruktor Indonesia Full timeOPERATOR EXCAVATOR - Pria. maksimal 40 tahun - Pendidikan mínimal SMA/SMK - Memiliki pengalaman kerja sebagai operator alat berat terkhususnya PC 48 - Memiliki SIO (Surat Izin Operasi) dari Kemnaker - Mampu membuat laporan penggunaan excavator - Disiplin & bertanggung jawab dalam pekerjaan - Siap bekerja & bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh area kerja...
Operator Excavator
5 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT Dasatria Utama Full time**Informasi Lowongan** **Tipe Pekerjaan** Tidak Disebutkan **Remote/On-site** Tidak Disebutkan **Fungsi Pekerjaan** Teknik, Mesin, Teknik, Sipil, Operator **Jenjang Karir** Pemula / Staf, Staf Senior **Job Deskripsi** - Mengoperasikan Excavator sesuai standar perusahaan, khususnya dengan kapasitas 20 Ton. - Melakukan pekerjaan penggalian, membuat...
Operator Excavator
6 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT. Berlian Amal Perkasa Full timeOperator Excavator - Usia max. 40 tahun - Pendidikan terakhir min. SMA/Sederajat - Memiliki SIO Depnaker (Operator) - Lebih disukai memiliki SIM B II Umum aktif dan SIO Migas - Pengalaman min. 2 tahun - Siap ditempatkan di seluruh lokasi project "Waspada terhadap Modus Penipuan pada saat proses interview. Perusahaan tidak akan memungut biaya apapun dalam...
Operator Excavator
1 week ago
Operator Excavator Pc2000
2 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT Bina Sarana Sukses (PT BSS) Full timeOperator Excavator PC2000 - Pendidikan min. SMA/SMK Sederajat - Memiliki pengalaman min. 2 tahun pada posisi yang dilamar - Usia mínimal 21 tahun dan usia maksimal 45 tahun - Memiliki SIM B-II Umum untuk posisi Operator, BMC untuk posisi Mekanik dan sertifikasi lain yang relevan dengan posisi yang dilamar - Siap ditempatkan di seluruh area Job Site PT Bina...
Operator Mesin Excavator
7 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT. Leke Bangun Indonesia Full timeKualifikasi: 1. Pria usia max 45th 2. Pendidikan Min SMA - S1 3. Pengalaman dalam bidang kontruksi min 4th 4. Ahli menggunakan Mesin Excavator Kontruksi 5. Memiliki ketelitian yang tinggi 6. Memiliki Surat Izin Operasi 7. Jujur, bertanggung jawab, memiliki komunikasi yang baik serta Tegas. 8. Dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan. Tugas & Tanggung Jawab: 1....
Operator Excavator
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT Darma Henwa Full timeOperator Excavator (SY215, SY500, SY750, PC800, PC1200) - Pendidikan mínimal SMA, SMK/Sederajat. - Usia Maksimal 45 Tahun - Minimal 3 tahun pengalaman Mengoperasikan unit yang sama di industri pertambangan - Memiliki SIM BII Umum/SIO Aktif - Bersedia ditempatkan di site West Kintap Project, Kalimantan Selatan - Diutamakan Domisili Kalimantan Selatan -...
Excavator Operator
5 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT Straits Mining Service Full timeAt least 2 years experience as Operator, local hired with various type, 200 series, 300 series, and bigger. "Waspada terhadap Modus Penipuan pada saat proses interview. Perusahaan tidak akan memungut biaya apapun dalam melakukan proses interview. Mohon segera melaporkan ke kami, jika pada saat Anda diundang untuk interview dan diminta untuk melakukan...
Head of Operations
2 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT Buana Global Mandiri Full timePersyaratan Minimum education level of Bachelor's degree (Construction Management, Civil Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering). Have a minimum of 5 years of experience in infrastructure business management, including land excavation, heavy equipment management, and dump truck operations. Experience in handling multiple businesses, including...
Internal Transport Assistant
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia SMART Agribusiness and Food Full time1. Creating and managing the machine operation schedule (excavators, vibrators and graders) and dump truck operations. 2. Operational monitoring of the tool berta and dumpt truck. 3. Monitoring of heavy equipment vehicle performance: availability, utilization, and efficiency of fuel consumption. 4. Monitoring of dump truck vehicle performance:...
Internal Transport Assistant
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia SMART Agribusiness and Food Full timeJob Descriptions: - Creating and managing the machine operation schedule (excavators, vibrators and graders) and dump truck operations - Operational monitoring of the tool berta and dumpt truck. - Monitoring of heavy equipment vehicle performance: availability, utilization, and efficiency of fuel consumption. - Monitoring of dump truck vehicle performance:...
Internal Transport Assistant
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia SMART Agribusiness and Food Full timeJob Descriptions: - Creating and managing the machine operation schedule (excavators, vibrators and graders) and dump truck operations - Operational monitoring of the tool berta and dumpt truck. - Monitoring of heavy equipment vehicle performance: availability, utilization, and efficiency of fuel consumption. - Monitoring of dump truck vehicle performance:...
Internal Transport Assistant
5 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia SMART Agribusiness and Food Full timeJob Descriptions: - Creating and managing the machine operation schedule (excavators, vibrators and graders) and dump truck operations.- Operational monitoring of the tool berta and dumpt truck.- Monitoring of heavy equipment vehicle performance: availability, utilization, and efficiency of fuel consumption.- Monitoring of dump truck vehicle performance:...
Internal Transport Assistant
3 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia SMART Agribusiness and Food Full timeJob Descriptions: Job Descriptions: - Creating and managing the machine operation schedule (excavators, vibrators and graders) and dump truck operations - Operational monitoring of the tool berta and dumpt truck. - Monitoring of heavy equipment vehicle performance: availability, utilization, and efficiency of fuel consumption. - Monitoring of dump truck...
General Mechanic
7 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT PUTRA SAMAWA MANDIRI Full timeWILLING TO BE PLACED IN SAUDI ARABIA Persyaratan: 1. Pengalaman di Saudi untuk posisi yang sama mínimal 1 tahun 2. Ada SIM Saudi (loader, excavator, Truck), baik yang masih berlaku atau sdh mati/expired 3. Berbadan sehat 4. Bersedia untuk diberangkatkan ke Saudi secepatnya 5. Mempunyai paspor yang masih berlaku mínimal 2 tahun 6. Medical yang masih...
Main Road Foreman
5 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT Straits Mining Service Full timeAt least 3 years experience for degree, and more than 3 years for D3 or SMA/SMK as Foreman Main Rood have experienced and willing to drive while operator not coming to work with Heavy Equipment, such as Excavator, Dozer, Grader, or Compactor. "Waspada terhadap Modus Penipuan pada saat proses interview. Perusahaan tidak akan memungut biaya apapun dalam...
Production Foreman
4 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT Tata Bara Utama Full timeTake the necessary action for deviation problem in production activity (According to the target) - Providing information to supervisor about the production result in working area and giving the suggestions about the excavations plan and also responsible for the shape of the pit (road forms and pit dewatering management) - Control attendance list of operating...
Content Operation Specialist
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia ByteDance Full timeFounded in 2012, ByteDance's mission is to inspire creativity and enrich life. With a suite of more than a dozen products, including TikTok, Helo, and Resso, as well as platforms specific to the China market, including Toutiao, Douyin, and Xigua, ByteDance has made it easier and more fun for people to connect with, consume, and create content. Why Join...
Content Operation Specialist
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia ByteDance Full timeFounded in 2012, ByteDance's mission is to inspire creativity and enrich life. With a suite of more than a dozen products, including TikTok, Helo, and Resso, as well as platforms specific to the China market, including Toutiao, Douyin, and Xigua, ByteDance has made it easier and more fun for people to connect with, consume, and create content. Why Join...