HR Competency

2 weeks ago

Bogor, Indonesia OTO Group Full time

Melakukan koordinasi dalam persiapan, pelaksanaan dan penyelesaian kegiatan training serta mensosialisasikan program training
Pria, Usia maks. 25 th, Pendidikan D3/S1 (SLTA Dipertimbangkan)
- Berminat di bidang marketing* Dinamis dan Komunikatif* Menyukai pekerjaan lapangan* Memiliki sepeda motor dan SIM C

  • Bogor, Indonesia MatchaTalent Full time

    **About the Company**: The Company was established in Indonesia in 1981 as a major supplier for the premium tire reinforcement material in Southeast Asia. The Company not only has a good image, qualified products, high professionalism, and strong commitment to provide excellent service to the customers, but also qualified human resources (HR) with great...