Chief Housekeeping
3 days ago
**Deskripsi Pekerjaan**
- Mampu melakukan pengawasan rutin pembersihan, sanitasi toilet, lansekap, gondola dan pengendalian hama setiap hari.
- Mengawasi semua aspek operasi Housekeeping dengan tanggung jawab untuk mencapai dan mempertahankan standar kebersihan yang tinggi secara konsisten
- Mengatur jadwal kerja shift karyawan housekeeping.
- Pengawasan langsung operasional housekeeping secara keseluruhan dengan melakukan inspeksi secara berkala.
- Pendidikan S1 Perhotelan/semua jurusan
- Mempunyai pengalaman kerja di bidang building management mínimal 6 tahun
- Memiliki sertifikat BNSP klining service/tata graha (skema supervisor)
Jenis Pekerjaan: Penuh Waktu
Gaji: Rp10.000.000 - Rp12.000.000 per bulan
Kemampuan Bekerja Jauh dari Rumah/Pindah Rumah:
- Jakarta: Melakukan pulang-pergi kerja dengan jarak yang jauh tanpa mengganggu kinerja atau berencana pindah tempat tinggal sebelum mulai bekerja (Diutamakan)
Chief Cook
2 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT Mifa Bersaudara Full timeMenyiapkan peralatan dan dokumentasi yang dibutuhkan sesuai dengan instruksi, standar dan prosedur yang berlaku - Memelihara dokumentasi dan alat unit kerjanya untuk rnendukung kelancaran aktivitas unit kerjanya sesuai dengan instruksi, standar dan prosedur yang berlaku - Melakukan monitoring terhadap housekeeping, sanitasi dan memastikan hygiene terhadap...
General Services Section Head
4 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Sinarmas Land Full time**Job Descriptions**: - Create a work plan for implementing Housekeeping and Security & Parking. - Create an annual budget - Make regular reports on the implementation of activities. - Control the availability of manpower, equipment, materials for cleaning operations and supervise their use according to predetermined standard procedures. - Carry out...
General Services Section Head
3 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Sinarmas Land Full time**Job Descriptions**: - Create a work plan for implementing Housekeeping and Security & Parking. - Create an annual budget - Make regular reports on the implementation of activities. - Control the availability of manpower, equipment, materials for cleaning operations and supervise their use according to predetermined standard procedures. - Carry out...
General Services Section Head
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Sinarmas Land Full time**Job Descriptions**: - Create a work plan for implementing Housekeeping and Security & Parking. - Create an annual budget - Make regular reports on the implementation of activities. - Control the availability of manpower, equipment, materials for cleaning operations and supervise their use according to predetermined standard procedures. - Carry out...
General Services Section Head Itc Mangga Dua
2 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Sinarmas Land Full timeMake an implementation work plan regarding Housekeeping and Security & Parking. - Make an annual budget, make reports related to licensing agencies, analyze GA (ATK) stock. - Make routine reports on the implementation of activities. Controlling the availability of manpower, equipment, materials for cleaning operations and supervising their use according to...
Chief General Services
2 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT RGF Human Resources Agent Indonesia Full timePersyaratan 25 - 30 years old. Hold mínimal Bachelor's degree from any major (especially Management and Hotel). Has minimum 3 years work experience as General Services in Property Management especially office. Hold K3 Umum certificate. Used to make work report and K3LKK report. Conversational level English (able to use it actively). Computer literate...
Assistant Chief Concierge
2 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Park Hyatt Jakarta Full timeSummary Ensures that all company minimum brand standards have been implemented, and that optional brand standards have been implemented where appropriate. Ensures that all guest requests and requirements are attended promptly and handled in the correct manner. Ensures speedy, accurate and efficient telephone and message service at all times. Ensures that...