IT Specialist

1 week ago

Semarang, Indonesia Kekancan Group Full time

IT Specialist
- Male/female, max 35 y/o
- Bachelor Degree in IT/Computer Science major or equivalent
- At least 2 years a practical experiance in systems (hardware and software) support
- Good experience in HTML, MySQL, AWS (server and user access), PHP, CSS, Javascript, Programming, Wordpress, DNS
- Familiar with multiple web browsers and OS platforms, software procurement and updates, user management and SAS administration (Google Suite, Zoom, Universe, etc)
- Proficiency with VPN networks, firewalls, ecryption, and other aspects of network security technologies
- Problem-solvind and analytical skills
- Must possess strong analytical interpersonal, and communication skills and have the ability to work with mínimal supervision in a team environment

"Waspada terhadap Modus Penipuan pada saat proses interview. Perusahaan tidak akan memungut biaya apapun dalam melakukan proses interview. Mohon segera melaporkan ke kami, jika pada saat Anda diundang untuk interview dan diminta untuk melakukan pembayaran dengan sejumlah uang."

"Please be aware of the Fraud Company. The company will never be collecting any payment in the process of interview. Please immediately report to us if there's any companies that collecting payment to the Jobseekers."