Customer Service Gallery
4 days ago
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
- Assist the Head of Facilities & Operational Planning in managing all the needs of the Facilities & Visitation Department
Visitation/Visitor Engagement:
- To ensure a professional and high-quality visitor experience and satisfaction through supervision of all aspect of visitation at the museum, including customer care, visitor safety and museum information
- To monitor, maintain and coordinate visitation system and day-to-day visitation on-site
- To work with Facilities & Operational Assistant in ensuring that all facilities and visitation on-site are ready, synchronized and feasible to operate (e.g queue lines, signages, self-assessment devices, ticket scanner, etc.)
- To work with Facilities & Operational Assistant in preparing the Museum for exhibitions, talk, programs and other related events on-site
- To assist Head of Department in hosting Museum guests, partners and officials
- To report to the Head of Facilities and Operational Planning
Ticketing and Sales:
- To develop and grow different visitation income streams across the site to build a sustainable future for the Museum, including bulk ticket sale and B2B opportunities
- Together with Head of Facilities & Visitation, to continuously work on visitation experience development through various research methods, survey, interview, FGD, etc.
- To assist the Head of Facilities & Visitation in developing reports, data analysis, projections and other visitation development and reporting documents.
- To assist the Head of Facilities and Operational Planning in generating and developing various researches, reports, and presentations in relation to Museum MACAN Visitation and how it can be used across departments as research and discussion material.
Visitor Service Officers
- To work with VSO Lead and Facilities & Operational Assistant in arranging VSO daily roster and schedules
- To manage and supervise VSO Team in doing their day-to-day tasks on-site
- To be confident in inspiring and motivating VSO Team to deliver an extraordinary, enriching and first-class museum experience for every visitor
- To lead, supervise and help VSO Team to ensure that visitor on-site complaint, input, incident report and other issues in relation to visitation are addresses appropriately and in a timely manner
- To conduct regular training and communication to keep the VSO Team updated and to establish professional visitor experience and customer care, as well as to maintain coordinated communication direction to public
- To conduct briefing, de-briefing and daily reporting with the VSO, Security and other Frontliner Team before and after Museum operational hours daily (alternately with Facilities Assistant)
- To collaborate with Communication Department to ensure that all forms of Museum communication are shared with VSO Team and are conveyed to public according to Museum MACAN Communication directions/instructions
Ticketing Partner
- To manage QR Code for EDC and cashless payment
- To be the Communication PIC between Museum MACAN and each Ticketing Partner
- To discuss, negotiation and manage commission, contract and other details in relation to Museum MACAN partnership with all Ticketing partners (with Head of Communication and Head of Facilities & Operational Planning supervision)
- To distribute information and conduct trainings in regards to the latest updates from Ticketing Partner to VSO and Frontliner Team
- To compile and submit regular report and incident report in relation to Ticketing Partner challenges and issues
- To compile monthly invoices and sales recap from each Ticketing Partner and to communicate with Finance Department in regards to the issuing of these paperwork
- To submit monthly Ticketing sales report to Head of Department
- Minimum 3+ years of Visitor Management and/or Customer Service Experience
- Knowledge about museum, heritage, gallery or other similar fields is a plus point
- Carries in-depth understanding about visitor service principles, practices and procedures
- Good understanding about museum/tourist attraction audiences.
- Experience with personnel and budget management, staff development and training and team-building
- Strong organizational skills. Experience in managing or leading staff teams and/or volunteers
- Proficiency in Ms. Word, Ms. Excel, PowerPoints and other office, research, report and administration programs/software
- Exceptional communication skills with proficiency in English and Indonesian, spoken and written
- Able to demonstrate good time-management skills, strength in completing task, being proactive, adaptative, and accountable.
- Ability and willingness to work a flexible schedule, including weekends, evenings, or holidays as needed
Jenis Pekerjaan: Penuh Waktu, Kontrak
Panjang kontrak: 12 bulan
Gaji: Rp3.500.000 - Rp4.000.000 per bulan
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