General Admin

3 days ago

Semarang, Indonesia PT Surya Digital Teknologi Full time

Surya Digital Teknologi is a digital agency based on Indonesia. We specialize in creating mobile apps, websites, and software solutions including recruitment solution for large, medium, and small businesses. We aim to automate your tasks and help you achieve better results, giving you more time to focus on what matters the most. We take pride in being responsive and reliable. Our clients have experienced our commitment to IT services and recruitment firsthand. Let us show you what matters most - your success

Currently, we are looking for a **GENERAL ADMIN** interested in managing and doing our client’s recruitment process.

**What You Will Do**:

- Book and manage meetings and social engagement bookings with clients (including recommending relevant locations)
- End to end event management
- Coordinate and communicate information in a timely and relevant manner regarding key people processes this may include administering People
- Address employees administrative queries
- Manage social media engagement
- Contribute to team and organizational improvements in process and infrastructure
- Follow industry best practices


- At least 2+ years of working experience in a similar Executive Assistant or Support role
- Able to communicate in English at actively is required
- A strong ability to communicate effectively with a diverse range of people from all backgrounds, at all levels including senior management
- A very high attention to detail
- An ability to understand and live the businesses values, as a key representative of the brand when communicating externally
- Willing to work according to Australian Time

**Perks and Benefits**:

- Work-life balance (No need to work outside of your 8 hours/day)
- 20 days of Paid Annual Leave, 10 Days of Paid Sick Leave, Paid Australian Holiday
- Government Endorsed Leave (Maternity, Wedding, Mens, etc)
- Team Building Events (Company Dinner, Charity Events, Company’s Outing, Ice Breaking Activity)
- Personal development benefits (Paid Course, Sharing Session)
- Personal Business Funding
- Potential paid work visit to Australia
- Referral Fee of IDR 4 Mills
- Free food and beverages
- Performance bonus
- Health and wellness benefits (BPJS Kesehatan dan Ketenagakerjaan)
- Ied Fitri Bonus (THR)


- English (required)

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