Transport Admin

1 day ago

Bekasi, Indonesia SMART Agribusiness and Food Full time

General Responsibilities : 1. Input Receipt DO / SO from Sales Admin 2. Realizing the delivery of DO according to schedule. 3. Report daily GI data and share to the related. 4. Monitoring Return Letters from the transporters, and input on SAP u directly submitted to Sales Admin 5. Input vehicle out and in for all activities in GBJ warehouse 6. Issuance of memo invoice of payment of transporter and TBM (Load and Load) 7. Input proof of payment of transporter from accounting as data. 8. Forward payment information from accounting to the transporters. 9. Report Outstanding Data DO2 and follow up to sales. 10. Ensure All data admin report included in the sharing folder 11. Input doctor's letter, leave, overtime, purchase request, work schedule as monthly internal report 12. Realize the costs for Non-Staff dining claims to travel 13. Report data overtime, employee permit data, attendance and sp as internal reports 14. Make ATK request and milk request every month. 15. Running the implementation of quality management system (ISO 9001: 2000, ISO 22000: 2005, Halal, SMK3, ISCC system, RSPO, SMART D_Safe, OHSAS 18001, HACCP).

  • Sales Admin

    1 day ago

    Bekasi, Indonesia SMART Agribusiness and Food Full time

    1. Monitor invoice payments are processed and well documented. 2. Ensure all administrative documents are required. 3. Helping to find out the price of transportation information is updated. 4. Assist management prepare budget, planning, work activity. 5. Prepare reports and related data management needs. 6. Help prepare publications.

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