Purchasing Staff
2 days ago
Experience diverse projects, and elevate yourself alongside this talented group of people. Liquid is always in search of new talents to join and collaborate to create illustrious works.
**Purchasing Staff**:
Purchasing Team
1. Create a Purchase Order or Work Order:
a. Ensure that the PO/WO made is in accordance with the MRS (Material Request
Sheet) or SPM (Material Request Letter) received from the project.
b. Explain the payment terms at the beginning of the purchase (for new vendors) so that
vendors can understand the company's policies.
c. Check the terms and VAT that have been running (for old vendors) so that the
purchase process runs effectively.
d. Seeking better payment terms (for old vendors) with a standard down payment of 14
days and other payments of 30 days.
e. Write down the delivery time
f. Communicate with vendors related to the products to be produced such as drawings
for construction, materials used, colors, delivery times, working times, field conditions
and so on.
g. Strive to get the best price according to the quality and specifications requested and
ensure that the budget for PO/WO does not exceed the BQ contract or VO budget.
2. Supporting the Project Division, among others, in the following ways:
a. Receive MRS (Material Request Sheet) or SPM (Material Request Letter) from the
project to be processed in PO (Purchase Order) or WO (Work Order)
b. Coordinate delivery times, product quality, and so on with vendors according to the
project's dateline directives.
c. Sending shop drawings from vendors to the project for checking (for vendors outside
the workshop).
d. Send back the shop drawing that has been approved by the project to the vendor.
e. Upload a PO (Purchase Order) or WO (Work Order) that has been sent to the vendor
in the Trello app to let the project know that the MRS (Material Request Sheet) or
SPM (Material Request Letter) has been processed in the purchasing.
f. Make sure the site address and time of receipt of goods are in accordance with the
conditions and situation of the site (for example, there are sites that can only receive
goods above 19.00 etc.).
g. Coordinate with SPV (Supervisor) or SM (Site Manager) for the receipt of goods or
site checks or product installation in the field with related vendors.
h. Assist the project to communicate to vendors if the ordered goods are not in
accordance with the agreement in the PO or WO.
3. Supporting the performance of the Design division - among others:
a. Request product samples from vendors/suppliers related to a product needed by the
designer, such as iron finishing colors, duco on wood, and so on (tender stage)
b. Request product samples from vendors/suppliers related to a product needed by the
designer, for example, iron finishing colors, duco on wood, and so on that are in
accordance with the BQ or VO (material approval stage) contract budget.
c. Communicate the designer's needs to vendors/suppliers, for example related to the
type of product, desired color, availability of goods at suppliers, and so on.
d. Ensure that the approval material is complete with the designer's needs/desires such
as color, type and so on.
e. Make a meeting between the seller/vendor and the designer team for the introduction
of a new product.
f. Record reviews conducted by designers with vendors for mock ups or samples of a
product before being processed into production as needed. Submit the review to
vendors, designers and projects as archives/data if needed.
4. Assisting in the work of the finance division - among others:
a. Sign the FPP file (Billing Approval Form) as an attachment to the Minutes from the
vendor who enters the project by checking the conformity of the installed/delivered
product with the Purchase Order.
b. Suspend payments when needed
c. Inform the finance when the down payment (down payment) and transfer date are
d. Request invoices, tax invoices to sellers/vendors for completeness of the suspension
settlement file
e. Collect proof of road letters or minutes from the warehouse/project when the product
is received for the completeness of the suspension settlement file.
f. Assisting in the work of the finance division - among others:
Sign the FPP file (Billing Approval Form) as an attachment to the Minutes
from the vendor who enters the project by checking the conformity of the
installed/delivered product with the Purchase Order.
Suspend payments when needed
Inform the finance when the down payment (down payment) and transfer date
Request invoices, tax invoices to sellers/vendors for completeness of the
suspension settlement file
Collect proof of road letters or minutes from the warehouse/project when the
product is received for the completeness of the suspension settlement file.
5. Supporting the performance of the Quality Control division as follows:
a. Inform the QC PO/WO team that is required for QC according to mutual agreement.
b. Together with the QC team, we che
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