
1 week ago

Jakarta, Indonesia Mott MacDonald Full time

Reporting to the Country Representative (Jakarta) and will perform the services detailed below.

The Driver is responsible for safe driving of the car, for the daily cleaning and maintenance of the car, transporting IDS Indonesia staff and guests, and running errands for the office. Her/his main duties and responsibilities include, but are not limited to the following:

- General:

- Safe driving always, in line with local travel and office rules & regulations.
- Ensure that the car remains in good operational condition.
- Notify the Country Representative and Secretary of need for maintenance and repairs.
- A vehicle logbook should be maintained on daily basis and must be signed off daily by the Country Representative or Secretary.
- Take all reasonable measures to ensure safety of vehicle and passengers.
- Transport of non-staff passengers is allowed only upon approval of the Country Representative or Secretary.
- Always interact politely with passengers and other road users to maintain high standard of Euroconsult Mott MacDonald.
- Respect maximum speed limits and traffic rules. If drivers do not comply disciplinarily action will follow.
- Drivers are not allowed to use mobiles during driving. Stop the car before receiving a call.
- Technical responsibility:

- Daily check on oil, water and battery (water), windscreen wiper water, brake fluid, and ensure that the fuel tank is at least half full upon return each evening.
- Weekly check on brake pads, exhaust pipe, air condition fluid, condition of tires, and report any technical abnormalities to the Country Representative and Secretary.
- Alert the Country Representative and Secretary when it is time for oil change or regular maintenance as recommended in the vehicle’s operation manual.
- Any damage should be reported immediately.
- Cleaning:

- Responsible for clean car (daily check) inside and outside. This is not done by third parties, but by the responsible driver himself (company will not pay for cleaning, except in exceptional cases).
- Other duties:

- Upon instruction of Management, Country Representative or Secretary, help loading & unloading of vehicles, running errands, delivery of mail and documents, carrying luggage etc.
- Upon instructions of Management, Country Representative or Secretary, assists in any other duties that may be required.

Key skills, experience and qualifications:

- A valid driving license
- Significant professional driving experience
- Previous experience working within a business environment
- Demonstrable defensive driving skills along with basic routine vehicle maintenance

**Job Profile**
- Mott MacDonald is committed to improving people’s lives through creating and delivering tailored development solutions.
- We work in developing countries to alleviate poverty, establish good governance, and increase access, capacity and resilience in healthcare, education, water, sanitation, transportation, infrastructure and renewable energy - while safeguarding the environment and promoting human rights and gender equity.
- What makes us different is that we approach problems from a fresh perspective. As an employee-owned company, we have the freedom and independence of mind to find new ways to enhance human well-being and foster social and economic development through connected thinking.

**Other Information**

**Equality, diversity and inclusion**
We put equality, diversity and inclusion at the heart of our business, seeking to promote fair employment procedures and practices to ensure equal opportunities for all. We encourage individual expression in our workplace and are committed to creating an inclusive environment where everyone feels they have the opportunity to contribute.**Agile working**
At Mott MacDonald, we believe it makes business sense for you and your manager to choose how you can work most effectively to meet your client, team and personal commitments. We embrace agility, flexibility and trust.**More about Mott MacDonald**
We’re a global engineering, management and development consultancy.
- Our purpose is to improve society by considering social outcomes in everything we do, relentlessly focusing on excellence and digital innovation, transforming our clients’ businesses, our communities and employee opportunities.
- A fundamental part of this is respecting each person’s differences and striving to meet their needs.
- Our values: progress, respect, integrity, drive, excellence

**Job Ref**
- 65474BR

**Recruiter Contact**
- Shailesh Chougule

- Indonesia

- ALL - Indonesia

- Water

- International development

**Website Region**
- Asia Pacific

**Website Sector**
- International development, Water and wastewater

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