Supervisory Librarian
3 days ago
This position acquires and provides access to materials of research value for the Library's collections from countries in Southeast Asia and all languages from those regions. Acquired materials are in all media and all formats by which content is conveyed; e.g., print, electronic, visual, recorded sound, microformat. The work of the Directorate supports the universal collections of the Library, upon which all of its programs are based. Stakeholders include Congress, the Federal government, scholars, the general public, and the larger library and information communities. The overseas offices identify, acquire, catalog, preserve, and distribute selected publications of high research value to the Library of Congress (LC) and, through the Cooperative Acquisitions Program, to other research libraries. The incumbent serves under the general administrative supervision of the ABA Director but works independently, exercising considerable judgment, and carries out duties and responsibilities in accordance with broad overall guidelines and policies. Work is coordinated with the Department of State in the host country of the office.
Administers and supervises staff performing work up to GS-14 level in one of the LC overseas offices, including: recruitment, selection, training and supervision of local professional and technical staff in accord with applicable LC and U.S. Department of State regulations; establishment of policies, procedures and priorities for the overseas office, planning and development of programs, and the allocation of available resources; establishment and oversight of appropriate automated support for accomplishment of mission objections; and, as a LC Fiscal Officer, preparation of budgets, accounting, payment certification, fiscal reporting to the Library of Congress, to the U.S. Department of State, and to the libraries participating in the Cooperative Acquisitions Program.
Furthers the spirit and practice of the Equal Employment Opportunity Program and all equivalent programs administered by the U.S. Department of State regarding the hiring and conditions of employment of foreign locals. Assures the Library's commitment to eliminate discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability and national origin is carried out in all aspects of personnel management, guided by U.S. Department of State practices for the host country.
Serves as a principal liaison for the organization, acting as the official representative of the LC with the U.S. Embassy or Consulate, with American and foreign government officials in all of the countries covered by the overseas office. Establishes and maintains good working relations with Embassy or Consulate staff, representing the Library's interests in negotiations relating to physical plant, ICASS (International Cooperative Administrative Support Systems), security, shipping, personnel, and management support. Provides support to the U.S. Department of State in the area of cultural affairs and international library cooperation.
For the geographic area covered by the assigned overseas office, directs the identification of commercial and non-commercial publishing sources of research material in scope for the LC and for participants in the Cooperative Acquisitions Program. Directs the recommendations, selection, acquisitions and distribution of research publications to the LC and other participant libraries. Travels or directs the travel of local staff to acquire publications and, develop exchanges, hires local representatives, and selects commercial dealers to maintain adequate coverage of materials published in the countries under the overseas office's jurisdiction.
Follows Collection Policy Statements and advice from appropriate LC officials for selection and acquisition of materials for the LC collections through purchase, exchange and gift. Follows directives of the participants in the Cooperative Acquisitions Program for selection and acquisition of materials for customer collections.
Serves as an expert in the organization, development, and implementation of multiple projects undertaken by the overseas office. Coordinates the details involved in special projects of lasting importance. Plans and implements business improvement projects specific to the assigned office. Coordinates, plans and implements projects mandated by LC Washington to be carried out in the field.
**Conditions of Employment**:
The selectee must be able to obtain and maintain a Top-Secret Security Clearance.
A Department of State medical clearance is required to work overseas.
Library of Congress employees are prohibited from using illegal drugs, including marijuana. The Library is part of the Federal Government and abides by federal law, so regardless of individual state or District of Columbia laws, marijuana use is illegal, considered criminal activity, and can affect your employment at the Library. In addition, past or current drug u