Gym Personal Trainer
4 days ago
**Salah satu klien kami Membuka Lowongan untuk posisi Personal Trainer**
**Lokasi Gym**:Jakarta, Indonesia
- Memiliki pengalaman sebagai Personal Trainer / Instructor mínimal 2 Tahun
- Min. Lulusan SMA/SMK/Sederajat
- Mampu bekerja dengan tim maupun individu
- Mampu berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris
- Memiliki skill komunikasi dan customer service yang baik
- Menetap di area Jakarta dan sekitarnya
- Bersedia untuk bergabung segera
Jenis Pekerjaan: Penuh Waktu
Upah: Hingga Rp5.000.000 per bulan
Personal Trainer Gym
4 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT BINTANG MILENIAL WAHANA (United Gym) Full time**Kualifikasi**: - Pria / Wanita maksimal 45 tahun - Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani - Mempunyai pengalaman sebagai Personal Trainer - Diutamakan bagi yang memiliki sertifikat - Bersedia di tempatkan di Cengkareng **(United Gym)** **Jobdesk**: Bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan member-member berlatih secara aman, membantu member-member dalam menggunakan alat-alat...
Personal Trainer Gym
3 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT BINTANG MILENIAL WAHANA (United Gym) Full time**Kualifikasi**: - Pria / Wanita maksimal 45 tahun - Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani - Mempunyai pengalaman sebagai Personal Trainer - Diutamakan bagi yang memiliki sertifikat - Bersedia di tempatkan di Cengkareng **(United Gym)** **Jobdesk**: Bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan member-member berlatih secara aman, membantu member-member dalam menggunakan alat-alat...
Personal Trainer Gym Tempat Fitness
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT Dunia Nutrisi Indonesia Full time**Informasi Lowongan** **Tipe Pekerjaan** **Remote/On-site** **Fungsi Pekerjaan** Pelatih Olahraga **Jenjang Karir** Pemula / Staf **Job Deskripsi** Menawarkan jasa personal trainer kepada member gym Membuat program yang sesuai untuk member Memberikan pelatihan pendampingan dengan benar profesional agar bisa menjalankan program yang sesuai Mencapai...
Walk in Interview Personal Trainer
3 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Gold's Gym Full time**Deskripsi Pekerjaan** **Kualifikasi**: Maksimal usia 35 Tahun Memiliki gaya hidup sehat, menyukai olahraga, dan tertarik pada dunia fitness Memiliki kemampuan untuk melatih seseorang Memiliki keterampilan, pengetahuan, dan pengalaman dibidang Personal Trainer mínimal 1 - 2 tahun (Diutamakan) Memiliki sertifikasi Personal Trainer Memiliki kemampuan...
Gym Director
2 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT Funtastic Gym Indonesia Full time**About us** The Funtastic Gym is located in Pondok Indah Mall 2. Our goal is to help kids experience the thrill of achievement, develop new skills, and find new confidence through a variety of gymnastics-based programs. - Life’s too short to not work someplace awesome! If you have tons of energy, love kids and are looking for a way to give back to your...
Personal Trainer/fitness Coach
2 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT ASIA FITNESS INDONESIA (ANYTIME FITNESS) Full timeAs Personal Trainer, your responsibilities are: - Engaging with members on the gym floor - Conducting fitness consultations - Developing and delivering 1 on 1 PT sessions - Assist with conducting fitness classes - Being involved in club events and programs - Promoting and selling personal training programs and services - Developing safe, exciting, and...
Gym Instructor Ayana Midplaza, Jakarta
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia AYANA Hospitality Full timeOn a daily basis, you’ll carry out various tasks, starting from assessing your clients’ physical condition and creating unique workout routines for them. You’ll explain the exercises in a clear and efficient way, while demonstrating how to use the training equipment safely, to avoid injuries. If you are enthusiastic about the world of fitness and want...
Membership Sales Associate
4 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Gold's Gym Full time**Company Description**: - **Gold's Gym Indonesia is a leading mega gym that has helped hundreds of thousands of people in Indonesia achieve their unique fitness goals since 2007.**_ - **We have 12 clubs across 5 cities in very accessible locations and we offer a world-class service to all our members**:_ - **1) More than 20 exciting group class programs...
Membership Sales Associate
5 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Gold's Gym Full time**Company Description**: - **Gold's Gym Indonesia is a leading mega gym that has helped hundreds of thousands of people in Indonesia achieve their unique fitness goals since 2007.**_ - **We have 12 clubs across 5 cities in very accessible locations and we offer a world-class service to all our members**:_ - **1) More than 20 exciting group class programs...
Senior Accounting
6 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Epicultura Group Full timeRekonsiliasi bank - Membuat laporan keuangan bulanan - Hitung biaya untuk instruktur GYM - Hitung Komisi Penjualan Sales dan Personal Trainer - Stock opname - Pastikan antara ERP (Gym Master untuk FTL Gym, PX untuk Sawana Suites) dan sistem back-end (Accurate) memiliki jumlah yang sama - Identifikasi jumlah yang berbeda antara ERP dan sistem back-end -...
Crossfit/pilates Instructor South Barn
5 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Andaf Corp Full time**CROSSFIT/PILATES INSTRUCTOR** - Responsible for planning, implementing, and supervising specific training plans as appropriate to help members achieve specific results. - Help teach classes **Qualification**: - Have a fitness trainer certificate - Have min 1 year teaching experience including classes or personal trainer - Have good customer service...
Trainer (Tuban)
5 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT Intrias Mandiri Sejati Full timeTrainer (Tuban) - Experienced as trainer min 1-2 years in retail company - Good communication skills - Well oriented person - Skilled at Office Tools (Word, Excel, PP) - Highly motivated to work - Knowledge about gadget would be advantages - Pendidikan Minimal Diploma "Waspada terhadap Modus Penipuan pada saat proses interview. Perusahaan tidak akan...
Trainer (Mojokerto)
5 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT Intrias Mandiri Sejati Full timeTrainer (Mojokerto) - Experienced as trainer min 1-2 years in retail company - Good communication skills - Well oriented person - Skilled at Office Tools (Word, Excel, PP) - Highly motivated to work - Knowledge about gadget would be advantages - Pendidikan Minimal Diploma "Waspada terhadap Modus Penipuan pada saat proses interview. Perusahaan tidak akan...
Trainer (Gresik)
5 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT Intrias Mandiri Sejati Full timeTrainer (Gresik) - Experienced as trainer min 1-2 years in retail company - Good communication skills - Well oriented person - Skilled at Office Tools (Word, Excel, PP) - Highly motivated to work - Knowledge about gadget would be advantages - Pendidikan Minimal Diploma "Waspada terhadap Modus Penipuan pada saat proses interview. Perusahaan tidak akan...
Trainer (Surabaya)
5 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT Intrias Mandiri Sejati Full timeTrainer (Surabaya) - Experienced as trainer min 1-2 years in retail company - Good communication skills - Well oriented person - Skilled at Office Tools (Word, Excel, PP) - Highly motivated to work - Knowledge about gadget would be advantages - Pendidikan Minimal Diploma "Waspada terhadap Modus Penipuan pada saat proses interview. Perusahaan tidak akan...
Personal Trainer
6 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia LIPS Clinic Full timeKUALIFIKASI PRIA USIA 23 - 36 tahun PENAMPILAN MENARIK (Good looking) TINGGI MINIMAL 175 cm, Proporsional dengan berat badan. BEROTOT / ATLETIS RUTIN OLAHRAGA FITNESS DI GYM dengan menguasai teknik2 gym standar. BISA MENYETIR MOBIL MATIC & MANUAL atau salah satunya. BERSEDIA MENEMANI ATASAN BERTUGAS KE WILAYAH DI LUAR JAKARTA / TRAVELING Diutamakan...
Personal Trainer Plus2 Untuk Pria
2 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia LIPS Group Full timeKUALIFIKASI: LAKI LAKI Berdomisili di kota JAKARTA dan sekitarnya. Usia 22 - 36 Tahun BERPENAMPILAN MENARIK. Tinggi Minimal 171 CM. Berat badan proporsional. Atletis/ Berotot Aktif olahraga Fitnes di Gym dengan tehnik standar. Memiliki SIM A. Bisa menyetir mobil Matic dan Manual. Bersedia menemani boss bertugas di daerah lain. Sanggup bekerja dibawah...
Corporate Trainer
6 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Management Development International Full timeAre you passionate to share your knowledge and experience to develop others? - **URGENTLY REQUIRED**_ Management Development International (MDI) has developed more than 50,000 executives from various companies in Indonesia for more than 20 years. **TRAINERS/FACILITATOR in Business Management, Leadership, Marketing, Sales and Customer Service** **Main...
Trainer / Facilitator in Leadership, Sales and
2 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia MDI Tack Training Full time**Are you passionate to share your knowledge and experience to develop others?** - URGENTLY REQUIRED_ **Management Development International (MDI)** **has developed** **more than 50,000 executives** **from various companies in Indonesia for** **more than 20 years** **.** **TRAINERS in Business Management, Leadership,** **Marketing,** **Sales and Customer...
Online Thai Language Trainer
2 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Learnship Networks GmbH Full time**Learnship Networks Gmb**H** are looking for **Thai language trainers** to teach online courses. Learnship Networks GmbH is a world-wide language learning provider founded in 2008 and headquartered in Cologne, Germany. We specialize in live world-wide Online instruction for business clients, but also offer face-to-face courses in countries such as France,...