Outbound & Production Supervisor - Sidoarjo

3 days ago

Sidoarjo, Indonesia Sayurbox Full time

**Position Job Scope including, but not limited to**:

- Manage, supervise, and develop the capability of warehouse operations team for outbound operations, production process, and ensure the delivery of best-in-class team performance against given set of indicators
- Oversee the day-to-day operations activities in warehouse outbound & production. Ensure the deployment and implementation of SOPs and work instructions to ensure smooth, accurate, and efficient dispatch of orders
- Manage the daily reporting of warehouse outbound & production activities and the performance monitoring of warehouse outbound & production team
- Manage coordinations across functions and various stakeholders with the warehouse outbound & production team to ensure strong alignments to support business goals and objectives
- Track, monitor, and report the warehouse outbound & production operations performance on timely basis; perform weekly report analysis for improvements
- Ensure excellent record keeping of every outbound & production inventory flow movements and outbound & production operations performance data
**Qualification Requirements**:

- Diploma/Bachelor Degree from any major but Logistics/Supply Chain Management is preferable
- Have at least 4 years of experience in managing warehouse operations, production process, and inventory management
- Process-oriented, meticulous with strong analytical skill, and able to quickly adapt to change
- Strong leadership skill, excellent communication and data-driven decision-making skills
- Experience in Six Sigma, Total Quality Management (TQM), or ISO9001 Quality Management System implementation is preferable
- Experience and prior knowledge in using warehouse management system is preferable


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    Sidoarjo, Indonesia Master Production Surabaya Full time

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  • Sidoarjo, Indonesia Sayurbox Full time

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    Sidoarjo, Indonesia PT RONG HAI INTERNATIONAL Full time

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    2 weeks ago

    Sidoarjo, Indonesia Master Production Surabaya Full time

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    Sidoarjo, Indonesia Master Production Surabaya Full time

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    1 week ago

    Sidoarjo, Indonesia PT. Balaraja Kencana Mas Full time

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  • Sidoarjo, Indonesia Master Production Surabaya Full time

    **Deskripsi Pekerjaan**: 1. Menguasai bahasa pemrograman PHP, CSharp, SQL database 2. Pernah membuat dan menguasai program coding untuk Mobile Apps Android & IOS 3. Menguasai framework seperti Laravel, Bootstrap, Spring MVC, Hibernate. 4. Menguasai Web Programming 5. Memiliki mínimal 2 tahun pengalaman **Salary**: Rp3,500,000 - Rp5,000,000 per...