Staff Payroll
2 weeks ago
Wanita, usia 23 - 30 tahun
Pendidikan mínimal D3 / S1 Jurusan Akuntansi
Memiliki pengalaman mínimal 1 tahun sebagai staff payroll / perpajakan
Paham mengenai perpajakan terutama pajak penghasilan
Menguasai Microsoft Office (terutama Microsoft Excel)
Tanggap, jujur, teliti dan loyal
Penempatan di Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur Tanggung Jawab
Melakukan input data payroll akurat dan tepat waktu
HR Generalist
2 weeks ago
Sidoarjo, Indonesia PT. Wiselie Indonesia Gemilang Full timeWe are looking to employ an HR Generalist with excellent communication skills, both written and verbal. The HR Generalist is expected to be knowledgeable with employment legislation and possess strategic and commercial insight to the labor process. He or she must be able to negotiate with diplomacy. To ensure success, an HR Generalist should display...