Aesthetic Doctor
2 weeks ago
- Surabaya- Surabaya**Work Type**:
- Full Time- Experienced in injection and cutting-edge technology and machines
- Experienced as Aesthetic Doctor for more than 3 years
- Willing to be placed in Surabaya
PERSOLKELLY is one of the largest recruitment companies in Asia Pacific providing comprehensive end-to-end workforce solutions to clients, allowing us to draw upon their connections as one of the largest recruitment companies in Asia Pasific.
We are now looking for a position as a Aesthetic Doctor areas with requirements as below:
- Experienced as aesthetic doctor (2-3 years) with at least 2 years experience in the same business
- Passionate in Aesthetic medicine and beauty with genuine interest & experience in injection and cutting-edge technology and machines.
- Doctors whom attended Aesthetic training courses preferred.
- Expected to have the know-how and training can be provided where required.
- Able to provide medical advice related to company's products and services.
- Ability to sign a firm contract of >3 years is a must.
- Able to work base at North and/or West Surabaya
**Reference Number**:
- 714
**Contact Details**:
- Human Resource > Others**Company**:
Aesthetic Doctor
2 weeks ago
Surabaya, Indonesia PERSOLKELLY Indonesia Full time**Location**: - Surabaya- Surabaya**Work Type**: - Full TimePERSOLKELLY is one of the largest recruitment companies in Asia Pacific providing comprehensive end-to-end workforce solutions to clients, allowing us to draw upon their connections as one of the largest recruitment companies in Asia Pasific. We are now looking for a position as a Aesthetic...
Aesthetic Doctor
3 weeks ago
Surabaya, Indonesia PERSOLKELLY Indonesia Full timeExperience doctors (2-3 years) with at least 2 years experience in the same business - Passionate in Aesthetic medicine and beauty with genuine interest & experience in injection and cutting-edge technology and machines. - Able to work base at Surabaya PERSOLKELLY is one of the largest recruitment companies in Asia Pacific providing comprehensive end-to-end...
Aesthetic Doctor
2 weeks ago
Surabaya, Indonesia PERSOLKELLY Indonesia Full timeExperienced in injection and cutting-edge technology and machines - Experienced as Aesthetic Doctor for more than 3 years - Willing to be placed in Surabaya PERSOLKELLY is one of the largest recruitment companies in Asia Pacific providing comprehensive end-to-end workforce solutions to clients, allowing us to draw upon their connections as one of the...
Aesthetic Doctor
3 weeks ago
Surabaya, Indonesia PERSOLKELLY Indonesia Full time**Location**: - Surabaya- Surabaya**Work Type**: - Full Time- Experience doctors (2-3 years) with at least 2 years experience in the same business - Passionate in Aesthetic medicine and beauty with genuine interest & experience in injection and cutting-edge technology and machines. - Able to work base at Surabaya PERSOLKELLY is one of the largest...
Dokter Kecantikan/aesthetic Doctor
2 weeks ago
Surabaya, Indonesia Neuvel Aesthetic & Dental Clinic Full time**Tugas & Tanggung Jawab**: - Menguasai tindakan estetika medis - Bertanggung jawab terhadap klien dan klinik - Melakukan tindakan medis sesuai dengan SOP kedokteran dan klinik yang berlaku - Melayani konsultasi pasien sesuai SOP klinik - Memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik - Bertanggung jawab dalam operasional outlet - Melakukan supervisi terhadap perawat -...
Doctor Aesthetic
2 weeks ago
Surabaya, Indonesia B Group Full timeDOCTOR AESTHETIC Fasilitas - Gaji pokok - Komisi - Pria /Wanita - Usia max 35 tahun - Dokter Kecantikan / Umum - Memiliki STP (Surat Tanda Pegistrasi) yang masih berlaku - Memiliki Sertifikat di bidang Estetika / kecantikan lebih diutamakan - Berpengalaman di Klinik Kecantikan min 2 tahun - Berpenampilan menarik, memiliki motivasi tinggi, dan pekerja...
Aesthetic Doctor/dokter Kecantikan
1 week ago
Surabaya, Indonesia PT Mires Mahisa Globalindo Full timeAesthetic Doctor/Dokter Kecantikan - Usia maksimal 36 tahun - Kandidat memiliki gelar Sarjana di Kedokteran, diutamakan S2 - Memiliki pengalaman mínimal 3 tahun di bidang estetika di rumah sakit maupun klinik kecantikan - Memiliki kemampuan melakukan tindak estetika medis, spesialis kulit dan kecantikan skincare - Memiliki STR aktif dan bersedia mengurus...
Dokter Estetika
7 days ago
Surabaya, Indonesia PT L'viors Jaya Sentosa Full timePersyaratan Pendidikan Profesi Kedokteran Memiliki STR yang aktif & wajib membuat SIP Memiliki pengalaman dibidang aesthetic akan menjadi nilai tambah Berpenampilan menarik dan terawat Mampu bekerja secara individu / tim Tanggung Jawab Melakukan tindakan sesuai SOP yang telah ditetapkan
Aesthetic Doctor
1 week ago
Surabaya, Indonesia PT Mitra Manajemen Full timeDibutuhkah 1 dokter umum dengan penempatan di Rungkut, Surabaya Requirement: - Wanita - Memiliki gelar sarjana Kedokteran - Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik - Memiliki SIP aktif - Foto terakhir Gaji yang ditawarkan diluar insentif. Mendapatkan training dan sertifikat. **Tugas**: Menawarkan/memberikan informasi terkait produk/jasa kepada pasien Menjaga...
Aesthetic Doctor
1 week ago
Surabaya, Indonesia QDerma Aesthetics and Wellness Clinic Full time**Spesifikasi**: - Dokter Kecantikan - Lulusan S1 Kedokteran & memiliki STR Dokter aktif Pengalaman mínimal 1 tahun di Estetika/Skincare atau memiliki sertifikasi Estetika menjadi nilai plus - Memiliki STR Aktif dan bersedia ngurus SIP - Komunikatif, mampu memberikan solusi untuk pasien - Ramah, berorientasi pada pelayanan untuk customer - Dapat melakukan...