![PT Javan Cipta Solusi](https://media.trabajo.org/img/noimg.jpg)
Freelance Quality Assurance
2 weeks ago
Membuat skenario pengujian yang rinci dan terstruktur untuk menguji fitur-fitur aplikasi sesuai dengan spesifikasi dan kebutuhan.
- Menjalankan test case yang telah dibuat untuk mengidentifikasi bug, error, atau masalah lain dalam aplikasi.
- Menginterpretasi dan melakukan kontrol pelaksanaan prosedur testing
- Memastikan bahwa standar pengujian dan proses QA diikuti dengan benar selama seluruh siklus pengembangan.
- Berdomisili di Yogyakarta, bersedia WFO
- Diutamakan bisa bekerja Sabtu dan/ Minggu
- Freelance selama project berlangsung
- Lulus atau sedang menempuh jurusan informatika, sistem informasi atau sejenisnya
- Mahasiswa mínimal Semester 5 atau fresh graduate
- Memiliki sikap mau dan mampu menerima feedback dari atasan maupun rekan kerja
- Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi verbal dan tertulis yang baik
- Memiliki laptop pribadi
- Paham mengenai SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle): Scrum dan Agile
- Dapat menggunakan alat manajemen pengujian: QA Touch, Jira, dll.
- Automation test framework: Selenium (diutamakan)
- Alat pengujian beban: JMeter (diutamakan)
- Bisa memahami artikel atau video berbahasa Inggris
"Waspada terhadap Modus Penipuan pada saat proses interview. Perusahaan tidak akan memungut biaya apapun dalam melakukan proses interview. Mohon segera melaporkan ke kami, jika pada saat Anda diundang untuk interview dan diminta untuk melakukan pembayaran dengan sejumlah uang."
"Please be aware of the Fraud Company. The company will never be collecting any payment in the process of interview. Please immediately report to us if there's any companies that collecting payment to the Jobseekers."
Quality Assurance
3 weeks ago
Sleman, Indonesia Tamtech International Full timeDoing Quality Assurance task for the product - Maintain the communication between user and engineer - Doing troubleshooting for SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) issues - Doing troubleshooting for an error - Graduate from any university - Having experience as Quality Assurance in IT (manual testing), automation testing skill is plus - Good communication...
IT Quality Assurance
3 weeks ago
Sleman, Indonesia PT Berlian Sistem Informasi Full timeDefine the audit requirements and develop company's internal audit program to check the compliance and healthiness of company's business operation Develop guidance to conduct internal audit Execute the audit program and act as the Internal Auditor to check IT Technical (IT system configuration, coding, data base, and log) and Non IT Technical...
Quality Assurance
1 week ago
Sleman, Indonesia Sinar Rupiah Full timeQuality Assurance - Berpengalaman di bidang Fintech ber-OJK (Diutamakan) - Min. SMA/SMK sederajat - Usia max 28 thn - Memiliki kemampuan menggunakan komputer yang baik (microsoft excel dll) - Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan - Fresh Graduate (tanpa pengalaman) di persilahkan melamar - Multitasking - Teliti - Disiplin - Memiliki laptop pribadi (bisa di...
Software Quality Assurance Intern
3 weeks ago
Sleman, Indonesia ZettaByte Pte Ltd Full time**ZettaByte** is a software development company that focuses on the education sector. We work together with our multicultural team from our offices in Singapore, Bali, Yogyakarta, and Paris to create and produce tools that increase the quality of life for anyone who is involved in the education sector. **We're looking for Software Quality Assurance Intern...
Quality Assurance
1 week ago
Sleman, Indonesia CV. Indaroma Full timeQuality Assurance (QA) - Female - Associate’s or Bachelor's degree in Pharmacy/Industrial Engineering/Chemical Engineering - Resident of Sleman/Yogyakarta - Aged approximately 18-30 years - Fresh graduates or individuals with up to 5 years of experience in their respective fields - Proficient in operating Microsoft Excel, Word, and PowerPoint - Enjoys...
Quality Assurance
2 weeks ago
Sleman, Indonesia PT Javan Cipta Solusi Full timeMembuat test case berdasarkan user story & task di taiga - Melakukan functional test, regression test, smoke test dari test case yang dibuat - Melakukan analisis dan membuat issue yang ditemukan ketika testing - Melakukan retest terhadap issue yang sudah difix - Melakukan follow up terhadap hasil testing dan issue ke tim project - Pendidikan mínimal S1...
Full-time Software Quality Assurance
3 weeks ago
Sleman, Indonesia ZettaByte Pte Ltd Full time**ZettaByte** is a software development company that focuses on the education sector. We work together with our multicultural team from our offices in Singapore, Bali, Yogyakarta, and Paris to create and produce tools that increase the quality of life for anyone who is involved in the education sector. **We're looking for Full-time Software Quality...
Junior Quality Assurance Engineer
2 weeks ago
Sleman, Indonesia PT Selalu Siap Solusi (KiriminAja) Full timeJunior Quality Assurance Engineerv - 1+ years of experience in Automation test development - 1+ years of experience with Selenium - 1+ years of Experience in creating and implementing tests, test cases - Understanding of code versioning tools such a git - Onsite Yogyakarta "Waspada terhadap Modus Penipuan pada saat proses interview. Perusahaan tidak akan...
Part Time Quality Assurance
2 weeks ago
Sleman, Indonesia PT Javan Cipta Solusi Full timeMembuat skenario pengujian yang rinci dan terstruktur untuk menguji fitur-fitur aplikasi sesuai dengan spesifikasi dan kebutuhan. - Menjalankan test case yang telah dibuat untuk mengidentifikasi bug, error, atau masalah lain dalam aplikasi. - Menginterpretasi dan melakukan kontrol pelaksanaan prosedur testing - Memastikan bahwa standar pengujian dan proses...
IT Quality Assurance
3 weeks ago
Sleman, Indonesia PT Tonjoo Gagas Teknologi Full timePersyaratan **✔ Requirement**: Pria / wanita Minimal pendidikan Diploma (D3) / Sarjana (S1) Usia maksimal 30 tahun. Dapat membuat Rencana Uji Coba Aplikasi Digital (testing plan / unit test) menjadi nilai tambah. Membuat laporan hasil uji coba Aplikasi secara detail. Memiliki jiwa desain menjadi nilai tambah. Minimal pengalaman 2 tahun di bidang...
Quality Assurance Engineer
3 weeks ago
Sleman, Indonesia PT. Medika Digital Nusantara (Morbis) Full time1. MENGUASAI COMPUTER PROGRAMMING ATAU CODING 2. MENGUASAI TOOLS UNTUK TESTING PRODUK 3. MELAKUKAN SEMUA JENIS PENGUJIAN (USER INTERFACE, FUNCTIONALITY, PERFORMANCE, SYSTEM INTEGRATION UNIT TESTING) 4. MELAKUKAN BUG REPORTING "Waspada terhadap Modus Penipuan pada saat proses interview. Perusahaan tidak akan memungut biaya apapun dalam melakukan proses...
Magang Quality Assurance
2 weeks ago
Sleman, Indonesia PT Javan Cipta Solusi Full timeMembuat draft rancangan prosedur dan standar testing - Menginterpretasi dan melakukan kontrol pelaksanaan prosedur testing - Mereview pelaksanaan prosedur testing - Memberikan feedback kepada anggota tim QA - Aktif melakukan komunikasi baik itu dengan Direksi, tim engineer dan lintas divisi seperti HR. - Memiliki sikap mau dan mampu menerima feedback dari...
Front End Developer
4 weeks ago
Sleman, Indonesia PT TAMADUN TEKNOLOGI INTERNASIONAL Full timeAs a Front End Developer, you will be an integral part of our dynamic Sprint Team, collaborating with Back-End Developers, Designers, Product Owner, Quality Assurance, and a Project Manager. Your primary responsibility will be to work on exciting project, ensuring seamless user experiences and visually engaging interfaces. **Requirements**: - Minimum...
Product Owner
3 weeks ago
Sleman, Indonesia Tamtech International Full timeAct as a specialist for the product Financial Journals - Give training to the other related teams when there is a new feature or product - Work on administrative task of the product - Maintain existing app products (product management) - Work closely with Software Engineers, Quality Assurance Engineers and Designer on feature and UI/UX implementations - Gain...
Cs Id Country Manager
3 weeks ago
Sleman, Indonesia Niagahoster Full timeLead and drive the hiring project to scale up the team, including: Recruit and ensure effective training for the new CS Specialists. Try effective strategies, find some new angles to ensure the scaling of the ID CS teams. Build professional relationships and networks in the ID market. Devise advertising and promotional plans working together with CS ID...
Internal Auditor
1 day ago
Sleman, Indonesia Bautica Digital Dafhina Full timeWe are a people-driven brand we seek to understand the needs of consumers with an open mind by developing and formulating products that instill integrity, quality, and support in the local Indonesian market. Beautyverse is creating beauty solutions for everyone through Perfect White, Kymm Skin, Jill Skin, BLS, By Beautyfirst, and Skin...