IT Support

2 days ago

Jakarta, Indonesia Sinergi Performa Cipta Full time

Job description

About the Assignment:
This role plays an important specialized IT role that is essential to company in ensuring smooth daily operation for the business, covering operational/network scope of work.

About the Job:

- Build: Configuring and installing various network devices and services. Support IT network infrastructure-related work, such as installing Internet connections, Wi-Fi APs, network upgrades and office builds, expansions and relocations.
- Troubleshoot: Lead the problem-solving effort and service restoration, minimizing downtime and outages
- Manage: Liaise with ISPs and vendors to provide required services and infrastructure for a successful site launch
- Deliver: Small to Large projects from specifying hardware to installation through to handover of a finished network
- Explore: Be exposed to, and try out new, cutting-edge technologies and newer, more efficient ways of doing things
- Assist IT Manager in day-to-day operational matters that include but not limited to managing operational services and preparing reports, to ensure operational efficiency and support areas for improvement
- Developing, maintaining, and updating all relevant documentation (SOPs, case tickets, etc.) for continuous improvements of IT operations
- Involve in assigned tasks/projects from IT Manager that covers local or regional aspects


1. Experience in Help Desk Support 1 yrs

2. Willing to learn new technologies and systems and able to adapt to a very faced paced, changing environment

3. Able to work with mínimal supervision in a fast-paced working environment

4. Extensive routing, switching, security, and wireless LAN design, implementation and troubleshooting experience

5. Project management and service operational related experience with demonstrable practical skills

6. Prefer from Outsourcing company

Jenis Pekerjaan: Penuh Waktu

Upah: Rp5.000.000 - Rp6.000.000 per bulan

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