Operator Bubut/ Milling Manual
2 weeks ago
Seorang Operator Bubut Milling Manual yg berpengalaman
Dengan Syarat:
- Lulusan Minimal STM/SMK
- Usia maksimal 35 tahun
- Pengalaman mínimal 4 tahun
- Mampu menyelesaikan pekerjaan sesuai dateline
- Sehat jasmani rohani
- Tidak sedang terikat kerja
- Bersedia mengikuti test praktek las
- Penempatan di Pesing - Jakarta Barat
- Diutamakan yg berdomisili Jakarta
Harap mengirimkan CV lengkap dengan no HP yang masih aktif
Hanya kandidat yang serius dan sesuai dengan kriteria yg akan diproses
Ability to commute/relocate:
- Jakarta: Reliably commute or planning to relocate before starting work (required)
Operator Bubut
7 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT CITRAMAS BETATEKNIK SEJAHTERA Full timePengalaman Minimal 2 Tahun di Bubut Manual Operator Mesin Bubut Manual Syarat: 1. Minimal lulus SMK Mesin Industri 2. Berpengalaman 1 tahun atau lebih sebagai operator mesin bubut 3. Berusia 20-35 tahun Keahlian: 1. Menguasai Mesin Bubut Manual 2. Menguasai Mesin Milling Manual lebih dipertimbangkan 3. Mampu membaca alat ukur dengan baik 4. Mampu membaca...
Operator Bubut Manual
2 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT Sentra Solusi Bangsa Full timeKualifikasi: 1. Pendidikan Min SMK Teknik Mesin/industri 2. Pengalaman min 5 tahun dibidang yang sama 3. Usia max 40 tahun Skill: 1. Menguasai system operasi mesin Mesin Bubut Manual 2. Menguasai alat ukur Dial, kaliper, Micrometer, Boregauge dll 3. Mengerti kebutuhan mesin Bubut Manual baik kebutuhan tools maupun supporting lainnya 4. Mampu membaca...
Operator Bubut
2 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT CITRAMAS BETATEKNIK SEJAHTERA Full timeOperator Bubut Manual Syarat: - Pria, Pendidikan minimum SMK/STM - Mampu mengoperasikan mesin Bubut Manual - Minimum pengalaman 2 tahun - Pengalaman di Pneumatic/ hydraulic lebih di utamakan - Bekerja Sistematis, Teliti, Cepat dan tepat - Lolos seleksi langsung mulai bekerja - Penempatan area JABABEKA, CIKARANG Human Resouce Department PT. CITRAMAS...
Operator Bubut
2 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT Lambang Agro Plantation Group Full timeOperator Bubut - Pria - Pendidikan min. SMA/SMK - Berpengalaman di bidangnya min. 3 tahun - Memiliki lisensi (SIO) - Memiliki kemampuan interpersonal yang baik - Memiliki pengetahuan pemeliharaan alat lebih diutamakan - Sehat jasmani dan rohani - Jujur "Waspada terhadap Modus Penipuan pada saat proses interview. Perusahaan tidak akan memungut biaya apapun...
Operator & Programer Bubut CNC
6 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT Pandu Hydro Pneumatics Full timePersyaratan - Pria ,usia maksimal 35 tahun. - Lulusan mínimal SMA semua jurusan - Pengalaman 3 tahun - Menjalankan bubut CNC & membuat program - Mengoperasikan mesin bubut CNC - Inisiatif, cekatan, tidak mudah menyerah dan dapat bekerjasama - Lokasi, Batu Ceper
Operator Miling
6 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT Pandu Hydro Pneumatics Full timePersyaratan - Pria ,usia maksimal 35 tahun. - Lulusan mínimal SMA semua jurusan - Pengalaman 3 tahun - Bisa mengoperasikan mesin miling manual - Mengoperasikan mesin bubut CNC - Inisiatif, cekatan, tidak mudah menyerah dan dapat bekerjasama - Lokasi, Batu Ceper
6 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT. Wijara Nagatsupazki Full timeDibutuhkan Operator CNC Operator EDM & WIRECUT Operator CMM Operator Bubut Jenis Pekerjaan: Penuh Waktu
Operator Mesin Poly
2 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT. Hayookerja Abhinaya Indonesia Full timeWE'RE HIRING! Kualifikasi: mempunyai pengalaman sebagai operator mesin poly & pond manual Memahami dasar perawatan dan pengoperasian mesin poly & pond manual Diutamakan pernah kerja di pabrik percetakan dan packaging Syarat: Surat lamaran dan CV Copy KTP dan KK Lokasi Jakarta Timur Jenis Pekerjaan: Penuh Waktu Pertanyaan Lamaran: - Sudah berapa...
Operator Mesin Pond Manual
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT Primasindo Makmur Kencana Full timePT. Primasindo Makmur Kencana sedang mencari operator mesin pond manual berpengalaman. Jenis Pekerjaan: Penuh Waktu Gaji: Rp2.000.000 - Rp4.000.000 per bulan Pendidikan: - SMA/SMU/SMK (Diutamakan)
Assistant Manager Mill
2 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Goodhope Asia Holdings Ltd Full time1. Able to plan milling operation taking into account the available FFB and the utilities cost and labour cost 2. Familiar with process control requirement Able to interact effectively with both maintenance and process control team 3. You also should understand the maintenance strategy for palm oil mill machineries. Making sure of consistent implementation...
Mill Assistant-2
7 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia SMART Agribusiness and Food Full timeCreate a preventive maintenance schedule based on machine specifications. - Establish a work program based on a preventative maintenance schedule to determine the approximate use of the material. - Check the machines periodically to ensure the repair and maintenance of the machine is done well. - Checking the results of processing in the laboratory to find...
On Site Services Specialist(On Site Machining)
2 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Gas Power Global Services Full timeThe Machinist is responsible for operating mobile equipment, tools & machinery efficiently and accurately onsite. He or she will lead machining work onsite independently. This role reports to Service Manager (OSM Segment). **Essential functions and responsibilities** - Perform site machining on the equipment of Power Plant for overhaul and refurbishment,...
Head of Engineering Operations
1 day ago
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia Golden Agri Resources Full timeOur Company OverviewAt Golden Agri-Resources, we cultivate over 138,000 hectares of oil palm plantations, including smallholder farmers. We own 46 mills and operate 8 downstream facilities that manage refining and kernel crushing operations.We are committed to providing high-quality products, meeting customer needs, and driving growth through innovation and...
Sqa (Automation / Manual)
7 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia PT Deptech Digital Indonesia Full timeBuild test plan, test script, test result, case design and review, case execution - Maintenance of testing environment and existing testing tools - Continuous optimization and improvement of development and testing processes to enhance test quality and efficiency - Evaluate product code according to specifications - Validating documents implementation plan -...
Operations, Payment Outbound
5 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia Shopee Full timeDepartmentOperations- LevelEntry Level- LocationIndonesia - JakartaThe Operation teams at Shopee covers the operational end-to-end process, from when the buyer searches for a product listed on the Shopee platform, to the moment the buyer receives the products. The team analyses and monitors operational KPIs across the region and conducts root cause analysis...
Cost & Operations Controller
5 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia SMART Agribusiness and Food Full timeJob Descriptions: - Review significant Business Process and improve/implement control to address the identified risk, missing procedures or streamline the process and promote automation.- Provide strategic business analysis e.g. replanting project, new investment project in estate/mill as required by Business Unit Head.- Review and analyze cost regularly on...
Cost & Operations Controller
2 weeks ago
Jakarta, Indonesia SMART Agribusiness and Food Full time1. Review significant Business Process and improve/implement control to address the identified risk, missing procedures or streamline the process and promote automation. 2. Provide strategic business analysis e.g. replanting project, new investment project in estate/mill as required by Business Unit Head. 3. Review and analyze cost regularly on PSM Level...
Staff Mechanical Maintenance
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia JAC Recruitment Full timeReport to Production Manager - Responsible for Preventive Maintenance, Repair and Project in the factory, such as: Lathe Machine (mesin bubut), Milling, Panel, etc - Mechanical troubleshoot or Mechanical problem solving for Machines and equipment in factory - Minimum Diploma of Mechanical Engineering background - MUST Experience working in Maintenance &...
Staff Electrical Maintenance
1 week ago
Jakarta, Indonesia JAC Recruitment Full timeReport to Production Manager - Responsible for Preventive Maintenance, Repair and Project in the factory, such as: Lathe Machine (mesin bubut), Milling, Panel, etc - Electrical troubleshoot or Electrical problem solving for Machines and equipment in factory - Minimum Diploma of Electro/Electrical Engineering background - MUST Experience working in...
CNC Miller at Machine Building Plant
5 days ago
Jakarta, Indonesia TempoEast Full timeThis job is based in Benelux area. The employer specializes in custom machine construction, lathing and milling, steel and stainless steel plate construction and complex piping. Certified welding, engineering, 3D laser measurements and complete automation projects. TASKS DESCRIPTION You work on special steel constructions for projects in industry,...