Barista (3)

3 days ago

Jakarta, Indonesia UPartners Venture Studio Full time

Barista (3)
- New branch located in Panglima Polim, Jakarta Selatan

"Waspada terhadap Modus Penipuan pada saat proses interview. Perusahaan tidak akan memungut biaya apapun dalam melakukan proses interview. Mohon segera melaporkan ke kami, jika pada saat Anda diundang untuk interview dan diminta untuk melakukan pembayaran dengan sejumlah uang."

"Please be aware of the Fraud Company. The company will never be collecting any payment in the process of interview. Please immediately report to us if there's any companies that collecting payment to the Jobseekers."

  • Barista

    2 weeks ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia PT Exa Mitra Solusi Full time

    1. Melakukan stock opname setiap hari 2. Melayani pelanggan yang datang di toko (member penjelasan terkait produk dil) 3. Melayani proses pembayaran (kasir) mengunakan system yang sudah ditentukan 4. Mengorder kurir instan (jika pembelian menggunakan kurir instan) 5. Sebagai barista (jika diperlukan) 6. Menjaga kebersihan toko dan menutup toko sesuai...

  • Barista

    1 week ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia Nock Nock Cafe MOI Kelapa Gading Full time


  • Barista

    2 weeks ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia PT Muara Juara Kreasi Indonesia Full time

    Jumpstart Coffee is hiring! Barista Tanggung jawab utama: Bertanggung jawab melayani customer dan menerima pesanan serta menyiapkan minuman yang telah dipesan oleh customer. 1. Melayani customer dan menerima pesanan dari customer 2. Membuat serta menyiapkan pesanan untuk customer 3. Menangani keluar masuknya uang di outlet 4. Menjaga 5R di lokasi kerja 5....

  • Barista

    5 days ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia Hiringmaps Full time

    Our Client a Coffee shop chain in kuwait need many professional indonesian barista. **Responsibilities** - Delivering legendary customer service and providing Best Experience for customers - Providing quality beverages & food products according to specified quality standard - Maintaining a clean and comfortable work environment **Requirements**: - Strong...

  • Barista

    2 hours ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia Hiringmaps Full time

    Our Client a Coffee shop chain in qatar need many professional indonesian barista. **Responsibilities** - Delivering legendary customer service and providing Best Experience for customers - Providing quality beverages & food products according to specified quality standard - Maintaining a clean and comfortable work environment **Requirements**: - Strong...

  • Barista

    1 week ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia PT. Kultur Kopi Indonesia Full time

    Job Descriptions: - Prepare and serve coffee and other beverages that meet quality standards - Educate customer about coffee and brewing methods - Properly handle and maintain all equipment - Respond to orders, questions, concerns, and complaints in a polite and efficient manner - Receive and process customer payments - Clean and sanitize work areas,...

  • Barista

    4 weeks ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia PT. Kultur Kopi Indonesia Full time

    Job Descriptions: - Prepare and serve coffee and other beverages that meet quality standards - Educate customer about coffee and brewing methods - Properly handle and maintain all equipment - Respond to orders, questions, concerns, and complaints in a polite and efficient manner - Receive and process customer payments - Clean and sanitize work areas,...

  • Barista

    4 days ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia PT. Kultur Kopi Indonesia Full time

    Job Descriptions: - Prepare and serve coffee and other beverages that meet quality standards - Educate customer about coffee and brewing methods - Properly handle and maintain all equipment - Respond to orders, questions, concerns, and complaints in a polite and efficient manner - Receive and process customer payments - Clean and sanitize work areas,...

  • Barista

    2 weeks ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia PT. Kultur Kopi Indonesia Full time

    Job Descriptions: - Prepare and serve coffee and other beverages that meet quality standards - Educate customer about coffee and brewing methods - Properly handle and maintain all equipment - Respond to orders, questions, concerns, and complaints in a polite and efficient manner - Receive and process customer payments - Clean and sanitize work areas,...

  • Barista

    4 days ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia Bali Coffee Club Full time

    Bali Coffee Club is part of BVR Group Asia who dedicated ourself with the best quality of coffee beans. We are committed to working with farmers whom we know and trust, to ensure that our quality standard starts with the soil, continues through the harvest, and ends with a great cup of coffee. If you are a dedicated person, have a great enthusiast in...

  • Barista

    2 weeks ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia PT. Kultur Kopi Indonesia Full time

    Job Descriptions: - Prepare and serve coffee and other beverages that meet quality standards - Educate customer about coffee and brewing methods - Properly handle and maintain all equipment - Respond to orders, questions, concerns, and complaints in a polite and efficient manner - Receive and process customer payments - Clean and sanitize work areas,...

  • Barista

    6 days ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia PT. Kultur Kopi Indonesia Full time

    Job Descriptions: - Prepare and serve coffee and other beverages that meet quality standards - Educate customer about coffee and brewing methods - Properly handle and maintain all equipment - Respond to orders, questions, concerns, and complaints in a polite and efficient manner - Receive and process customer payments - Clean and sanitize work areas,...

  • Barista

    2 weeks ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia PT. Kultur Kopi Indonesia Full time

    Job Descriptions: - Prepare and serve coffee and other beverages that meet quality standards - Educate customer about coffee and brewing methods - Properly handle and maintain all equipment - Respond to orders, questions, concerns, and complaints in a polite and efficient manner - Receive and process customer payments - Clean and sanitize work areas,...

  • Barista

    3 days ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia PT Champ Resto Indonesia Tbk Full time

    Persyaratan - Pria/Wanita, usia maks. 35 tahun - Pend. min. SMA/SMK sederajat - Berpengalaman Bekerja di Cafe and Restaurant min. 3 tahun - Memiliki sertifikat pelatihan Barista - Penempatan kerja : Bandung / Jabodetabek / Yogyakarta / Surabaya / Bali Tanggung Jawab Membuar racikan kopi sesuai orderan yang diterima dan sesuai SOP. Melayani pelanggan atau...

  • Barista

    2 days ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia PT Satu Jalan Indonesia Full time

    1. Memiliki basic knowledge tentang kopi, 2. Memahami product yang dijual dengan baik, 3. Memahami, menjalani dan membuat product beverage yang dijual sesuai dengan SOP yang telah ditetapkan oleh Perusahaan, 4. Merekomendasikan dan melakukan upselling product yang dijual kepada customer, 5. Mengoperasikan mesin kasir. **Education**: - SMA/SMU/SMK...

  • Barista (Sba-12)

    1 day ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia Champ Resto Indonesia PT Full time

    Pria/Wanita, maks. 35 tahun - min. SMA/SMK sederajat - Berpengalaman Bekerja di Cafe and Restaurant min. 3 tahun - Memiliki sertifikat pelatihan Barista - Penempatan kerja **:Bandung **/ Ja**bodetabek** /** **Yogyakarta** / Surabaya /** **Bali

  • Barista

    2 days ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia PT. Astana Kinaya Mitratama Full time

    **Kualifikasi**: - Pendidikan mínimal D3 - Menguasai pengetahuan berbagai jenis minuman, diutamakan non alkohol - Berpengalaman di F&B mínimal 3 tahun - Kreatif, mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik, ramah, dan memiliki skill service excellence - Memiliki pengalaman dalam proses pre-opening menjadi nilai tambah **Tanggung Jawab**: - Menyajikan berbagai...

  • Jakarta, Indonesia Panggilin Inc Full time

    JSL Group sedang membutuhkan barista dengan job desc dan kualifikasi berikut: Jobdesk - Menyiapkan & menyajikan kopi & minuman lain yang memenuhi standar kualitas - Mampu menjelaskan kepada pelanggan tentang jenis kopi, keunggulan & product knowledge yang dibutuhkan - Menangani & memelihara semua peralatan dengan baik & benar - Menanggapi pemesanan,...

  • Barista

    2 weeks ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia Jasa Mandiri Techgraha Full time

    PT Jasa mandiri Techgraha adalah perusahaan **Jasa Outsourcing** yang telah berdiri sejak 1994. Bekerja sama dengan banyak perusahaan, salahsatunya adalah perusahaan otomotif yang terkemuka di Indonesia. Saat ini sedang membutuhkan posisi dengan kualifikasi: 1. Laki-laki 2. Usia maksimal 30 tahun 3. Pendidikan mínimal SMA/K (Fresh Graduate di persilahkan...

  • Barista

    6 days ago

    Jakarta, Indonesia All Time Group Full time

    Barista - Tingkat Pendidikan: SMA/SMK, D3, S1 - Gender: Pria/Wanita - Berpengelaman dibidangnya mínimal 3 tahun - Status Kerja: Full Time - Besaran Gaji: 2 - 6 Juta (tergantung skill) - Lokasi Kerja: Rukan Beach Boulevard blok b No 1, Golf Island, PIK, Jakarta Utara, DKI Jakarta "Waspada terhadap Modus Penipuan pada saat proses interview. Perusahaan tidak...