3 weeks ago
**Requirements and skills**:
- Proven work experience as a Drafter or similar role
- Hands-on experience with computer-aided design (CAD) software
- Familiarity with 3D modeling tools
- Good math skills
- Crative, Honest, Willing to work underpressure and ability to meet deadlines
- BSc in Engineering, Architecture or degree from a technical college
- Prefered have an experience in F&B, Handling and Supervise Project
- Prefered Age 30 - 35 Send portfolio as an advantage
- _**Please attach your portfolio**_
**Job brief**:
- We are looking for a Drafter to work with our team, designing and convert it into technical plans.
- Drafter responsibilities include gathering drawings and specifications, calculating material and equipment requirements and setting up production methods. If you have hands-on experience with computer-aided design (CAD) software and are familiar with building processes, we’d like to meet you.
- Ultimately, you’ll help us build functional, secure and well-designed products and structures that meet our needs.
- Liaise with architects and engineers to gather product and structural requirements and designs
- Calculate dimensions, weight limitations and requirements in materials
- Describe production methods step-by-step (including equipment and software types to be used)
- Create detailed designs with computer-aided design (CAD) software
- Design diagrams, maps and layouts to illustrate workflow
- Prepare and review rough sketches and review them along with the engineering team
- Identify potential operational issues and redesign products to improve functionality
- Ensure final designs comply with regulations and quality standards
- Create manuals that describe existing products’ operation, features and maintenance
Jenis Pekerjaan: Penuh Waktu, Kontrak
Pertanyaan Lamaran:
- apakah berdomisili di Bandung?
- Drafter: 3 tahun (Diwajibkan)
2 days ago
Bandung, Indonesia Studio ASA Garden Design & Architecture Full timeDrafter - Civil Engineering / Architect graduate - Minimum of 2 years of relevant experience working in the contractor industry as a Drafter - Ability to multitask effectively and work well under pressure =Positive attitude and team player Waspada terhadap Modus Penipuan pada saat proses interview. Perusahaan tidak akan memungut biaya apapun dalam...
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Design Drafter
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Bandung, Indonesia PT Medion Farma Jaya Full timeJobdsec: Melaksanakan pembuatan gambar kerja pengembangan produk atau order/ proyek pengadaan atau modifikasi mesin / alat / MEP / HVAC yang efektif dan efisien agar kebutuhan user tergambarkan dengan baik sebagai acuan dalam pembuatan RAB maupun proses pabrikasinya. Kualifikasi: - Pria, usia max. 23 tahun - Pendidikan SMK/SMA/MA/Sederajat - Jurusan Teknik...
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Drafter Staff
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Staff Drafter Cad
3 weeks ago
Bandung, Indonesia PT Artha Demo Engineering Consultant Full timePersyaratan 1. Pria/ Wanita 2. Berpengalaman dibidangnya mínimal 5 tahun di Konsultan Perencanaan 3. Menguasai AuotoCAD, Photoshop, Corell Draw, ETAB, SAP 2000, Lumion, Sketchup, 4. Mengetahui jenis-jenis material bangunan 5. Membuat Laporan perencanaan 6. Membuat RAB Tanggung Jawab 1. Membuat desain perencanaan (Gedung, Jalan dan Jembatan) 2....
Bim Modeller
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Civil/structural Drafter
1 week ago
Bandung, Indonesia PT Imecon Teknindo Full timePersyaratan Degree qualified or trade diploma in a relevant area, or equivalent previous experience. A minimum of 3 years experience in Civil/Structural drafting. Basic time management and organizational skills with the ability to self-manage own work with a high degree of efficiency and accuracy. Intermediate/Advanced knowledge of AutoCAD 2008 and Revit...
Staff Drafter Cad
1 week ago
Bandung, Indonesia PT Artha Demo Engineering Consultant Full timePersyaratan 1. Pria 2. Berpengalaman dibidangnya mínimal 1 tahun di Konsultan Perencanaan 3. Menguasai AuotoCAD, Photoshop, Corell Draw, ETAB, SAP 2000, Lumion, Sketchup, 4. Mengetahui jenis-jenis material bangunan 5. Membuat Laporan perencanaan 6. Membuat RAB Tanggung Jawab 1. Membuat desain perencanaan (Gedung, Jalan dan Jembatan) 2. Bersedia survey...
Staff Drafter Cad
4 days ago
Bandung, Indonesia PT Artha Demo Engineering Consultant Full timePersyaratan 1. Pria 2. Berpengalaman dibidangnya mínimal 5 tahun di Konsultan Perencanaan 3. Menguasai AuotoCAD, Photoshop, Corell Draw, ETAB, SAP 2000, Lumion, Sketchup, 4. Mengetahui jenis-jenis material bangunan 5. Membuat Laporan perencanaan 6. Membuat RAB Tanggung Jawab 1. Membuat desain perencanaan (Gedung, Jalan dan Jembatan) 2. Bersedia survey...
Bim Modeller
3 days ago
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