Marketing Asuransi Prudential
6 days ago
Usia mínimal 25 tahun.
Pendidikan mínimal S1
Berkomunikasi dengan baik dan memiliki kemampuan persuasi yang kuat.
Memiliki minat dalam industri keuangan dan asuransi.
Mampu bekerja secara mandiri dan memiliki semangat berprestasi.
Berorientasi pada pelayanan pelanggan dan menjaga hubungan yang baik.
Tidak memiliki catatan kriminal atau pelanggaran etika. Tanggung Jawab
- Mengidentifikasi dan menghubungi calon nasabah untuk menjelaskan manfaat dan layanan asuransi Prudential.
- Mendengarkan dan memahami kebutuhan nasabah, serta memberikan solusi yang sesuai berdasarkan produk asuransi Prudential.
- Membantu nasabah dalam proses pengajuan dan pendaftaran produk asuransi.
- Membina hubungan baik dengan nasabah dan menjaga komunikasi secara berkala untuk memastikan kepuasan dan pemahaman yang berkelanjutan.
Agen Asuransi Prudential
5 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia FP One Full timePersyaratan Program ini adalah bagian dari keagenan prudential yang mencetak orang sukses di bidang asuransi. Dimana akan bergabung ke Perusahaan Asuransi Terbaik Indonesia (Prudential), dan kantor agency terbesar Prudential (FP One), dan dibimbing langsung oleh leader prudential yang sangat berpengalaman. **Persyaratan**: Usia tidak Lebih dari 55...
Marketing Asuransi Prudential
3 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Wealth Agency Full timeMengidentifikasi prospek potensial dan menjelaskan manfaat perlindungan asuransi Prudential dengan jelas. - Membangun hubungan yang kuat dengan calon pelanggan dan memberikan solusi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka. - Memberikan penjelasan yang komprehensif tentang produk asuransi dan membantu pelanggan memahami manfaatnya. - Mengelola portofolio klien...
Marketing Dan Pebisnis Asuransi
11 hours ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Josanco Candra Full timePerusahaan kami mencari Profesional yang energik, kreatif, semangat, bertanggung jawab, percaya diri dan sikap yang benar, untuk bergabung dengan kami Power Vision Indonesia. Kantor pemasaran mandiri terbaik di Indonesia yang berafiliasi dengan PT. Prudential Life Assurance, Perusahan Asuransi Jiwa Terbaik dan Terbesar di Indonesia serta kelas Dunia. Kami...
Sm - Market Intelligence
6 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Prudential Full timePrudential's purpose is to help people get the most out of life. We will deliver our purpose by creating a culture in which diversity is celebrated and inclusion assured, for our colleagues, customers, and partners. We provide a platform for our people to do their best work and make an impact to the business, and in exchange, we support our people's career...
Pemasaran Asuransi
6 days ago
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia PT Asuransi BRI Life Full timeTugas UtamaMenjelaskan manfaat, fitur, dan persyaratan produk dengan jelas kepada pelanggan. Mencapai target penjualan yang telah ditetapkan oleh perusahaan.Kriteria PelamarPendidikan minimal D3 dan SMA/Sederajat. Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun dalam bidang Marketing di Industri Asuransi.Ringkasan JabatanMengidentifikasi kebutuhan...
Digital Marketing Lead
11 hours ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Prudential Full timePrudential's purpose is to help people get the most out of life. We will deliver our purpose by creating a culture in which diversity is celebrated and inclusion assured, for our colleagues, customers, and partners. We provide a platform for our people to do their best work and make an impact to the business, and in exchange, we support our people's career...
Apprenticeship - Product Marketing
6 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Prudential plc Full timePrudential’s purpose is to be partners for every life and protectors for every future. Our purpose encourages everything we do by creating a culture in which diversity is celebrated and inclusion assured, for our people, customers, and partners. We provide a platform for our people to do their best work and make an impact to the business, and we support...
M - Digital Marketing Lead
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Prudential Full timePrudential's purpose is to help people get the most out of life. We will deliver our purpose by creating a culture in which diversity is celebrated and inclusion assured, for our colleagues, customers, and partners. We provide a platform for our people to do their best work and make an impact to the business, and in exchange, we support our people's career...
Apprenticeship - Product Marketing
5 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Prudential plc Full timePrudential’s purpose is to be partners for every life and protectors for every future. Our purpose encourages everything we do by creating a culture in which diversity is celebrated and inclusion assured, for our people, customers, and partners. We provide a platform for our people to do their best work and make an impact to the business, and we support...
Apprenticeship - Marketing Development
6 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Prudential Full timePrudential's purpose is to help people get the most out of life. We will deliver our purpose by creating a culture in which diversity is celebrated and inclusion assured, for our colleagues, customers, and partners. We provide a platform for our people to do their best work and make an impact to the business, and in exchange, we support our people's career...
Penjualan Asuransi Perbankan
3 days ago
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia PT Asuransi BRI Life Full timePeran:Menghubungi calon nasabah melalui telepon untuk menjelaskan manfaat produk perbankan BTN.Membangun hubungan baik dengan pelanggan untuk meningkatkan peluang penjualan.Keterampilan:Pendidikan minimal D3Diploma atau sarjana bidang marketing, jual beli, pemasaranTuntutan:Mencapai target penjualan yang ditetapkan oleh PT Asuransi BRI Life.Memastikan...
Se-product Marketing
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Prudential plc Full timePrudential’s purpose is to be partners for every life and protectors for every future. Our purpose encourages everything we do by creating a culture in which diversity is celebrated and inclusion assured, for our people, customers, and partners. We provide a platform for our people to do their best work and make an impact to the business, and we support...
Apprenticeship - Go to Market
2 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Prudential Full timePrudential's purpose is to help people get the most out of life. We will deliver our purpose by creating a culture in which diversity is celebrated and inclusion assured, for our colleagues, customers, and partners. We provide a platform for our people to do their best work and make an impact to the business, and in exchange, we support our people's career...
Apprenticeship - Digital Marketing
2 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Prudential Full timePrudential's purpose is to help people get the most out of life. We will deliver our purpose by creating a culture in which diversity is celebrated and inclusion assured, for our colleagues, customers, and partners. We provide a platform for our people to do their best work and make an impact to the business, and in exchange, we support our people's career...
Apprenticeship - Pulse Go to Market (Gtm)
3 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Prudential plc Full timePrudential's purpose is to help people get the most out of life. We will deliver our purpose by creating a culture in which diversity is celebrated and inclusion assured, for our colleagues, customers, and partners. We provide a platform for our people to do their best work and make an impact to the business, and in exchange, we support our people's career...
Market Insight
3 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Prudential plc Full timePrudential’s purpose is to be partners for every life and protectors for every future. Our purpose encourages everything we do by creating a culture in which diversity is celebrated and inclusion assured, for our people, customers, and partners. We provide a platform for our people to do their best work and make an impact to the business, and we support...
Apprenticeship - Market Research
2 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Prudential plc Full timePrudential's purpose is to help people get the most out of life. We will deliver our purpose by creating a culture in which diversity is celebrated and inclusion assured, for our colleagues, customers, and partners. We provide a platform for our people to do their best work and make an impact to the business, and in exchange, we support our people's career...
M - Wealth & Health Marketing Communications
6 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Prudential plc Full timePrudential’s purpose is to be partners for every life and protectors for every future. Our purpose encourages everything we do by creating a culture in which diversity is celebrated and inclusion assured, for our people, customers, and partners. We provide a platform for our people to do their best work and make an impact to the business, and we support...
Sm - Digital Marketing Lead
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Prudential Full timePrudential's purpose is to help people get the most out of life. We will deliver our purpose by creating a culture in which diversity is celebrated and inclusion assured, for our colleagues, customers, and partners. We provide a platform for our people to do their best work and make an impact to the business, and in exchange, we support our people's career...
Apprenticeship - Marketing Development
2 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Prudential plc Full timePrudential's purpose is to help people get the most out of life. We will deliver our purpose by creating a culture in which diversity is celebrated and inclusion assured, for our colleagues, customers, and partners. We provide a platform for our people to do their best work and make an impact to the business, and in exchange, we support our people's career...