Content Writer
3 weeks ago
1. Look for fresh content or ideas for social media
2. Research industry-related topics
3. Regularly produce various content types
4. Coordinate with marketing and design teams
1. Get used with teamwork
2. Have basic skill on writer
3. Understanding basic of Copywriting
4. Highly motivated and has good initiative
5. Ready to be challenged
6. Good behavior and discipline
7. Good sense of humor is a plus
8. Minimum duration of internship is **6 months**
- Flexible work hours and a remote working possibility for some position
- Cozy coworking space with pantry, WiFi, etc
- Competitive experiences in startup and market cross fields
- FREE for joining events or classes from Ngalup and our partners
- Supportive and humble co-workers and mentor
- Unpaid internship but worth more than just an experiences
Internship/magang Content Writer
2 weeks ago
Malang, Indonesia Jagoanhosting Full time**Deskripsi**: - Menulis artikel untuk kebutuhan konten blog jagoan hosting sesuai dengan kaidah SEO dan layout yang sudah ditetapkan **Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab**: - Menulis artikel blog - Berkomunikasi dan berdiskusi dengan tim SEO **Kualifikasi** - Bersedia magang selama 3-6 bulan - Bersedia magang secara hybrid (online-offline ke kantor) - Dapat...