Backend Engineer
7 days ago
Backend Engineer
- Male / Female
- Min. 1-year experience as a Backend Engineer
- Familiar with Web Service Interaction (create & consume RESTful API) Extensive experience in software development, scripting, and project management especially in PHP, Laravel, Python, Django, and GO
- Familiar with Git Management (Pull, Push, Merge, Branch Management, Conflict Management)
- Familiar with MongoDB, Redis, PostgreSQL, and MySQL
- Experience using Cloud (Alibaba or GCP)
- Experience in MicroService is a plus
- Ready to be placed in Bogor
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"Please be aware of the Fraud Company. The company will never be collecting any payment in the process of interview. Please immediately report to us if there's any companies that collecting payment to the Jobseekers."
Backend Engineer
2 weeks ago
Bogor, Indonesia CMS Mart Full timeBackend Engineer - Male/Female - Min 1 year experience as a BackEnd Engineer - Familiar with Web Service Interaction (create & consume RESTful API) - Extensive experience in software development, scripting, and project manageemnet especially in PHP, Laravel, Python, Django, and GO - Familiar with Git Management (pull, Push, Merge, Branch Management, Conflict...