Backend Programmer
1 week ago
Backend Programmer
- Previous working experience as Back-End Developer for at least 2 year(s).
- In-depth understanding of web development.
- Proficient understanding of clientside scripting and JavaScript frameworks, including jQuery.
- Experience with programming languages like NodeJS or PHP.
- Experience with backend frameworks like ExpressJs, Hapids, NestJS Understand some databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQL Server.
- Working in code versioning system (e.g. Git, SVN, etc.)
- Have a project that has been used in production at least 1 project
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Full Stack Programmer
5 days ago
Bandung, Indonesia PT. Comtronics Systems Full time1. Min S1/D3 jurusan Teknik Informatika, Teknik Komputer dan Sistem Informasi 2. Kemampuan komunikasi yang baik dan kemampuan untuk bekerja dalam tim. 3. Berpengalaman/Menguasai: 3.1. Backend : Python, PHP 3.2. Frontend : Javascript, React Native, Next JS 3.3. IOT : Arduino atau Raspberry Pi Note : memiliki pengetahuan tentang teknologi IoT, termasuk...
Golang Programmer
6 days ago
Bandung, Indonesia PT Sarana Pactindo Full timePersyaratan 1 up to 3 years of experience as a backend engineer working with large projects Versed with API design and database normalization Backend experience in Java Spring Boot or Golang Understanding and Using REST APIs
Game Programmer Agate
5 days ago
Bandung, Indonesia PT Agate Studio Full timeInvolved in all areas of game programming, such as game logic, graphics, artificial intelligence, user interface, and backend service - Collaborate with artists, designers, and programmers to achieve the objectives of game design with the development of game mechanics - Write and maintain clean and high quality code - Support and contribute new ideas to game...
Lead Game Programmer
5 days ago
Bandung, Indonesia PT Agate Studio Full timeLead the delivery of clean and high-quality code. Involved in all areas of game programming, such as game logic, graphics, artificial intelligence, user interface, and backend service - Collaborate with artists, designers, and programmers to achieve the objectives of game design with the development of game mechanics - Help the Technical Coordinator and...
Fullstack Programmer
2 weeks ago
Bandung, Indonesia Mulya Kencana Metalindo PT Full time**KUALIFIKASI**: - Pendidikan D3/S1 - Fakultas Teknik Informatika/Sistem Informasi - Memiliki pengalaman kerja mínimal 1 tahun dibidang yang sama - Detil dan teliti dalam mengerjakan tugas - Jujur dan bertanggung jawab - Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik di dalam tim - Mampu bekerja sesuai dengan target waktu yang diberikan, dapat beradaptasi dengan...
Fullstack Programmer
5 days ago
Bandung, Indonesia PT Mulya Kencana Metalindo Full time**Jobdesk**: Membuat dan melakukan modifikasi aplikasi/program-program yang dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan. **Kualifikasi**: - Pendidikan D3/S1 Fakultas Teknik Informatika/Sistem Informasi - Memiliki pengalaman kerja mínimal 1 tahun dibidang yang sama - Detil dan teliti dalam mengerjakan tugas - Jujur dan bertanggung jawab - Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik di...