Staff Data Entry
2 weeks ago
Input data banking
Maksimal 26 th
Kemampuan mengetik komputer
Minimal vaksin 2
Data Analyst/ Data Entry
1 week ago
Bekasi, Indonesia PT Harapan Lancar Sejahtera Full timeData Analyst/ Data Entry - Laki-laki - Usia 19-25 tahun - Sehat Jasmani dan rohani - Minimum pendidikan D3 - Berpengalaman di bidang yang sama mínimal 1 tahun - Bersedia di tempatkan di area cikarang - Tidak memakai kacamata / mata minus - Dapat bekerja di bawah tekanan "Waspada terhadap Modus Penipuan pada saat proses interview. Perusahaan tidak akan...
Accounting & Tax Staff/spv
1 week ago
Bekasi, Indonesia Reeracoen Indonesia Full time6,500,000 IDR ~ 9,000,000 IDR - Bekasi- Education: Bachelor in Accounting/Finance/Tax or any related major - Language: Fluent in English - Experience: Min. 3 year exp. as Accounting/Tax/Financial staff in a manufacturing company - ================================================= - Subject: [WEBSITE ENTRY] Position Name/Job ID -...
Exim Staff
2 weeks ago
Bekasi, Indonesia PT LX Pantos Indonesia Full timePersyaratan Fluent in English Having experience on admin data entry or customer service duties Domicile on Bekasi area Tanggung Jawab Overall handling of sea import cargo Checking details on import document and manifest Coordinate with Trucking Team for pick up cargo Provide Customs documentation upon cargo arrival
Finance Officer
4 weeks ago
Bekasi, Indonesia Skretting Full timeAccounts Receivable - Prepares outgoing customer invoices, in accordance with internal procedures, to realize a timely invoicing and proper accounting of receivable positions. Monitors and codes outgoing invoices and journal entries of invoices. Collects and files all relevant documents related to invoices. - Prepares and processes of reminders, in...
Accounting & Tax Staff
4 days ago
Bekasi, Indonesia Reeracoen Indonesia Full time5,500,000 IDR ~ 5,900,000 IDR - Bekasi- Education: Bachelor Degree in Accounting/Finance or related major - Language: Indonesian and English (Communicative Level) - Experience: 2 Years as Accounting/Tax Staff at a Trading or Manufacture Company - Able to operate Microsoft Excel - Familiar with Accounting system (ERP) - Understand Indonesia Tax...
Financial Supervisor
6 days ago
Bekasi, Indonesia Full time**Duties/Responsibilities**: - Analyzes financial reports in relation to current budget and prior year information. - Audits expenditures, ensuring compliance with the accounting procedures of the organization. - Balances and reconciles accounts; adjusts and corrects daily journal entries. - Monitors expenditures and prepares monthly financial statements...
Data Center Engineer Officer
2 weeks ago
Bekasi, Indonesia PT Elabram Systems Full timeManage and supervise the day-to-day operations and maintenance of mechanical and electrical equipment in the Data center. - Identify risks and perform IDC vendor operation and maintenance quality assessment. - Liaise with IDC vendor for all maintenance and project work, to identify and mitigate risk. - Review monthly reports sent by IDC vendor and attend the...
Finance Staff
1 week ago
Bekasi, Indonesia Full time**Job Descriptions**: Payment approval (approve the payment from the customer, check the bank mutation first and then approve it). Taking care of invoice + receipt + other documents delivered by the expedition. Manage debt (pay suppliers due, withdraw bills, input transfers, send receipts to suppliers that the transaction is complete, add a payment to the...
Accounting Staff
2 weeks ago
Bekasi, Indonesia PT Nippo Mechatronics Indonesia Full timePersyaratan **1. Skill**: Accounting software (ACCPAC, Zahir, etc) 2. English Language is must 3. Have certificate Booster vaccine 4. Can Join Asap, placement in Cikarang Tanggung Jawab 1. Journal and accounting cycle (G/L,A/P,A/R, Bank reconciliation, Fixed Asset) 2. Tax 3. Bank Indonesia report (LLD, ULN, KPPK, SiMOdis) 4. Financial Report monthly and...
Admin Staff
1 week ago
Bekasi, Indonesia Wifkain Full time**Kualifikasi**: 1. Diutamakan Laki-Laki, maks. Usia 30 Tahun 2. Min. Pendidikan D3 Jurusan Akuntansi, Manajemen, atau Administrasi 3. Min. 1-2 Tahun pengalaman sebagai Admin Staff (Diutamakan Industri Periklanan menjadi nilai plus) 4. Familiar dengan rumus-rumus Formula Ms. Excel, dan terbiasa menjalin relasi dengan Internal dan Eksternal manajemen 5....
Admin Staff Cabang Bekasi
1 week ago
Bekasi, Indonesia PT.TRUST TECH ENGINEERING SERVICE INDONESIA Full timeBusiness type: Japanese Steel manufacturing company **Job Description**: Extract data from the manufacturing management system, extract issues from manufacturing process data and labor data, and conduct productivity improvement activities. Requirement: - Male/Female - Age Max 35 years old - Education Min D3 Related Engineering/Related IT - 5 years or more...
Staff Warehouse
2 weeks ago
Bekasi, Indonesia CV Pancar Prima Agung Full timeStaff Warehouse - Wanita/Pria maksimal umur 30 tahun - Pendidikan S1 Semua Jurusan, di utamakan Jurusan Logistik - Berpengalaman dalam bidangnya Min 3 tahun (Kandidat yang di proses yang berpengalaman) - Memiliki Interpersonal Yang Baik, Cekatan, Teliti, Inisiatif, Disiplin, Jujur, Bertanggung jawab, dan bisa berkomunikasi dengan baik dalam - Mampu membuat...
Administration Internship
7 days ago
Bekasi, Indonesia PT Transpasific Finance Full timePersyaratan Usia maksimal 28 tahun Pendidikan mínimal D3 atau sederajat untuk semua jurusan IPK mínimal 2,75 Dapat mengoperasikan Ms. Office terutama Excel dan menyukai pekerjaan administrasi Dinamis dan Komunikatif, serta dapat bekerja dengan tim maupun individu Diutamakan domisili di wilayah Bekasi Sudah mendapat dosis vaksin kedua Tanggung...
Digital Marketing Staff
6 days ago
Bekasi, Indonesia Kantor Akuntan Publik Sendy Cahyadi & Erry Febrianto Saputra Full timeKlien kami **AsbaLand Developer Property **yang berlokasi di Bekasi sedang membutuhkan tenaga professional sebagai Digital Marketing Staff. **Kualifikasi** - Mampu mengkonsep konten iklan yang menarik - Memahami SEO - Paham dan menguasai media sosial Advertising Meta Ads, Tiktok Ads, Google Ads, Google Analytics - Menguasai software edit foto dan video -...
HR Staff
2 weeks ago
Bekasi, Indonesia Hijrah Food Full timeSupport the development and implementation of HR initatives and systmes - Crete and implement effective onboarding plang - Develop training and development programs - Assist in performance management processes - Perform also in employer branding activities by creating and maintainig employer branding programs - Updating and maintaining HR database, records...
Admin Accounting
2 weeks ago
Bekasi, Indonesia green park residence Full timePendidikan Min. D3 Akuntansi/ Ekonomi, IPk > 3 - Usia Maksimal 30 Thn - Fresh graduate/ Pengalaman min. 1 tahun dibidang yang sama (lebih disukai di perusahaan property/kontraktor - Menguasai perhitungan pajak (PPN, PPh pasal 4 (2), PPh 23, PPh 21) - Menguasai Ms. Office dan MYOB Accounting - Membuat jurnal pembukuan, data entry - Memiliki sifat jujur dan...
Admin Accounting
6 days ago
Bekasi, Indonesia green park residence Full timePendidikan Min. D3 Akuntansi/ Ekonomi, IPk > 3 - Usia Maksimal 30 Thn - Fresh graduate/ Pengalaman min. 1 tahun dibidang yang sama (lebih disukai di perusahaan property/kontraktor - Menguasai perhitungan pajak (PPN, PPh pasal 4 (2), PPh 23, PPh 21) - Menguasai Ms. Office dan MYOB Accounting - Membuat jurnal pembukuan, data entry - Memiliki sifat jujur dan...
Export Administration
2 weeks ago
Bekasi, Indonesia SMART Agribusiness and Food Full timeJob Description - Prepare all required export documents relating to custom clearence/ entry of the goods procedure are accurate (product terms and specifications in the document in accordance with applicable standards) - Responsible for the completeness, accuracy and readiness of all export documentation (PEB, Bill of Lading, Certificate of Origin, Survey...
Admin Finance
4 days ago
Bekasi, Indonesia Jakarta Event Enterprise Full timeUmur maksimal 35 tahun Pendidikan mínimal D3 atau S1 Akuntansi IPK Minimal 3,0 dari skala 4 Memiliki pengalaman di bidang Finance, Accounting dan administrasi mínimal 1 tahun Mampu mengoperasikan komputer dan menguasai Microsoft Office (Word dan Excel) Memahami siklus akuntansi Mengerti pembukuan dan laporan keuangan Mengerti pembuatan laporan piutang...